Distinguished lecture on the constitutional right to a stable climate system
In the face of irreversible climate tipping points and the failure of statutory law to control carbon dioxide pollution, youth around the world are suing their governments to act before it is too late. The campaign, called Atmospheric Trust Litigation, recently won a landmark ruling from a federal district court declaring a constitutional right to a stable climate system.
Professor Mary Wood, University of Oregon School of Law, discusses this litigation in the context of climate urgency and the federal government’s policy to spur production of fossil fuels at the Getches-Wilkinson Center's 2017 Distinguished Lecture titled "Atmospheric Trust Litigation: Securing a Constitutional Right to a Stable Climate System."
Wood is the Philip H. Knight Professor and the faculty director of the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Center at the University of Oregon.
Wednesday, Sept. 20, 5:30 p.m.
Wolf Law Building, Wittemyer Courtroom