For grad students: Don’t miss these upcoming graduation deadlines
Doctoral and master's students, mark your calendars for these approaching graduation deadlines. Find full details on the Graduate School website.
April 16
PhD students must submit the dissertation with Thesis Approval Form (TAF) to ProQuest.
PhD and DMA students must fill out the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) online.
Master's students must complete the thesis defense or final examination by this date. Notice of the examination must be provided to the Graduate School using the master's final examination form two weeks before the exam.
April 22
Doctoral grade changes must be submitted for incomplete courses taken during previous or current semesters.
April 23
Master's thesis plan students must submit the thesis and Thesis Approval Form (TAF) to ProQuest.
April 28
Doctoral students must update diploma name or address in Buff Portal if necessary.
April 29
Master’s grade changes must be submitted for incomplete courses taken during previous semesters.
May 31
Master’s students must update diploma name or address in Buff Portal if necessary.