Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Students: Get free tickets for Joker or Zombieland: Double Tap

Nov. 1 update: Student tickets are sold out.

Come enjoy a free movie and a fun night out this Friday night! Students can pick up tickets in the Center for Student Involvement, UMC 330, on Thursday, Oct. 31, and Friday, Nov. 1, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Two tickets will be given per CU Boulder student present with a Buff OneCard. There are a limited number of tickets, so they will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.  

Join a paid sleep study

Hello world

Are you aged 18–35 and healthy? 

CU Boulder is seeking participants for a research study investigating how sleep loss affects decision-making and your body’s ability to digest and process the foods you eat. 

Participants must be healthy adults, ages 18–35, who normally sleep less than 6.5 hours per night during the school/workweek. Participants will complete six laboratory visits at the CU Boulder Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory and six weeks of at-home sleep monitoring. Four of the visits will last between 0.5-2.5 hours and two of the visits will last about one day.

Compensation up to $750. Get study details.

For questions email the Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory at sleep.study@colorado.edu and ask about the RADS study.

Get reduced-price tickets to see David Sedaris at Macky

David Sedaris

Beginning at midnight on Thursday, Oct. 24, all remaining seats for comedian David Sedaris's show this Saturday, Oct. 26, at Macky Auditorium will be available to CU community members for just $30 (plus fees).

Online only when you use the code "BOULDER." Ends at noon Saturday.

Election information presentation

Attend this Boulder County Elections Division presentation to learn about how your local elections office ensures an efficient, accurate and secure election. The presentation will include information about the next four upcoming elections, ballot processing basics, voter statistics, recent legislative impacts on elections and election security.

If you go

  • Who: First-time voters or anyone interested in voting in Boulder County or simply interested in elections
  • What: Four Elections in 12 Months – What you need to know as a voter, plus voter statistics, election security, legislative changes and more! Presented by Molly Fitzpatrick, Boulder County clerk and recorder.
  • When: Wednesday, Oct. 23, 4 p.m.
  • Where: Hellems, Room 199
  • RSVP: Requested but not required

The presentation and Q&A session are expected to last about one hour.

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity offers resources for grad students, postdocs

Graduate students and postdocs are invited to explore the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) website for writing programs, guest expert webinars, multi-week courses, professional reminders, a dissertation success program, peer mentoring and more. With CU Boulder’s institutional membership, most of the resources offered are free of charge.

For more information, contact Mignon Macias at mignon.macias@colorado.edu.

Applications for graduate student hearing officer position due Oct. 25

This 12-hour-per-week position with the Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution Office is responsible for engaging in reflective, restorative and educational dialogues with students through the student conduct process.

To apply, search for position number 21872, through the CU Student Employment Site. Contact Daniel Easton at daniel.easton@colorado.edu for more information.

Lunchtime talk on imposter syndrome for grad students

Have you ever felt like an imposter? Join Leslie Blood, director of Graduate Community & Professional Development, for a lunchtime talk on the imposter syndrome, how it affects us and the skills and tools to overcome it.

This event is sponsored by Women in Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering (WiECEE). Refreshments provided.

If you go

Wednesday, Oct. 16
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Discovery Learning Center 1B65
1095 Regent Drive
Engineering Center Complex (NE corner)

Donate meal swipes on Oct. 16 for World Food Day

In honor of World Food Day, CU Boulder is hosting a Swipe It Forward event in its dining centers on Oct. 16 to donate meal swipes to Buffs in need. If you don’t always use all of your meal swipes each week, or think you can spare a swipe from your block meal plan, this is the perfect opportunity to put them to good use to help fight food insecurity on campus. 

Anyone with a weekly or a block meal plan can visit the C4C Dining Center, Village Center Dining, Alferd Packer Grill, The Alley, Sewall Dining Center or SEEC Cafe to participate in this initiative. Simply tell the cashier you'd like to donate a meal. One meal can be donated per person.

Don't have a meal plan, but still want to help? Donate here. Learn more about food assistance resources

Healthy adults needed for a treatment study

Researchers from the Neurophysiology of Movement Laboratory on the CU Boulder campus are conducting a study to investigate if electrical stimulation can improve walking and dexterity in persons with multiple sclerosis (MS).

You may be eligible to participate if you are:

  • Healthy with no history of neurological disorders
  • Match the age (30–64 years) and sex of a person with MS who has completed the study

The study involves two evaluation visits and nine treatment sessions (three times per week for three weeks):

  • Evaluation sessions (~1.5 hours each)
    • Familiarization 
    • Tests of mobility and muscle function
    • Answering questionnaire
  • Treatments (~90 minutes each)
    • TENS applied to sensory fibers in arm and leg muscles

Participants can earn up to $200 for completing the study.

If interested, contact mohammed.alenazy@colorado.edu or 303-492-4975 to learn more about the study.

November 2019 election is coming

Get election ready by registering or checking your voter registration. The last day for all Colorado voters to register/update their registration and still be mailed a ballot is Monday, Oct. 28.


If you plan to vote in Colorado, whether in Boulder or from your home county, please register or check the accuracy of your voter registration at www.govotecolorado.com.

If you don’t have a Colorado driver’s license/state ID, and you plan to vote in Boulder County, you can wait to register in-person with your Buff OneCard at the UMC Voter Service Center beginning Oct. 28 (this is only for voting in Boulder County—if you want to vote from another Colorado county, you must update your registration online/in your home county to get a mail ballot).

Live on campus?

Regardless of whether you are planning to vote in Colorado, the Boulder County Elections Division has important information on how you must list your on-campus address on your voter registration record in order to get your mail ballot. Visit the Boulder County Student Voting Guidelines page. If you need to register/update your registration in another state in order to get an absentee ballot, visit vote.gov.

Faculty, staff, community members

The Boulder County Elections Division recommends everyone periodically check their voter registration record to make sure it is current. This is especially important if you have moved in the last year, haven’t voted in a while, or traveled during a previous election period. Visit www.govotecolorado.com to look up your registration. 

National Student Day Oct. 10

Join the CU Book Store in celebration of National Student Day on Oct. 10. Students can enter to win a pair of bluetooth earbuds or a gift card! There also will be a free Buff gear giveaway for students from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., while supplies last (must present a valid Buff OneCard to participate).

Enter the International Photo Contest

Current study abroad students, recent study abroad returnees and current international students and scholars are welcome to submit their best photos by Oct. 20 for this contest celebrating International Education Week Nov. 18–22.

Each eligible student/scholar is welcome to submit up to three photo entries for a chance to win a prize. Entrants are encouraged to submit a photo that reflects International Education Week’s mission of promoting international and intercultural understanding.

The deadline to submit is 11:59 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20.