Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Volunteers needed: Study on preferred running speeds with assistive device

Participants are needed for a research study investigating how running with an assistive device affects energy expenditure and preferred running speeds. 

You may qualify if you:

  • Are between the ages of 18–55 
  • Can understand simple directions in English
  • Are a recreational runner
  • Have experience running overground and on a treadmill and can run at a pace of 10 minutes/mile for 30 minutes
  • Have no cardiovascular conditions or recent history (within one year) of surgery

Participation involves:

  • Up to three visits to the Neuromechanics Laboratory (ECSL 1B21) or Welker Laboratory (ECCE 1B28) in the Engineering Center located on the CU Boulder Main Campus
  • Fasting for two hours prior to the second and third visits
  • Walking and running on a self-pacing treadmill 

Compensation will be provided in the form of an Amazon gift card ($20–$30 depending on qualification/completion of study).

Questions? Contact Olivia Felton at olivia.felton@colorado.edu or 319-540-6486.

Take a basic life support certification course

Event poster with QR code

Learn Basic Life Support from CUEMS EMTs! In this class, you will learn how to respond to cardiac and respiratory emergencies. This American Heart Association class is perfect for if you are considering becoming an EMT or working in lifeguarding, child care, health care or public safety. 

This class will be held from 10a.m. to 2 p.m. on June 29 and is $50. Sign up before all spots are full!

Students: Get a $10 gift card for participating in research on campus transportation

Student riding a bike on campus

The Burleson Global Design Group is gathering student perspectives to investigate the links between student transportation modalities and feelings of well-being. We are recruiting participants who: have been a CU Boulder student within the last six months and have regularly attended in-person class, work, or activities on campus. Eligible students will participate in a one-time 30-minute interview with a member of our research team and will receive a $10 gift card.  

If you’re interested in volunteering, take the screening survey. If you have questions about the research, you can contact the principal investigator at grace.burleson@colorado.edu.  

Sign up for the Supporting Student Resiliency series

The Supporting Student Resiliency Professional Development Series provides CU faculty and staff with concrete skills to better support students. The trainings will be offered via Zoom on Thursdays from 11 a.m. to noon. 

  • Introduction to Motivational Interviewing (July 18)
  • Supporting Survivors (responding in a trauma-informed way to someone who discloses trauma) (July 25)
  • Supporting Student Mental Health (Aug. 1) 

Faculty and staff can attend any individual session; those attending all three will receive a nondegree certificate of completion.

Learn more and/or sign up.

Chronic back pain? Participants needed for research study

person touching painful area on his back

The Pain Lab at CU Boulder, affiliated with the Institute of Cognitive Science, is seeking participants ages 21–70 for a research study with noninvasive wearable sensors.

You may be eligible if you have experienced back pain for the last three-plus months. Participants will be compensated up to $360.

If you're interested, fill out the eligibility screening form. We will contact you regarding your eligibility.

ICYMI: July 5 is a paid administrative leave day

Friday, July 5, will be a paid administrative leave day for the CU Boulder campus, aligning with Gov. Jared Polis’s decision to observe the day as an additional state holiday in conjunction with Independence Day on Thursday, July 4. 

Due to the academic calendar, classes and finals will still be held on July 5 and should not be canceled by instructors. Libraries will remain open, and buildings hosting classes or finals will remain accessible. Administrative offices will be closed, and most faculty and staff will be away from their work.

Read the full communication. 

Volunteers needed for study on CBD and mood health

The Research on Affective Disorders and Development Lab is conducting research on the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on mood and behavior. We are recruiting research participants ages 18–35.

The study includes a few different parts:

  • You will answer short twice-daily surveys for six weeks on your mobile device.
  • You will complete three in-person research visits, each including an interview about life experiences, a set of computer games, and a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scan.
  • You will select and use a CBD product for up to six weeks.

The study takes place over the course of six to eight weeks, and you will be compensated for your participation (maximum of $863–$1,038 for completing all parts of the study).

If you want to learn more, contact the RADD Lab at raddlab@colorado.edu or 303-735-8306, or go to our website to fill out the initial eligibility screening.

Campus building access on the Juneteenth holiday

On Wednesday, June 19, the CU Boulder campus will be closed in observance of Juneteenth, which is a new state holiday this year. Please keep in mind that:

  • Most campus buildings will be closed.
  • Buildings with scheduled events happening on that day will be open to accommodate attendance.
  • Building access will only be available for affiliates with Buff OneCards who have been provisioned for 24/7 access to their respective facilities.

Visit the Campus Building Access page for more information.

Buff Pantry closed starting June 15

The Buff Pantry will be closed starting June 15 due to construction in the basement of the UMC. We understand that many students rely on the Buff Pantry to support their access to food during the summer and apologize for the disruption. The Basic Needs Center will continue to operate with regular summer hours and will be available to help students connect with additional resources during this time.

Seeking volunteers for study on static stretching

Did you know that stretching can impact even the muscles you didn't stretch?

The Neurophysiology of Movement Laboratory is conducting a study to evaluate how stretching affects the neuromuscular function of the non-stretched muscles.

We are looking for healthy men between 18 and 55 years, without neurological impairments or recent lower-limb injuries.

The study involves a two-hour visit to our lab on the CU Boulder Main Campus and includes $25 compensation for your time and effort.

If interested, please call 303-875-2516 or email nicholas.toninelli@colorado.edu and reference the stretching study.

Paid online research opportunity: Survey for managers

Calling all managers/supervisors! My research team and I are working on a project to better understand your daily experiences at work. 

For this study, we will ask you to complete three 2-minute surveys a day, for a period of 10 days, as well as a 15-minute baseline survey at the beginning of the 10-day period. 

You will receive monetary compensation for each survey you complete, with a total possible compensation of $70 in Tango gift card credit (to be used at a retailer of your choice, including a Visa or Mastercard prepaid card) for completing this study. See all retail options. 

You will receive $5 for your participation in the baseline survey and an additional $1 for participation in each daily survey (three surveys per day for 10 days) and a $2 bonus for every full day you complete (up to $5 each day). If you complete 80% or more of the daily surveys (24 out of 30), you will receive a $15 bonus (in gift card credit). 


  • Full-time working professional 
  • Currently working as a manager with at least one direct report
  • Having daily interactions with their direct report(s) (this can be virtual or in-person)
  • 18 years of age or older
  • Located in the United States
  • Able to complete three daily surveys for a period of two work weeks

The daily surveys will be taken once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening over a period of two work weeks in July. 

This opportunity is only available to the first 90 participants who sign up and qualify. Take the first survey to see if you are eligible.

Reach out to Christina Lacerenza at clacerenza@colorado.edu or Rebecca Mitchell at remi2720@colorado.edu if you have additional questions. 

Thank you for your support!

Paid online research opportunity: Maternal communication study

We are writing to invite you to participate in an online language production study conducted via Zoom at a time that is convenient for you. 

The study is open to mothers of 3- to 5-year-old children who are acquiring English as a first language.

You will engage in a task in which you will be shown simple animated actions on a screen (e.g., putting an object on a table) and asked to instruct a hypothetical child or adult listener to perform those actions using props. The total time for the study is 40-45 minutes or less, depending on number of breaks. 

We will send you a $20 Amazon gift card within one to two weeks of study completion (and a $5 gift card even if you complete only part of the study). 

Interested? Contact us at ldclab.boulder@colorado.edu.

Campus treating Japanese knotweed infestation along Boulder Creek Path

On June 13 and 14, Facilities Management Outdoor Services will conduct a targeted application on Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica), which has been identified along the Boulder Creek Path between 17th Street and Folsom Street. Work will occur primarily in the area of Grandview Avenue near Athens North and the Athletics Practice Field, as well as closer to Folsom Street. 

Japanese knotweed, which is native to Asia, are bright green, bamboo-like perennial plants that grow 5–16 feet tall. Infestations can clog small waterways and displace native vegetation, increasing bank erosion. Because they can spread and resprout from roots or root fragments, hand pulling is not considered an acceptable treatment methodology by the Colorado Department of Agriculture. Japanese knotweed is designated as a “List A” species in the Colorado Noxious Weed Act, and this invasive species is required to be eradicated wherever it is found in the state. 

The applications will occur in the morning before the temperature climbs on June 13 and 14, depending on the weather. The product being used, Vastlan, is a selective post-emergent herbicide with an EPA Reg. No. 62719-687. Guidelines for pesticide use are described generally in the campus Pest Control Policy. Because of the aggressive nature of this particular invasive species, future applications will likely be required, and the area will be monitored for several years.

An outside vendor, Habitat Management Inc., has been hired to conduct the applications based on their demonstrated track record of conducting targeted applications on invasive plant species, along with their current relationship with the city of Boulder for invasive weed control. 

To further ensure the highest standard of health and environmental protection, Facilities Management staff will accompany the contracted applicators to ensure only predetermined locations receive a treatment, applications are stopped during high wind gusts and/or sustained wind events, applications are halted as pedestrians pass by and that all necessary precautions are taken to avoid non-target impacts.

Yellow application notice flags will be placed to indicate where the application was made. Law requires that these flags remain in place for 24 hours after an application has been made. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jessica Bradley, director of Facilities Services.