Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Join study: Energy costs of reaching and walking

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate the amount of energy it requires individuals to move. We will evaluate the energy demands of both arm reaching and walking.

Main eligibility requirements:

  • 35–55 years of age
  • Able to walk without the use of a cane/walking aid
  • Able to participate in two evaluation sessions (about a week apart) at CU Boulder

Participants will be compensated up to $200 for their time.

Subjects needed for study investigating effects of electrical stimulation on walking, balance

Researchers in the Neurophysiology of Movement Lab on Main Campus are conducting a study to evaluate the influence of light electrical stimulation on walking and balance capabilities in healthy adults. 

Subject requirements:

  • 65–85 years of age
  • Free from neurological impairments
  • No recent lower body injuries 
  • Ability to walk for six minutes unaided

The study consists of two visits to CU Boulder Main Campus on separate days (approximately 2.5 hours each):

  • In each session, we will apply mild electrical stimulation using a TENS device and assess subjects' walking and balance capabilities.
  • Compensation: $50 for the two visits

If interested, please contact Mohammed Alenazy for more information: moal4255@colorado.edu, 720-231-9767.

Participate in the Mindful Campus Program

We are seeking current CU undergraduates of all majors and backgrounds to participate in a research study investigating the Mindful Campus Program, an eight-week course designed to promote mindfulness, compassion and community engagement. 
You can earn up to $220–225 by participating in this study.
Participants will attend eight 90-minute sessions (these will be held in person or remotely, depending on the group), complete surveys at three time points, and participate in focus groups to give feedback on the Mindful Campus Program. You must be 18 years old or older to participate. The IRB protocol number for this study is 21-0001.

By participating in this research, you will not only have the opportunity to learn and practice in a community setting, but also you may contribute to the creation of programs and policies to support undergraduate wellness and CU Boulder. Please reach out if you’re interested in learning about sections of the Mindful Campus course specifically for BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+ students. 

Please send an email to mindfulcampus@colorado.edu if you’re interested in learning more, or sign up to participate.

Participate in paid research study, get a picture of your brain

Adolescence is a significant period for brain development, during which certain individuals may be at a higher risk for experiencing stress and mood problems. The goal of the RRAY study is to learn about how certain cognitive abilities might make individuals more vulnerable or resilient in the face of stressful life events.

We are recruiting all teens age 13–19 for this two-year study. The study involves two study visits a year apart at our laboratory in Boulder, each lasting about six hours. During these visits you will be interviewed about your life experiences; you will complete some computer games that involve paying attention and learning; you will have a neuroimaging scan while you either rest quietly or play computer games; and you will answer a set of surveys on a computer. 

Also as part of the study, you will complete a set of online surveys and a brief telephone interview once every three months (five times total during the two-year study participation).  At the end of the study, you will have a final telephone interview, lasting about two hours.

You can earn up to $1,335 for completing all parts of the study, and get to take home a picture of your brain!

Sound interesting? Contact us to participate!

Paid opinion research opportunity available for resident 1st- and 2nd-year undergraduates

Strategic Relations and Communications seeks resident undergraduates to participate in an hour focus group on either Wednesday, Feb. 2, or Monday, Feb. 7. The focus groups will be held on Zoom.

As a token of appreciation, we are offering each participant a $20 Amazon gift card.

Please use the link below to find a date and time that works for you and reserve your spot. Participation will be on a first-come, first-served basis—so sign up today!

Deadlines coming up for campus experiential learning opportunities and funding

We’re happy you’re back and encourage you to keep these deadlines for our experiential learning programs in mind.

McNair Scholars Program
Deadline: Jan. 30
Community-Engaged Scholar Grants
Deadline: Feb. 4, 2022

Norlin Scholars, Rising Jr. Scholarship
Deadline: Feb. 15
UROP Student Grants
Deadline: Feb. 18

BSI Scholars Program
Deadline: Feb. 28

Deadline: March 28

Check out UROP’s Curiosity Lab to learn more about experiential learning opportunities like these and more!

Be a part of exciting new research on hearing

The University of Colorado Hearing Research Lab is seeking adults ages 18 and older with normal hearing or with hearing loss to participate in a study on the perception of noisy speech that has been processed in a way that mimics hearing aids. Testing will include listening to speech over earphones and will take place over three visits. Participants will receive a free hearing test to determine if they quality for the study and will be compensated for their time. For more information, please contact us: hearlab@colorado.edu or 303-492-0067.

Participate in the Mindful Campus Program

We are seeking current CU undergraduates of all majors and backgrounds to participate in a research study investigating the Mindful Campus Program, an eight-week course designed to promote mindfulness, compassion and community engagement. 
You can earn up to $220–225 by participating in this study.
Participants will attend eight 90-minute sessions (these will be held in person or remotely, depending on the group), complete surveys at three time points, and participate in focus groups to give feedback on the Mindful Campus Program. You must be 18 years old or older to participate. The IRB protocol number for this study is 21-0001.

By participating in this research, you will not only have the opportunity to learn and practice in a community setting, but also you may contribute to the creation of programs and policies to support undergraduate wellness and CU Boulder. Please reach out if you’re interested in learning about sections of the Mindful Campus course specifically for BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+ students. 

Please send an email to mindfulcampus@colorado.edu if you’re interested in learning more, or sign up to participate.

Join the UROP review board

UROP needs your help scoring student and faculty grant proposals this March. If you are interested in serving on the review board, read more information and sign up using the interest form at any time. UROP will contact the interest list in late February to confirm and provide additional instructions.

Want to go to grad school?

The 2022–23 McNair Scholars application is now open to all current eligible sophomores and juniors. The McNair Scholars Program is a federal TRiO Program at 187 universities across the United States. The two-year program is designed to prepare carefully selected undergraduates from underrepresented backgrounds with high academic potential who are committed to attending graduate school to earn a PhD or EdD.

Deadline to apply is Sunday, Jan. 30. Apply via Canvas.

Current sophomores and juniors are invited to our virtual informational sessions, where we can explain more about the program and answer any questions you may have. Info sessions are held via Zoom

Our virtual information sessions will be held on:

  • Thursday, Jan. 13, 12:30–1 p.m.
  • Friday, Jan. 14, 12–12:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Jan. 18, 5–5:30 p.m. 
  • Wednesday, Jan. 19, 12:30–1 p.m.

As a McNair Research Scholar, students receive the following benefits that will set them apart for graduate school admission:

  • $2,800 stipend to support a research internship during the summer between your junior and senior year
  • Paid tuition to complete a 3-credit McNair course in grant writing, plus $1,100 for living expenses
  • Paid travel to research conferences and support of other McNair Scholars, locally and nationally
  • Paid travel to visit prospective graduate school programs
  • Research mentorship with a CU faculty member in your field
  • Mentoring from current graduate students in your field and in related fields
  • GRE preparation course and GRE exam fee reduction waivers
  • Workshops focused on preparing competitive application into graduate study
  • Fee waivers for graduate school admission applications

Undergraduates: Get $20 to participate in a focus group

Strategic Relations and Communications seeks undergraduates to participate in 75- to 90-minute focus groups being held between Dec. 2 and Dec. 7. The focus groups will be conveniently held on Zoom.

We want to hear your opinions about different CU Boulder communications and branding. Participation is confidential, and all responses will be anonymous. 

As a token of appreciation, we are offering each participant a $20 Amazon gift card.

Please use the link below to find a date and time that works for you and reserve your spot. Participation will be on a first-come, first-served basis––so sign up today!