CU Soundwalks: Participate in student research project in February

We are recruiting participants for a research study. You may be eligible if you are 18 years or older and are a member of the CU Boulder community (faculty, staff, student or alumni). 

Along with a small group, you will walk to several locations on campus; and at each location, you will fill out a survey about your perception of sounds you hear in each location. You will be provided with a survey and pen/pencil.

The sound walk will take about one hour.  For your participation, you may choose to be entered into a drawing for $25 gift cards.  

The study will be held outside on the CU Boulder campus. You will meet the rest of the group at the buffalo statue outside of Folsom Field, and from there the group will move to the other selected locations.

Currently, we are recruiting for sound walk sessions the week of Feb. 20 (weather permitting). Sign up and get more information.