Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Overall CU retirement plans fees lowered by 50%

A new recordkeeping and administrative fee structure for the University of Colorado 401(a) Mandatory Retirement Plan, CU 403(b) Voluntary Retirement Plan and Student Employee Retirement Plan (SERP) will debut on Oct. 1.

This change reduces overall fees paid by CU faculty and staff by nearly 50%. The fixed-dollar, per-participant fee structure ensures each plan participant pays a fair, reasonable cost for the plan services provided.

Each participant will pay a single flat fee, based on their total account balance in all their CU retirement plan accounts. Fees will range from $0 to $186 annually.

Sweet swag! Get CU swag and learn about zero waste on campus

sustainable CU-branded swag

As we increase our on-campus presence, and once again strive to reach our campus zero waste goal, a habit worth reviving is that of properly sorting our recyclables, compost and waste. Facilities Management is pleased to offer a new outreach program that you and your colleagues will find engaging, fun and highly informative.

For groups of 4–12, we’ll start with a brief presentation, followed by some mock recycling (where you are guaranteed to learn something you didn’t know before). Then we will take you on a tour of the on-campus recycling facility, do some Q&As and hand out some sweet sustainable CU-branded swag.

What better way to spend an hour? Round up your campus colleagues, reach out to recycling@colorado.edu, and we will get you on the schedule.

Stop by the dean of students office hours Sept. 16 in UMC 308

The Office of the Dean of Students will be holding office hours at the University Memorial Center (UMC 308). These office hours serve as a way to ask questions, connect with our staff and learn about resources; no appointment needed!

Stop by between 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

  • Sept. 16
  • Oct. 21
  • Nov. 18
  • Dec. 16

Reach out for campus support resources

During these challenging times, many in the CU Boulder community may be looking to campus resources for assistance. Please know there are many in-person and virtual support and advocacy resources available to you.

Looking for things to do? Check out upcoming student events

Each semester, the Student Affairs offers hundreds of events, workshops and opportunities to get involved, meet fellow Buffs and have some fun! Events range from DIY nights and fitness classes to career fairs and watch parties, so there’s something for everyone.

Check back each week to see our current featured events and new offerings. We hope you’ll join us soon!

Join our candlelight research study

illustration of a candle stick

Join our candlelight research study: At Home Circadian Rhythm Assessment.

The purpose of the study is to examine circadian rhythms in the home environment under typical home lighting conditions versus under candlelight conditions after sunset. This work will have important implications for the development of strategies to measure circadian rhythms outside of the laboratory and how evening light exposure influences circadian timing.

We are looking for men and women, ages 18-65, to participate in an at-home monitoring research study that lasts approximately one week, with a total of two short visits at the Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory at CU Boulder. 

Compensation up to $250.

Get more study details and information on how to apply.

If you have any other questions, please email sleep.study@colorado.edu and ask about the candlelight study.

On-Campus Student Job Fair happening Sept. 14 in the UMC

Looking for an on-campus job? Come to this event to meet campus employers, explore opportunities and learn how to apply! The fair takes place from 4 to 6 p.m. in the UMC.

Hourly and work-study positions available. Open to all current undergraduate and graduate students.

Elections to close Sept. 14 for Boulder Faculty Assembly seats

The Boulder Faculty Assembly has announced a call for nominations for fall 2021 BFA elections. External elections are open to all CU Boulder eligible faculty for seat vacancies on BFA standing committees.

Nominations should be sent to Adam Norris at bfa@colorado.edu by Tuesday, Sept. 14 before midnight.

Additional information is available on the BFA Elections webpage.

Earn money, contribute to science and get a picture of your brain!

The Intermountain Neuorimaging Consortium (INC) is a brain imaging research facility in the Institute of Cognitive Science at CU Boulder. We use MRI scans to study how the brain works and how the brain changes across the lifespan. We currently have six to seven studies that are looking for participants from a range of ages across the Denver metro area. If you have always wanted to see what your brain looks like or would simply like to contribute to neuroscience research in Colorado, please see our website for more details on specific studies that are currently recruiting participants.

Research study: Light at night and pupil size in children and adolescents

The CU Boulder Sleep and Development Lab is looking for participants for a research study to learn about how light exposure in the evening affects pupil size in children and adolescents. We need children ages 8-9.9 or 15-16.9 years who are healthy and have no sleep problems for a 6-day study, requiring one short visit to our lab (approximately 2 hours). Families will be compensated for participating.

For more information, contact the Sleep and Development Laboratory at sleepdev@colorado.edu or visit our website.