Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Want to support the student body and campus community? Become a CU Restorative Justice facilitator

The CU Restorative Justice (CURJ) facilitator training starts Feb. 23.

As a facilitator, you will create an open and safe space for student and community representatives by being an unbiased, leading figure during the restorative justice process, which helps to address the relationship between victims, offenders and the community in a way that repairs the impacts of an incident, holds the offender accountable for their actions and builds community. Additionally, you will be constructively keeping everyone on track to restore ties with the community and help mend any harm.

The training educates students, faculty, staff and community members on restorative justice processes and facilitating dialogue. You will come away from the training with knowledge on:

  • Learning to address harm in a restorative justice process
  • Facilitation skills and active listening
  • People-centered restorative justice, role plays and DEI training

Sign up for the training, or email curj@colorado.edu with any questions.

Academic service opportunity for faculty, staff—help recruit and retain

Faculty and staff are invited to assist the Undergraduate Enrichment Programs in meeting campus goals for recruitment, retention and success by participating in one or more of these upcoming opportunities. 

For faculty only: Meet with one or a group of Boettcher Scholarship finalists on Feb. 20 as part of a campus recruitment effort to show these students what CU has to offer. 

For both faculty and staff: Help select the fall 2023 Norlin Scholars by reading and scoring applications electronically during the last week of February. 

Get involved by registering today.

McNair Scholars Program accepting applications, offering info sessions

If you are a sophomore or junior interested in going to graduate school or getting a doctorate degree, please consider applying to be a McNair Scholar. 

The McNair Scholars Program is a federally funded TRIO program with the goal of increasing the attainment of doctoral degrees by first-generation, low-income students or students otherwise underrepresented in graduate education. 

Please plan to attend an information session on how to apply. All information sessions will be held in the Lucile Berkeley Buchanan Building, Room 332 (please note the room number has changed since the sessions were first announced).

  • Friday, Feb. 10, 4–4:30 p.m.
  • Friday, Feb. 17, 12:30–1 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 21, 4–4:30 p.m.
  • Friday, Feb. 24, 3–3:30 p.m.

To apply or learn more, visit the program website. If you have any questions, please reach out to mcnairscholars@colorado.edu. 

Registration open for Shakespeare summer camps ages 6–18

Students in costume on stage

The Colorado Shakespeare Festival offers summer camps for kids and teens on the CU Boulder campus to expand their understanding of Shakespeare through engagement and practice. 

Shakespeare's Sprites ages 6–9

Shakespeare's Sprites is a playful introduction to the Bard for ages 6–9. Discover the fun of Shakespeare through pool-noodle fights, silly insults, Renaissance songs and lively scene work. Each week culminates in a final showing for family and friends.

This program is the perfect way to instill a love of language and theater in your child. Students enrolled in Shakespeare’s Sprites should have basic reading skills. 

  • Session 1: July 10–14
  • Session 2: July 17–21

Camp Shakespeare ages 9–18

Each summer, the Colorado Shakespeare Festival invites kids ages 9-18 to CU Boulder’s campus to study Shakespeare with CSF professionals. Working in small groups, these students learn about Shakespeare by rehearsing, staging and performing a shortened play on the Outdoor Mary Rippon Stage.

Camp Shakespeare is a fabulous way for kids and teens to explore theater and Shakespeare in a creative and supportive environment. The session will culminate in free public performances on the Mary Rippon Outdoor Stage.

  • July 24–Aug. 11, noon–4 p.m. Monday–Friday

All camps take place on campus at CU Boulder. Sibling and multi-session discounts available. Learn more.

Free employee group fitness classes at the Rec

The Rec Center is offering free group fitness classes for staff and faculty. Classes will be twice per month, alternating between yoga and strength-based practices. All levels are welcome; no fitness experience required; and no Rec Center membership is required to participate.

Be prepared for Google file migrations

Automated moves of non-Google format files for students, faculty and staff who have Google Drives that are utilizing more than 5 gigabytes of storage are ongoing. Here’s how to check your Google storage and find the migrated files of collaborators.

Adults with normal hearing needed for hearing aid research

The Hearing Research Laboratory is recruiting participants for a research study on how different listening conditions affect our ability to perceive noisy speech that has been processed in a way that mimics state-of-the-art hearing aids. We are interested in determining how hearing aid settings can be optimized for speech understanding when we are listening with two ears in realistic environments. 

You may be eligible if you are aged 18 years or older with normal hearing.

What will you have to do? If you qualify, you will be presented speech and will repeat back the words/sentences that you hear. You will visit the Hearing Research Lab about three times.

How much time will it take? The study will include three visits over approximately two to three weeks, for a total of about four hours in the laboratory. We will schedule the visits at a time convenient for you. You will be paid $15 per hour for your time. You will also receive a free hearing test to determine if you qualify for the study.  

The study will be held in the Hearing Research Laboratory in the Department of Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences at 2501 Kittredge Loop Rd.

Contact hearlab@colorado.edu with any questions.

Call for proposals: UROP and the CU Boulder History Project

UROP logo

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) is excited about the CU Boulder History Project (CHP) and the potential of engaging students in the telling of our institution’s story. We invite students to submit student grant proposals and encourage faculty to submit team grant proposals related to the history of our campus.


Since 2021, the CHP has worked to provide a more complete and accurate telling of the institution’s history by drawing out new and diverse stories that deepen our understanding of our community’s strengths and flaws. The unearthing of this history in public and institutional archives is an interdisciplinary collaboration with students, alums, faculty and staff. 

Call for proposals

UROP encourages faculty to apply for team grants (up to $3,000) to support the participation of undergraduates in projects that advance the goals of the CHP. We seek proposals that address critical aspects of the work and engage students in meaningful ways. Proposals that create opportunities for underrepresented students will receive priority in the award process.


Tenured/tenure-track, research faculty and contract instructors at CU Boulder are eligible to apply for team grants. Graduate students or postdocs may serve in a supervisory role, but the faculty mentor must provide some direct mentoring. Participating students must be degree-seeking undergraduates at CU Boulder.


Apply by Feb. 17 for funding in summer 2023 and/or academic year 2023–24.

CU Soundwalks: Participate in student research project in February

We are recruiting participants for a research study. You may be eligible if you are 18 years or older and are a member of the CU Boulder community (faculty, staff, student or alumni). 

Along with a small group, you will walk to several locations on campus; and at each location, you will fill out a survey about your perception of sounds you hear in each location. You will be provided with a survey and pen/pencil.

The sound walk will take about one hour. For your participation, you may choose to be entered into a drawing for $25 gift cards.  

The study will be held outside on the CU Boulder campus. You will meet the rest of the group at the buffalo statue outside of Folsom Field, and from there the group will move to the other selected locations.

Currently, we are recruiting for sound walk sessions the week of Feb. 5 and the week of Feb. 12 (weather permitting). 

Learn more and sign up to participate.

Metastatic cancer patients invited to participate in study examining supportive care

Valued Living logo

Living with metastatic cancer? Avoiding planning for the future? Feeling down, distressed, or worried? Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers and CU Boulder are offering an online study for adults with metastatic cancer who are feeling anxious, down or distressed. 

The Valued Living Study compares a five-week online skills group to usual supportive care. Participants can earn up to $150. You may be eligible if you:

  • Have stage IV solid tumor cancer 
  • Feel anxious, down or distressed

We welcome individuals of any race, ethnicity, age, sex, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic status or national origin.

Please reach out to learn more! Email valuedliving@colorado.edu; call or text 720-515-9461.

Watch for crucial tax forms arriving in the mail; 2022 W-4 exemptions expire in February

University of Colorado employees can expect 2022 W-2 forms to be sent by Jan. 31 to the mailing address they have on file in the employee portal. Additionally, the 1095-C form reflecting their health care coverage will be mailed by March 2 to those eligible for health benefits last year. Both forms will be available in the portal shortly after they are released.

Read more on the Work/Life blog.

Mark your calendars: Graduation deadlines approaching for grad students

Graduate students, mark your calendars with these approaching graduation deadlines for spring 2023. 

Feb. 1 (preferred deadline)​

Master's students, especially bachelor's-accelerated master's and dual degree students, should submit a Candidacy Application for an Advanced Degree to the Graduate School. Applications follow a workflow process and must be approved by the academic department before they are directed to the Graduate School. 

March 1

Graduate students must apply online to graduate through Buff Portal on the “apply for graduation” card in order to have the degree awarded in May. This is required whether you plan to attend the university-wide ceremony or not. Doctoral students must enter their dissertation title as part of the online graduation application, and the title may be updated until this deadline. This title will appear on your transcript after your degree is awarded.

March 1 (final deadline)

​Master's students must submit a Candidacy Application for an Advanced Degree to the Graduate School if they have not already done so. Applications follow a workflow process and must be approved by the academic department before they are directed to the Graduate School.

Look ahead to April and May deadlines.

Worried about your child's academic, social or behavioral problems?

Affordable psychotherapy is available at the Raimy Clinic in the Muenzinger Psychology Building on the CU Boulder campus. Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help for children and adolescents who are struggling with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, ADHD or social and academic difficulties, among other problems. Special low rates are available for children of all full-time CU Boulder students, staff and faculty.

For more information, parents please call our intake coordinator Anna Gilmour at 303-492-5177, email raimy@colorado.edu or visit our website.