Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Sunday bowling leagues at The Connection

The Connection offers Sunday bowling leagues for four-member teams from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Open to everyone! If you don’t have a team, we’ll find a spot for you. All leagues follow the single round-robin format, and first place wins the prize!

Registration deadline: Friday, Feb. 2

One-time registration fee of $50 per team; $5 weekly fee per bowler. Includes three games per night and shoe rental. A great value!

For parents: Cognitive Development Center offers fun research projects for kids

The Cognitive Development Center in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience is looking for children ages birth to 12 years old who are interested in playing games that will help teach us about self-control, language and cognitive strategies. 

A visit, scheduled at your convenience, lasts about 60 minutes. Babysitting is available for siblings. Parents are compensated for travel, and kids receive a fun prize.

To sign up, please do one of the following:

For more information, feel free to check out our Facebook page and website.

After-school Shakespeare classes, ages 8–18

Students performing "Pericles" on stage

Pericles: Shakespeare in Production, ages 12–18
10 weeks | Tuesdays, 4–5:30 p.m., Feb. 13–Apr. 24 | No class March 27 | $200

Part fairy tale, part soap opera, and part seafaring adventure (complete with pirates), this rarely performed play has something for everyone. In this 10-week class, students will rehearse an abridged version of Pericles and perform it for friends and family on April 24.

Mischief and Magic in Shakespeare, ages 8–12
10 weeks | Thursdays, 4–5:30 p.m., Feb. 15–April 26 | No class March 29 | $200

Do you love to stir up trouble? Prepare to get mischievous in this 10-week class, in which you'll explore Shakespeare's moments of mischief and magic in plays such as A Midsummer Night's DreamThe Tempest and The Comedy of Errors, among others.

Scholarships available; call for details. Use the faculty-staff coupon code "BUFFBARDC17" to save $20. Call 303-735-1181 for more information 

Education Abroad interest meeting: Florence

Perseus and Medusa statue, Florence, Italy

Global Seminar: Dante in Florence

Spend Maymester with CU Boulder’s Suzanne Magnanini in Italy, exploring Florence’s historic streets. Learn about Dante, his Inferno and paintings and frescoes inspired by the poem. 

The course fulfills upper-division Literature & the Arts core. You don't have to know any Italian to spend part of your summer studying in Italy! Come learn more at the informational meeting. See you there!

Tuesday, Jan. 30, 5 p.m.
Center for Community, room N215

Education Abroad interest meeting: Brazil

Hello world

Global Seminar: Conservation Biology & Practice in Brazil's Atlantic Forest

Earn 4 credits this May in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest on this exciting Global Seminar. Obtain hands-on experience in the principles and practice of conservation biology. Experience operational conservation programs in the Pontal do Paranapanema, participate in community-based conservation solutions, experience Iguaçu Falls National Park and much more! 

Students from a range of disciplines with an interest in conservation are encouraged to apply. Offered as EBIO 4340/5340 and ENVS 4340/5340, this course fulfills the EBIO Lab/Field and 4000-course major requirements and ENVS's application and specialization requirements. 

Learn more at an informational meeting with the director.

Wednesday, Jan. 31, 3:30–4:15 p.m.
Hellems Arts and Sciences, room 211

Education Abroad interest meeting: Prague

Cathedral in Prague

Global Seminar: Prague Past & Present

Want to travel around Prague and earn 3 credits this May? Join Professor Jennifer Fluri on this Maymester Global Seminar. You will explore the unique history and geography of the Czech Republic and conduct an independent research project. 

This course also has been approved for the Contemporary Societies A&S core. Learn more at the interest meeting. See you there!

Wednesday, Jan. 31, 5–5:30 p.m.
Center for Community, room S341

For parents: Research study for 2- to 7-year-olds

The Children’s Auditory Perception Laboratory is currently recruiting children between 2 and 7 years old for a research study to help us learn more about how children hear.

During the course of this study, your child will sit in a soundproof booth with an examiner and will listen to sounds presented over a loudspeaker or over earphones. To find out what your child can hear, we will teach him/her to make a response to a certain sound signal.

These responses will be play activities like putting a toy in a bucket or adding a block to a tower. We may use a mechanical toy whenever he/she responses to the sound. The signals will be presented in quiet and in various background sounds. The sounds we use are not loud. You will be able to sit inside the booth with your child or watch your child through an observation window.

As part of this study, your child will also receive a middle-ear screening at no cost to you. If at any time we discover any important hearing-related findings, we will report those findings to you and provide you with contact information for a complete hearing evaluation.

Two visits to the laboratory are required. Each visit lasts about one hour. You will receive $10 per hour, and we will pay your parking if you drive to the lab.

If you are interested, please email childhear@colorado.edu or call 303-735-6252.

The principal investigator for this research study is Angela Yarnell Bonino, PhD, Department Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. All testing will be completed in the Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) building on Main Campus.

Education Abroad interest meeting: Rome

Spiral stairs in Rome

Global Seminar: Culture Wars in Rome

Culture Wars in Rome is a two-week course led by Paul Diduch, an instructor in the CU Boulder Herbst Program of Humanities. Students earn 3 humanities (or elective) credits through lectures and visits to major sites in and near Rome. 

Spend your Maymester walking, talking, eating and exploring in central Rome! Attend an informational meeting with the director and past participants to learn more.

Wednesday, Jan. 31, 5–5:30 p.m.
Engineering Center, room 1B08

Need to increase your cardio? Participate in a research study!

Hello world

Reason for this study: The goal of this research is to help researchers identify strategies people can use to change their experience of cardiovascular exercise.

What you will do: 

  • One laboratory session including: survey, fitness test, learning a strategy and 30-minute supervised exercise session
  • Two weeks of exercise on your own while filling out short daily surveys
  • One survey at the end of the study


  • $10 for the laboratory session
  • $1 per day for filling out daily surveys (up to $14)
  • $5 for the follow-up survey

Who can be in the study: 

You should be between the ages of 18 and 40. You should not be doing regular cardiovascular exercise; this study is for people who do not frequently exercise right now. You should be willing to start a cardiovascular exercise program that involves walking, hiking, jogging or running. You should not have any health problems that prevent you from exercising safely.

Please email us at gillmanresearch@gmail.com if you would like to be in the study (please leave your email and a phone number), or you can go directly to our screening form to learn more and see if you are eligible to be in the study. 

Education Abroad interest meeting: London

London, England

Global Seminar: Accounting in a Global Economy

Spend two weeks next summer on this Global Seminar in London and complete ACCT 3700! Build an understanding of how the global economy affects financial reporting and legal-transfer pricing strategies for multinational corporations. 

Learn more at the informational meeting with the director Josh Neil. 

Wednesday, Jan. 31, 5 p.m. 
Koelbel Building, room 325

For parents: Cognitive Research Center offers fun research projects for kids

The Cognitive Development Center in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience is looking for children age birth to 12 years old who are interested in playing games that will help teach us about self-control, language and cognitive strategies. 

A visit, scheduled at your convenience, lasts about 60 minutes. Babysitting is available for siblings. Parents are compensated for travel, and kids receive a fun prize. 

To sign up, please do one of the following: 

  • Visit our website.
  • Email  cogdevctr@colorado.edu with your child’s name, gender, date of birth, and parent contact information (address, phone number, email address).
  • Call us at 303-492-6389.

For more information, feel free to check out our Facebook page and website.  

Education Abroad interest meeting: South Africa

Group photo in South Africa

Summer Entrepreneur Global Seminar in South Africa

Want to spend your summer in South Africa gaining hands-on experience as a consultant? Earn 6 credits in 6 weeks while helping disadvantaged entrepreneurs in the townships surrounding Cape Town. Students form consulting teams with local South African students to develop tangible and practical deliverables for clients. Make a difference and enhance your résumé! 

Led by Erick Mueller, students earn 6 upper-division credit hours for INBU 4925. Credit counts toward business electives, fulfills the Global Experience requirement for the Global Business Certificate or counts as internship credit for both the Entrepreneurship Certificate as well as the Cross Campus Entrepreneurship Certificate. 

Open to all majors. Learn more at the interest meeting.
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 5 p.m.
Koelbel Building, room 203