Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Thank you, CU Boulder student employees!

Student Employee Appreciation Week runs through April 16. CU Boulder has several thousand student employees who perform countless services with enthusiasm, dedication and initiative. The university community depends on their contributions for the efficient and effective operation of CU Boulder. Whether they’re working in-person or remotely, the goal is to celebrate and acknowledge our valued student employees in new and exciting ways.

2023 Student Employee of the Year
Each year we recognize students who have demonstrated exemplary work, choosing one Student Employee of the Year. Join us in celebrating our 2023 Student Employee of the Year, Monserrat Estrada Martin.

Sign up for the Honors Sidewalk Symposium by April 20

Hello world

The annual Sidewalk Symposium invites undergraduates to create and share their research and creative work with chalk on campus walkways—with the help of a professional artist. 

This spring, UROP and the Arts & Sciences Honors Program present the first Honors Sidewalk Symposium and invite the campus community to participate—and check out the art! All CU Boulder undergraduates engaged in campus research and creative projects are encouraged to participate.

The Honors Sidewalk Symposium will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, April 21, in the Visual Arts Complex (VAC) plaza. Learn more and sign up to participate. The deadline to register is April 20.

Shakespeare & Violence Prevention showcase on April 16

performers on stage

The Colorado Shakespeare Festival invites you to learn about the innovative Shakespeare & Violence Prevention program and its impact from experts in the field.

If you go

Sunday, April 16, 3:30–5:30 p.m.
Boulder Jewish Community Center at 6007 Oreg Ave.
The Colorado Shakespeare Festival’s touring company will perform a 45-minute Merchant of Venice production followed by a panel discussion with:

  • The Colorado Shakespeare Festival
  • The Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
  • A graduate student in CU Boulder's certificate in Jewish Studies
  • The Anti-Defamation League’s No Place for Hate program

In the post-show conversation, panelists will discuss the intersections of violence prevention research, bias and discrimination, antisemitism and applied theatre. The event is free to the public; advance registration required.

Submit nominations for UROP’s mentor award by April 14

UROP logo

UROP's Faculty Mentor Award recognizes campus faculty supporting undergraduates on research and creative projects.


Tenured/tenure-track, research faculty and contract instructors at CU Boulder and CU Anschutz are eligible for UROP's mentor award.

Students are invited to nominate their mentors regardless of program funding, and we welcome submissions from early-stage researchers and creative practitioners. Students are able to submit group nominations by including a list of additional contributors on the nomination form.

Award and recognition

To support their work, award recipients will have the option to award an assistantship to an eligible undergraduate of their choosing in the next grant cycle.

Nominations are due by 5 p.m. on April 14. Nominate today!

Seeking CU's excellent students for graduate scholarship opportunities in the UK

Students interested in applying for U.K. scholarships, including the Rhodes, Marshall and Churchill, are invited to attend an informational meeting at 5 p.m. April 13 via Zoom.

These exceptional scholarships fund one to three years of graduate study in the U.K. at Oxford and other universities in any field. Students wishing to enter a U.K. university in 2024 must apply by Aug. 15, 2023, to be considered for nomination. Anyone can attend the meeting to learn more. 

General qualifications: GPA of 3.7 or higher, demonstrated leadership and sustained community involvement. 

CU NightRide is hiring!

CU NightRide: We're hiring!

CU NightRide is a student-operated program dedicated to meeting the safety needs of CU students, faculty and staff by providing nighttime transportation to support a safe academic and socially responsible environment, both on campus and in the community.

CU NightRide is hiring driver/dispatchers to take calls, coordinate rides and drive within the city of Boulder. We’re looking for students who are confident and safe behind the wheel, friendly, courteous, non-judgmental, caring and skilled at multitasking.

Driver/dispatcher (Student Assistant I)

  • $15 per hour, 10–20 hours/week
  • Flexible schedule
  • Growth opportunities
  • Listen to your own music

Take the travel demand survey for future CO 119 Bus Rapid Transit

The CO 119 BRT project will optimize regional connectivity and mobility between Boulder and Longmont by providing improvements that result in faster, safer and more reliable transit travel. Results of this survey will help guide the service plan and provide important input into the travel demand and patterns for transit riders between the cities of Longmont and Boulder. 
The blue line will be the core routing of the new service between the cities of Longmont and Boulder and will operate seven days a week; it will replace the current Route BOLT. The orange line will operate on weekdays in the a.m. and p.m. peak only, replacing the currently suspended Route J.

Boulder remembrance to be held evening of March 22

People hold hands outdoors near a sidewalk; one has a bouquet of flowers.

The city of Boulder, along with several local partners, will be holding a remembrance event to mark the two years that have passed since the March 22, 2021, mass shooting in Boulder. That day, Boulder lost 10 community members.

Join in person at eTown Hall (1535 Spruce St.) or via livestream. The event is free and open to the public. Advance registration required.

You could be the cure: Visit Be the Match tables on campus

Be the Match flyer.

Join Be The Match efforts from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on campus now through March 22.

Help add new potential blood stem cell donors to the registry. Why? Because every three to four minutes in the United States someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer or blood disorder, and it could be you or someone you love. Seventy percent of patients need an unrelated donor to treat their disease.

The cure is literally in you, and 90 percent of the time, donation is similar to giving platelets or plasma. Be on the look out for tables across campus––at the UMC, Rec Center, Engineering Center, C4C and Farrand Field––through March 22 

Register for Intro to River Kayaking

Outdoor Pursuits at the Rec Center offers a number of kayaking courses. Most of these courses take place in the Clare Pool of the Rec Center, but they are designed to prepare participants for kayaking outdoors on rivers and lakes.

Intro to River Kayaking will allow you to practice all of your pool skills on moving water. You will learn about equipment requirements, how to scout and run rapids as well as other essential skills. Kayak equipment and transportation is provided.


  • Must first attend at least one Kayak Roll Session; highly encouraged to take the Beginning Kayak pool class too
  • Must be able to swim
  • Must be able to hold your breath for at least 10 seconds under water

The course will take place Saturday, April 23, at Clear Creek. Registration deadline is 5 p.m. April 19. Course fee is $90.