If you’re moving out of or into an off-campus residence this week, be aware of Boulder trash ordinances. Make sure to properly dispose of any items you are getting rid of. Large items will not be picked up with regular trash, and abandoning those items can result in up to $1,000 in fines.
Here's what you should and should not do when throwing out your things.
- Place unwanted items fully inside a designated dumpster.
- Wait for the dumpster to be emptied if it is currently full.
- Wait up to 60 minutes for a dumpster to be replaced if it’s been temporarily taken for emptying.
- Leave unwanted items on the ground or to the side of the dumpster.
- Dispose of construction-related or other non-household items.
- Leave items in non-designated areas, such as yards or the sidewalk.
Many items you may be getting rid of can be recycled. Visit Off-Campus Housing & Neighborhood Relations for resources to recycle, donate or sell your items.