Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Become a driver with CU NightRide

CU NightRide- we're hiring!

CU NightRide is a student-operated program dedicated to meeting the safety needs of CU students, faculty and staff by providing judgment-free evening transportation to support a safe academic and socially responsible environment, both on campus and in the community.

CU NightRide is hiring driver/dispatchers to take calls, coordinate rides and drive within the city of Boulder. We’re looking for students who are confident and safe behind the wheel, friendly, courteous, non-judgmental, caring and skilled at multitasking.

Driver/dispatcher (Student Assistant I)

  • $16/hour, 10–20 hours/week
  • Flexible schedule
  • Growth opportunities
  • Listen to your own music

Student Legal Services is here for you

Lady Justice with text that reads 'Legal trouble? We can help.'

A reminder that if you’re facing legal trouble, Student Legal Services (SLS) provides high-quality legal services to eligible students at a fraction of the cost of a private attorney. Our experienced lawyers are here to help. Learn how to schedule an appointment and what to expect.

Lime at CU: 5 things you need to know

Lime's rentable electric scooters are now located all across CU Boulder properties. They are an efficient way to get between campuses and around Boulder. 

  • Parking must be within a designated parking area to end a trip. Parking areas are designated on the app with a pin. 
  • Access is limited to certain corridors and streets.
  • The speed limit is 15 mph in most areas and is reduced in specific slow zones.
  • If you ride regularly, you can save money by signing up for LimePrime, a subscription that offers unlimited free unlocks at a set monthly cost. LimeAccess provides discounted rides to Lime users who are Pell grant eligible or who have other financial limitations. 
  • Scooters can be rented and used from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.  

Learn more about Lime e-scooters on the PTS website. Download the Lime app to sign up and start riding.  

Unleash your problem-solving skills at Idea Builder workshop, win $500

light bulb illuminated above table

Unleash your problem-solving skills at this Idea Builder: Social Impact workshop at the College of Arts and Sciences! We'll break the ice; then attendees will build teams to craft innovative solutions to real-world problems and present them to the group for a chance to win up to $500 from the CU Boulder Get Seed Funding team that night.

This is an excellent opportunity to dip your toes into CU Boulder's innovation and entrepreneurship community in a fun, safe-to-fail environment. This is also a great opportunity for anyone interested in competing in the New Venture Challenge (NVC). Come alone or bring a team, but don't miss this opportunity for impact and creativity!

If you go

Wednesday, Sept. 6, 5–7:30 p.m.
Eaton Humanities, Room 250

Be the Student Fan of the Game

Students in the Folsom Field stands with text that reads 'Student Fan of the Game'

Student Fan of the Game nominations are now open! One student will be chosen before the home football games as that matchup's Student Fan of the Game. The student chosen will be announced at the new tailgate tradition, the Student Gameday Huddle, win a prize and be featured on the Folsom Field scoreboards during the game.

Students can self-nominate or nominate a friend to be the Student Fan of the Game.

Build community, get involved, volunteer!

CUServes is CU Boulder’s official platform for volunteering. Discover community organizations and volunteer opportunities; plus track your hours, donations and other impacts you make.

Whether you are a student leader of an organization looking to find new members or an individual student looking to get more involved, make new friends or fulfill required community service, CUServes is the hub for getting started and staying engaged through service.

Go all in with Alternative Breaks! Apply now to be a site leader

Alternative Breaks

The CU Alternative Breaks program sends teams of college students to engage in meaningful service during their breaks from school. Get the opportunity to explore the United States while making a difference through service, reflecting upon their experience and creating long-lasting connections with others.

Gain valuable leadership experience as site leader. Each trip is led by two co-site leaders who are responsible for planning all aspects of the trip, which includes:

  • Solidifying a service site and housing
  • Recruiting participants
  • Facilitating pre-trip meetings
  • Leading the group during the trip
  • Managing a trip budget
  • Creating safe spaces for learning and reflection
  • Implementing the philosophies of the Volunteer Resource Center and Alternative Breaks program

Apply by Sept. 18.

Starting Sept. 1, your Buff OneCard ID is your transit pass

Buff OneCard being held up in front of a bus

Starting on Sept. 1, the Buff OneCard ID will be used as a transit pass for all enrolled CU students and benefited employees. CU is no longer issuing CollegePasses or EcoPasses. If you have further questions or encounter problems with your card, contact buspass@colorado.edu

Your Buff OneCard gives you access to RTD bus and rail routes, including routes to Denver International Airport.

Reminder: Fireworks are illegal in Boulder

Wildfires can happen at any time of year in Colorado, which makes fireworks particularly dangerous in the Boulder area. Setting off fireworks also negatively impacts the health and wellness of your neighbors and our community. It's important to find other ways to celebrate being back in Boulder.

The city of Boulder’s firework laws are more restrictive than other areas of Colorado. Laws prohibit items like sparklers, snaps, snakes, bottle rockets, Roman candles and smoke bombs, in addition to fireworks that leave the ground or explode. You may also be held responsible for fireworks used by roommates and guests.

Possible legal penalties include:

  • Fines up to $2,650
  • Court fees
  • Possible arson charges
  • Possible jail time
  • Liability for property or personal injury damages

You will also be referred to Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution at CU Boulder.

Unused fireworks can be brought to the city of Boulder Public Safety Building at 1805 33rd St. without penalty. Connect with ⁠Student Legal Services or visit ⁠Off-Campus Housing & Neighborhood Relations to learn more about common citations and Boulder ordinances.

OIT: New YuJa video platform to replace Kaltura

OIT is excited to announce the transition from our existing enterprise video platform, Kaltura, to our new platform, YuJa, is beginning this fall semester. The transition will occur in stages over the next three semesters, fall 2023 to fall 2024, and is being planned in a way to make user experience as smooth as possible.

Learn more information about YuJa, the transition, and upcoming training opportunities.

Looking for the right class to complete your schedule? Consider a history course

Haven't found just the right course to complete your fall 2023 schedule? The History Department has several interesting courses still available, many of which fulfill gen ed, diversity, major or elective credits. Below are some of our open courses:

  • HIST 1628-001 Introduction to Chinese History since 1644
  • HIST 4123-001 Kings and Commoners in an Age of Crisis: English History 1327–1487
  • HIST 4232-001 From Absolutism to Revolution in Europe, 1648–1789
  • HIST 4437-001 African American History, 1619–1865
  • HIST 4521-001 Europe in the High Middle Ages (1000–1400 A.D.)
  • HIST 4538-002 History of Modern India
  • HIST 4618-001 Early Modern China: From Ghengis Khan to the Opium War
  • HIST 4728-001 Modern Japanese History
  • HIST 4800-001 Special Topics in Global History: Semicolonial China, Japan, Siam
  • HIST 4803-001 Special Topics in European History: Warrior Queens of England
  • HIST 4820-001 Human Rights: Historical Perspectives

Read the course descriptions, or visit CU Boulder Class Search for more information.

Campus returning to regular operating hours Aug. 20

On Sunday, Aug. 20, the CU Boulder campus will return to its regular academic year operating hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. These hours will remain in effect through Sunday, May 12, 2024. 

The standard operating hours are core business hours for student-, employee- and customer-facing services/offices. Student-, employee- or customer-facing offices should attempt to maintain a consistent schedule and be open during these hours to provide support and services to the campus community.

ALTEC registration open: Learn American Sign Language, Arabic, Spanish and more!

ALTEC’s language classes are back! Whether you want to be a part of the multilingual community at work or become a more confident international traveler, learning a language is an excellent next step.

Our remote, non-credit classes feature Arabic, American Sign Language, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish. Recommit to language learning without the stress but with all the fun.

Register now to take a language class this fall. All classes are taught remotely via Zoom and meet live twice a week for an hour and 15 minutes. Fall courses begin Sept. 11 and conclude Nov. 3.

Current CU affiliates’ tuition rate: $225 per course
Community members’ tuition rate: $275 per course

Prospective students with financial barriers can apply for a scholarship by 11:59 p.m. Sept. 8.

Apply for Volunteer Placement Program starting Aug. 18

Volunteer Placement Program

Looking for an ongoing volunteer experience that will challenge you to grow and learn as an active member of the Boulder community? Apply for the Volunteer Placement Program!

Here’s how:

  1. Apply for the program by noon Sept. 10.
  2. Get matched with a community partner based on your interests and skills.
  3. Accept a placement.
  4. Commit to direct service for 30 total hours during the semester.

Learn about the community need you are serving. Make a direct impact, expand your network, learn new skills and make friends!

Applications open Aug. 18.

Buff Info closed for training Aug. 16

Buff Info will be closed on Wednesday, Aug. 16, for a staff training. No calls, emails or chats will be responded to on this day. Users may still submit a message to the team, and all messages will be reviewed and responded to by Buff Info staff starting on Thursday, Aug. 17, when normal Buff Info operating hours resume.