Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Texas Hold’em Poker tournament at The Connection

Poker Tournament: Texas Hold'em

Put on your poker face, see if Lady Luck is with you and win prizes! Sign up 6 p.m. at The Connection front desk; cards fly at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome—free entry!

Upcoming dates:
Nov. 14, 28  
Dec. 12: Grand Championship (winners playoff)  

Check out all of The Connection’s weekly events | The Connection Bowling, Billiards & Games, UMC first floor

Wait Your Turn: Recognizing and Interrupting Sexism

During this interactive 90-minute training designed for staff and faculty, participants will engage in small- and large-group discussions to help identify examples of sexism in their lives or in an institution they participate in. They will also learn strategies for interrupting sexism. 

Register for the training in advance. Please wait for a confirmation, as we have a minimum and maximum number of participants. 

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2–3:30 p.m.
University Memorial Center, room 386

Nov. 15 talk to assess the impact of ancient urbanism

Theatre for Worldlings

"Oppidum cadavera: Assessing the Impact of Ancient Urbanism on Modern Europe and Beyond" by John W. Hanson, CU Boulder Research Associate

We know that cities were a hallmark of the ancient world and had a fundamental impact on the development of urbanism in Europe and beyond, but it is still not clear the exact nature of the relationship between ancient and modern urban systems. 

In this talk, Hanson will use new data and innovative methods to explore to what extent ancient urbanism acted as a template for the modern world and what this can tell us about the survival, destruction or resilience of urban systems. 

This lecture is presented by the CU Museum of Natural History in partnership with the Archaeological Institute of America. 

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 7 p.m. 
CU Museum of Natural History

Design a T-shirt tote bag at semester's last Crafternoon


Come get crafty with the Women's Resource Center during our last Crafternoon of the semester, featuring T-shirt tote bags.

Make new connections, relax and let your creativity loose. Students, staff and faculty are welcome. 

Wednesday, Nov. 15, at 2–3 p.m.
University Memorial Center, rooms 382–85

Break Down the Wall: A night about immigration, DACA

The Women's Resource Center and Health Promotion introduces an interactive panel on the legal and social impacts of the DACA program and its cancellation. 

The event will feature Justin Vinneau with a focus on health disparities and Violeta Chapin with an emphasis on legal aspects of DACA.

Thursday, Nov. 9, 6–8 p.m.
University Memorial Center, room 386

Apply to be a Better Boulder project lead

Apply to be a Better Boulder project lead

Be a project lead for the Better Boulder Day of Service. This is a leadership opportunity for enthusiastic and service-oriented individuals who are looking to plan and lead a group service project as a part of this long-standing CU Boulder tradition. 

For more information please visit our website and direct any questions to vrcevents@colorado.edu.

Apply at colorado.edu/volunteer.

Global Buffs Book Club inaugural meet-up Nov. 14

Unbound: A Story of Snow and Self-Discovery by Steph Jagger

At the inaugural meet-up of the Global Buffs Book Club, we’ll be reading Unbound: A Story of Snow and Self-Discovery by Steph Jagger and will Skype with the author, so come with your questions and your favorite parts! 

Food will be provided. Faculty and staff are welcome, too. We look forward to seeing you there. Please email your RSVP to stephanie.pund@colorado.edu.

Tuesday, Nov. 14, 5–7 p.m. 
C4C JD Abrams Lounge

Destination Dell on campus Nov. 7

Destination Dell bus.

Stop by Buffalo Plaza (just south of Balch Fieldhouse) Tuesday, Nov. 7, between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. to get some cool swag from Dell, check out their latest products and grab some snacks.

International Education Week reception

Children in India

You are cordially invited to the annual International Education Week reception, sponsored by the Office of International Education. 

We will recognize the 2017 Global Citizens and our student photo contest winners! We are also thrilled to present our first Undergraduate International Research Poster Session, which will take place during the reception. Light refreshments will be served.

Please RSVP here. 

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 4–6 p.m.
Center for Community, JD Abrams Lounge

Break Down the Wall: A night about immigration, DACA

The Women's Resource Center and Health Promotion introduces an interactive panel on the legal and social impacts of the DACA program and its cancellation. 

The event will feature Justin Vinneau with a focus on health disparities and Violeta Chapin with an emphasis on legal aspects of DACA.

Thursday, Nov. 9, 6–8 p.m.
University Memorial Center, room 386

Learn about FMLA, ADA compliance Nov. 27

Brown bag lunch, an orange, notebook and pen

This month's Ethics and Compliance Education Series presentation will focus on the ways the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the American Disability Act (ADA) intersect, with a focus on employee rights and supervisor responsibilities.  

Presented by Molly Freeman, senior employee relations and FMLA consultant with Human Resources, and Lauren Schipper, senior ADA compliance consultant in the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance, this informative session will benefit supervisors as well as employees in developing an awareness of the two laws and an understanding of the resources available on campus.  

Attendees are welcome to bring a lunch. Light refreshments will be provided. Visit the website below for full session details.  

Monday, Nov. 27, noon to 1 p.m.
Rec Center Ice Rink Overlook Large Meeting Room

CU departments: Put your message on UMC digital signs

Advertise in the Heart of Campus; illustration of UMC digital sign

Do you have programs, services, courses, events or messages that you want or need to promote to get more attention? Put your message on the UMC digital signs!

Create your own eye-catching slides, animations or videos that cycle on three different UMC digital signs in front of hundreds of students and UMC visitors every day! It's environmentally friendly, low-cost and cuts down on print materials.

Visit colorado.edu/umc/marketing for more details and information on other opportunities within the UMC to help get the word out to the CU Boulder community!