Students: Join paid study on stress and coping

The Research on Affective Disorders and Development Lab is conducting research on stress coping in CU students! The SCCY study has the goal of understanding what factors help or make it more difficult for students to cope with stress and thrive in college.

This study lasts three semesters:

  1. At the beginning of the study and in your third semester, you will complete a 4–6 hour lab visit.
  2. In your second semester, you will complete two sets of online questionnaires (<1 hour)
  3. Each semester you will complete a short (1–3 minutes) survey every day for three weeks. 

The study takes place over the course of three semesters and you will be compensated for your participation. Eligible participants can make up to $446–$470 for completing the study!

If you’re interested in learning more, contact the RADD Lab at, 303-735-8306, or complete our web screen.