Pain Research: Innovative Strategies with Marijuana (PRISM)
In this study, we want to understand how edible cannabinoids (e.g., THC and CBD) impact health and symptoms of chronic low back pain. To better understand how varying levels of cannabinoids in the body are related to your health, we ask you to provide blood samples.
You will be compensated up to $220 for your participation.
You may be eligible to participate in this study if you:
- Are 21–70 years old
- Have used cannabis at least once in your life
- Experience chronic low back pain
- Have not used cannabis to treat your pain but are interested in trying edibles to manage your pain
This study involves:
- 1 appointment scheduled at our lab facility in Boulder
- 1 appointment scheduled in our mobile lab facility (comes to your street)
- 4 small blood samples
- Brief and confidential cognitive tasks and questionnaires
Fill out our survey here. If you are interested or have any other questions, please contact the CU Change research lab at 303-492-0288 or prism.custudy@gmail.com.