CAS offering CLAC course development grants; apply by Feb. 26

The Center for Asian Studies invites faculty who would like to add Culture and Language Across the Curriculum (CLAC) techniques to their teaching to apply for course development grants for summer 2018. CAS will offer three types of grants for summer 2018 to be taught in academic year 2018–19:

CLAC Co-Seminar Course Development Grants 

These grants will offer a $1,000 stipend for the development of a supplemental one-credit undergraduate co-seminar, drawing students and content from an existing disciplinary course in any department. Faculty will be responsible for teaching this co-seminar using primary Asian language sources to enhance the content of the main course. CLAC co-seminars will be listed as ASIA 4001 (Arts & Humanities) or ASIA 4002 (Social Sciences).

Japanese CLAC Co-Seminar Course Development Grants

These grants will offer a $500 stipend for the development of a supplemental one-credit undergraduate co-seminar using Japanese language and culture, drawing students and content from an existing disciplinary course in any department. Instruction in co-seminars will be by a paid student language facilitator with supervision by the professor of record. CLAC co-seminars will be listed as ASIA 4001 (Arts & Humanities) or ASIA 4002 (Social Sciences). Funding for these grants is currently pending.

Standard Course CLAC Integration Grants 

These grants will offer a $500 stipend to incorporate Asia-related CLAC assignments into standard classes. Faculty will be responsible for incorporating primary language assignments and CLAC-oriented projects into an existing syllabus in order to enrich the content of the course. Such assignments can be optional or utilize cultural materials for students who don’t have sufficient Asian language skills.

Applications are due Monday, Feb. 26, via email to, with the name of the grant you are applying for in the subject line.
If you have questions about these opportunities, please direct them to Danielle Rocheleau Salaz at or 303-735-5312. To learn more about CLAC, applications and the process for fall courses, visit the CAS website.