Pericles: Shakespeare in Production, ages 12–18
10 weeks | Tuesdays, 4–5:30 p.m., Feb. 13–Apr. 24 | No class March 27 | $200
Part fairy tale, part soap opera, and part seafaring adventure (complete with pirates), this rarely performed play has something for everyone. In this 10-week class, students will rehearse an abridged version of Pericles and perform it for friends and family on April 24.
Mischief and Magic in Shakespeare, ages 8–12
10 weeks | Thursdays, 4–5:30 p.m., Feb. 15–April 26 | No class March 29 | $200
Do you love to stir up trouble? Prepare to get mischievous in this 10-week class, in which you'll explore Shakespeare's moments of mischief and magic in plays such as A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest and The Comedy of Errors, among others.
Scholarships available; call for details. Use the faculty-staff coupon code "BUFFBARDC17" to save $20. Call 303-735-1181 for more information