Andrew M. Novick and his team at CU are investigating ratings of digital images (pleasant, unpleasant, neutral and erotic) across the female menstrual cycle.
Study participation consists of two study sessions (done online) over the course of two months. These visits will consist of: questionnaires about your mood and some stressful life events, and rating of digital images (how pleasant/unpleasant and arousing/non-arousing you find these images).
Participation is not limited to members of CU. You may be eligible if you are:
- Between 18-35 years old
- Not taking hormonal birth control
- Have regular periods
- Not pregnant and not planning to become pregnant within the next two months
Participation in the study is voluntary. Eligible participants will receive compensation via e-gift cards for completing study activities.
If you are interested in learning more or to see if you qualify, please fill out this short eligibility survey.