Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Have you left engineering? Research study of Black engineering students’ experiences seeking participants

Black engineering students who are currently or were previously enrolled in engineering are invited to participate in a research study about Black engineering students’ experiences while studying engineering. This study aims to understand the practices, interactions and factors that influence Black engineering students’ decisions to persist/stay in their engineering major and the factors that influence their decisions to leave their engineering major. The study includes two 1-2 hour interviews designed to understand how students’ perceptions of interactions with peers, staff and faculty within the college of engineering influence Black students’ decisions to stay or switch out of engineering and two follow-up review sessions (one after each interview). The study seeks to account for students’ decisions to stay in their major or switch out of engineering, by understanding how their experience of different kinds of interactions shape their decisions. This study aims to learn about ways to improve the engineering environment to support the retention of Black engineering students. Research participants who switched to a major outside of engineering will be compensated with a $20 gift card. Thank you for considering my request for your participation. Please contact Tanya Ennis by emailing tanya.ennis@colorado.edu to participate.

Eye tracking study: Earn $50 for 2.5 hours

Hello world

We are seeking participants for a study of eye movements and brain activity during learning.

You are eligible to participate in this research study if you:

  • Are a student
  • Are at least 18 years of age
  • Are fluent in English
  • Have not previously taken part in a similar study with our lab (check if unsure)
  • Are in good health
  • Have no history of seizures
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision
  • Are proficient with computers

What does my participation entail? The study requires one visit (2-3 hours) to the lab on East Campus (1777 Exposition Drive, Boulder, CO 80309), plus one 30-minute follow-up questionnaire to be completed online.

The first visit will involve having your eye movements, physiological responses (e.g. heart rate), video of your face/upper body, and brain activity non-invasively recorded while you complete a computer-based reading task and answer several questionnaires. It will take approximately 2-3 hours and you will be paid $20 per hour. About a week later, you will complete a 30-minute online survey; upon completion you will receive an additional $10.

We will take utmost care to ensure your safety for the duration of the visit, with stringent procedures approved by CU administration.

  • We provide masks, handwashing stations and temperature checks on arrival.
  • All occupants of the building are required to wear a mask at all times.
  • All equipment is sterilized between uses with medical-grade disinfectant.
  • You will be alone in the testing room for most of the study (a researcher will run the session from an adjacent room, instructing you via video conference).
  • Only six people will be in the facility at a time (less than 50% occupancy).

Payment will be via an Amazon gift card. If you are interested in participating, please contact us at eyemindlink@gmail.com.

Earn money, contribute to science, get a picture of your brain!

The Intermountain Neuorimaging Consortium (INC) is a brain imaging research facility in the Institute of Cognitive Science at CU Boulder. We use MRI scans to study how the brain works and how the brain changes across the lifespan. We currently have six to seven studies that are looking for participants from a range of ages across the Denver metro area. 

If you have always wanted to see what your brain looks like or would simply like to contribute to neuroscience research in Colorado, please see our website for more details on specific studies that are currently recruiting participants.

Students: Join paid study on wellness, stress-coping

The Research on Affective Disorders and Development Lab is conducting research on wellness and stress coping in CU students. We want to understand what makes CU students resilient or vulnerable to stress, and explore how campus-based programs may foster wellness. 

The study includes a few different parts: 

  • Everyone in the study will answer a set of electronic surveys and participate in two phone interviews over the course of one year.
  • Some qualifying participants will have the option to complete an in-person research visit, which includes an interview about life experiences, a set of computer games and a neuroimaging scan. 

The study takes place over the course of a year, and you will be compensated for your participation (maximum of $130 to $332 for completing all parts of the study). 

If you’re interested in learning more, contact the RADD Lab at raddlab@colorado.edu, 303-735-8306, or complete our webscreen

Apply for the McNair Scholars Program at CU Boulder

The 2021–22 McNair Scholar application is now open to all eligible sophomores and juniors at CU Boulder. 

The McNair Scholars Program is a federal TRiO Program at 187 universities across the United States. The two-year program is designed to prepare undergraduates from underrepresented background with high academic potential who are committed to attending a graduate school to earn a PhD or EdD. We support first-generation, low-income and underrepresented juniors and seniors through research funding, professional development and graduate school preparation.

The deadline to apply is Sunday, Jan. 31, 2021.

Please visit the website for more information and to apply. If you have any questions, contact Program Coordinator Joanne Liu at mcnairscholars@colorado.edu.

Paid research positions for undergrads of underrepresented minority backgrounds

The STEM Routes logo, a silhouette of a person's profile

This spring (2021), STEM Routes partners with several CU faculty members to bring you paid 8- and 16-week research opportunities intended to develop you as a scientist—that means you don’t need previous research or lab experience to apply.

STEM Routes Uplift has been designed with the intent of minimizing the barriers that underrepresented minorities face when engaging with research.

You can apply for a paid research position on up to five of the projects in our database. We encourage you to read through the current projects.  If you don’t see something that interests you now, check back later, as our project pool is being continually updated. 

Check out the website for details and send questions to the STEM Routes team at stem_routes@colorado.edu.

Participants wanted for video game study

Physics Playground

The Emotive Computing Lab at CU Boulder is looking for participants for a study of an educational video game called Physics Playground.

You are eligible to participant in this research study if you:

  • Are 18–22 years old
  • Are fluent in English
  • Have access to the internet, a computer, a webcam and the Firefox browser

In this study you would first answer some questions about your pre-existing knowledge, then you would play the game Physics Playground for about an hour. After you are done playing the game, you would answer some more questions. 

In return for your participation, you would receive a $15 Amazon Gift Card

If you are interested in participating, please contact us at physicsplaygroundschoolstudy@gmail.com to schedule a time.

Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition registration open

CU Boulder doctoral candidates who have been admitted to candidacy before November 2020 are invited to register for the Graduate School’s annual 3MT competition. 

Registrants have the opportunity throughout the fall semester to participate in a series of workshops, public speaking seminars and practice sessions to hone their three-minute pitches. A semi-final virtual competition will determine the 10 finalists to advance to the final virtual competition in early February 2021. Prize money in research dollars ($1,500 total) will be awarded to the winner, runner-up and the people’s choice winner. Register by Thursday, Oct. 26.

Study on team dynamics: Earn $300 for 3–4 hours of work over a 10-week period

Hello world

Enrolling work groups for study on team performance

CU Boulder is working with the University of California Irvine and the University of Notre Dame to understand what leads to effective, high-performing teams in the modern, digital age. 

Eligibility criteria

  • You are a member of a team or work group with size between 2 and 5 people (by team, we refer to a group of work colleagues with whom you closely interact on a specific project, or set of projects). Can be a work group at CU but is not required.
  • For teams or work groups with size of at least 3, the majority of your team (at least 3 members) must enroll.
  • You spend at least 10 hours/week with your team.
  • You have an iPhone running at least iOS 13 or an Android phone running at least v7.1.2.

What does participation entail?

  • No in-person visits, everything is done remotely.
  • Wear a fitness tracker (provided by us) as you go about your daily life that will measure your stress-related physiological responses.
  • Place one small Bluetooth beacon near your work space and run a background app on your phone, which will be used to track whether or not you are at your workspace (it will not track your exact position). Both the wearable and the beacon will be mailed to you.
  • Install a survey app and complete a 2–3 minute survey on the app each workday (Monday through Friday) for a 10-week period.
  • Complete a 20–30 minute survey at the beginning and at the end of the study.
  • Participate in a 15–30 minute interview during the study (conducted remotely) that will help us understand team success factors.

Earn $300 in total by completing the study (per person in the work group). Express your interest by completing this survey.


Students: Join paid study on wellness, stress-coping

The Research on Affective Disorders and Development Lab is conducting research on wellness and stress-coping in CU students. We want to understand what makes CU students resilient or vulnerable to stress, and explore how campus-based programs may foster wellness.

The study includes a few different parts:

  • Everyone in the study will answer a set of electronic surveys and participate in two phone interviews over the course of one year.
  • Some qualifying participants will have the option to complete an in-person research visit, which includes an interview about life experiences, a set of computer games and a neuroimaging scan.

The study takes place over the course of a year, and you will be compensated for your participation (maximum of $130 to $332 for completing all parts of the study).

If you’re interested in learning more, contact the RADD Lab at raddlab@colorado.edu, 303-735-8306, or complete our web screen.

Bicyclists needed for paid studies

The Locomotion Lab of the Integrative Physiology Department at CU Boulder is recruiting participants for two research studies. 

Study on the effect of bicycle-rider geometry on cycling efficiency

These experiments are lab-based and involve a series of 5-minute cycling bouts on a level and inclined treadmill.

To be eligible for this study, you must be:

  • At least 18 years old
  • In good health
  • Cycle (outdoors or indoors) at least 4 hours per week
  • BYO clip-in pedals and shoes

The study consists of two 2-hour sessions. This experiment is completely non-invasive.

Participants will receive one $25 Amazon gift card per session.

Study on the effect of bicycle saddle tilt on sprint, endurance cycling performance

The sprint testing will involve a series of 50-meter uphill sprints, which will take place outdoors. The endurance testing will involve a series of 5-minute bouts of cycling on a treadmill, which will take place in the CU Locomotion Laboratory in Clare Small Building 111c.

To be eligible for this study, you must:

  • Be between 18–49 years old
  • Be between 5'6"–6'2" tall
  • Be in good health (unexposed/free from coronavirus)
  • Cycle (outdoors or indoors) at least 4 hours per week
  • Have at least one year of road cycling experience
  • Have your own clip-in pedals and shoes

The study consists of two 2-hour sessions held on separate days (~4 hours total). This experiment is completely non-invasive. 

You will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card as compensation for completing each session.

If you are interested in participating in either of these studies, please contact culocomotionlab@gmail.com.

Are you aged 18-35 and healthy? Join research study on sleep, performance, gut health

This study is about how sleep loss affects your ability to think and changes the helpful bacteria living in your gut. We are also testing how a prebiotic diet alters how you and the bacteria living in your gut respond to sleep loss and being awake at night. This research will help us to create treatments and strategies for people working long hours under stressful conditions at night (e.g., emergency workers and military personnel). We are looking for healthy men and women, aged 18-35, to participate in two laboratory visits of approximately 3.7 days each at the CU Boulder Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory. Participants will be compensated up to $2,451. For study details, email sleep.study@colorado.edu and ask about the Navy study.

Participants needed: Paid study on anxiety, inflammation, stress

If you experience anxiety, we need you! 

The CUChange lab in the Institute for Cognitive Science and Department of Psychology and Neuroscience is looking for participants for a paid study on anxiety (OASIS). 

We are looking for participants for a research study on the use of cannabis in people who experience anxiety (IRB #16-0767). You can make up to $335 for only three appointments! Must be 21 years or older (open to the public).

Contact us or fill in the online, confidential screening form, and we will get back to you about eligibility ASAP. 

Cyclists needed for biomechanics study

The Locomotion Lab of the Integrative Physiology Department at CU Boulder is studying the effect of bicycle lean on maximal power output in cycling. This experiment will involve a series of 5-second cycling sprints on a stationary bike. 

To be eligible for this study, you must:

  • Be between 18–49 years old
  • Be in good health (unexposed/free from coronavirus)
  • Cycle (outdoors or indoors) at least 4 hours per week
  • Have your own clip-in pedals and shoes

The study consists of one, 2-hour session at CU Boulder. This experiment is completely non-invasive.

You will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card as compensation for taking part in the study.

If you are interested in participating, please contact culocomotionlab@gmail.com.

Students needed for online mock interview study

We are a team of researchers at University of Colorado and Purdue University studying automated video interviews. Automated video interviews are increasingly being adopted by organizations and use computers to automatically screen job applicants. We seek to collect data to determine whether such technology can reliably, accurately and fairly assess job applicants.

We are recruiting undergraduates to participate in a mock video interview (approved Purdue University IRB protocol # IRB-2019-56; University of Colorado IRB protocol # 19-0562). The study consists of common selection tests (i.e., personality and cognitive ability tests) and an asynchronous mock interview. 

The study takes about 45 minutes to complete, on average. Full participation requires that you have a webcam (recording both video and audio) and laptop or desktop computer. By participating, you will gain experience on selection tests and automated interviews. For completing all components of the study, you will be compensated with a $10 Amazon gift card.

If you wish to participate, please follow the study link or copy and paste the address into your browser (we suggest you use Chrome or Firefox): https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eE4OvqflOB7Z9MV

If you have any questions or concerns, feel welcome to contact Louis Hickman, PhD candidate, at lchickma@purdue.edu.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Louis Hickman
PhD Candidate
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Purdue University

Dr. Louis Tay
Associate Professor
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Purdue University  

Sidney D'Mello
Associate Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science
University of Colorado Boulder