Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Complete a survey on AI and win $25!

The Center for Teaching and Learning is very interested in helping faculty at CU Boulder improve their teaching and policy with respect to AI. Collecting the student perspective on AI is critical to this effort!

If you are 18 or over and a CU Boulder undergraduate, we want to hear from you—whether you use AI or not. In return for completing our survey, you can enter a raffle for one of 30 $25 Amazon gift cards.*

Your answers will be anonymous, unless you choose to provide your contact information for follow-up. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes. Tell us what you really think!

Access the survey here.

*Students in participating classes can choose to receive extra credit instead of entering the raffle.

Participate in study on visual memory

Research participants wanted! A study in the Institute of Cognitive Science is investigating the brain activity involved in encoding and retrieving visual memories. 


  • Right-handed
  • 18–50 years old
  • No history of neurological disorders or brain damage
  • Vision that is normal or corrected-to-normal 

Entails one visit of two hours, including an MRI screening followed by memory tasks during an MRI scan. The scan duration is 90 minutes. 

You will be paid $60. If your home address is more than 15 miles from the CU Boulder scanner, we will pay an additional $15 for travel.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out this form.

Paid research study for users of GLP-1 agonist/semaglutide medications

Are you on a semaglutide medication? Our research team is interested to hear about your experience! Our study is open to users of any form of semaglutide or GLP-1 agonist medication (including Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, Trulicity, etc.) and involves one 30-45-minute study visit in our Boulder lab. Participants will be compensated $25. If you are interested in participating or have any questions for us, please email semaglutideresearch@gmail.com.

Join a 5-minute online research survey opportunity

Enter to win a $25 gift card after completing a three-question online survey sharing your thoughts on research concepts. 

This five-minute research survey will measure your awareness of "open access." No previous familiarity with the term is required to participate. 

You must be 18-plus years of age and an undergraduate student at CU Boulder to participate.

Access the survey now.


Seeking volunteers for study on effects of heat therapy on blood pressure, vascular function

The Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab at CU Boulder’s campus is seeking volunteers to participate in a clinical research study. We are looking for adults, ages 40-plus who are willing to participate in water immersion sessions approximately three times per week for 12 weeks and have above normal blood pressure (a top number of 115 or higher; if you are unsure of your blood pressure, please still contact us for screening). 

Benefits for volunteers include: cardiovascular health assessment, exercise stress test, body composition, blood chemistries and monetary compensation for time.

For more information, please email hottubstudy@colorado.edu or call 970-460-8970.

Cardiovascular research study volunteers needed

The Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab is looking for volunteers to study the potential health effects of a new type of breathing exercise (a time efficient exercise) delivered via a smartphone app on blood pressure and vascular function.


  • Aged 18+ years
  • Higher blood pressure (systolic BP 120–160 mmHg)
  • Own an Apple or Android smartphone
  • Willing to perform breathing exercises 5–10 minutes per day, six days a week, for six weeks

Benefits include:

  • Detailed blood panel (cholesterol, glucose, etc.)
  • Blood pressure screening
  • Monetary compensation for time

If interested, email IMSTapp@colorado.edu or call 303-492-2485.

Cardiovascular research study volunteers needed

The Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab is looking for volunteers to study the potential health effects of a new type of breathing exercise (a time-efficient type of exercise) on blood pressure, vascular function and cognitive function.


  • Aged 50-plus years
  • Systolic blood pressure (top number) ≥ 115 mmHg
  • Willing to exercise up to 25 minutes per day, six days a week, for a three-month period

Benefits include:

  • Detailed blood panel (cholesterol, glucose, etc.)
  • Physician-monitored exercise stress test
  • Blood pressure screening
  • Bone mineral density test
  • Monetary compensation for time

If interested, email IMSTstudy@colorado.edu or call 303-492-2485.

Volunteers needed for cardiovascular research study

The Integrative Physiology of Aging Laboratory is looking for volunteers to study the potential healthy aging effects of MitoQ, an antioxidant that is attracted to the mitochondria of cells, supplementation on physiological function.


  • Age 60+
  • Willing to undergo a three-month period taking MitoQ or placebo pills

Benefits include:

  • Detailed blood panel (cholesterol, glucose, etc.)
  • Monetary compensation for time

If interested: call 303-735-6410 or email mitoqstudy@colorado.edu.

Join paid study on wellness in young adults

AWE Study logo

Interested in emotions and well-being? Want to help researchers understand psychological wellness and mental health? Participate in an engaging and fun paid study to understand your own emotions in the CU Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (IRB#24-0426) and earn up to $30!

Study includes some or all of the following parts:

  • Part A: Remote online survey—Answer online questionnaires about your emotions, social and psychological well-being. Pays $10 for a 30-minute survey with choice of Amazon, Target or King Soopers gift card.
  • Part B: In-person immersive experience—Come in person to complete a brief 15- to 20-minute walk, followed immediately by a brief ~15-minute survey. Pays $20 with choice of Amazon, Target or King Soopers gift card.

To qualify, you must be between the ages of 18 and 25 years old, fluent in English and able to walk 15–20 minutes unassisted without difficulty.

Interested in participating? Please complete the survey.

Have any questions? To participate or ask questions email us at awesome-study@colorado.edu and name the subject line “AWESOME Study.”

Thank you very much for your time and interest!

AWESOME Study Team

Volunteers needed for clinical trial on persons with multiple sclerosis

Researchers from the Neurophysiology of Movement Laboratory at CU Boulder are conducting a study to investigate if electrical stimulation applied to the legs can reduce fatigue and improve walking in persons with multiple sclerosis.

You may be eligible to participate if you:

  • Are between18–65 years of age
  • Have clinically confirmed diagnosis of MS
  • Are able to walk but have some difficulty walking
  • Experience some fatigue during activities of daily living
  • The 11-week study involves four evaluation visits and 18 treatment sessions (three times/week for six weeks)

Evaluation sessions (approximately 2 hours each)

  • Answering questionnaires
  • Tests of walking, balance and muscle function
  • Treatments (approximately 60 minutes each)
  • TENS applied to leg muscles while performing weight-lifting exercises
  • The treatment will be applied to two muscle groups in each leg

Participants will be paid up to $880 for completing the 11-week trial.

If you are interested, please contact Mélanie Henry by email at melanie.henry@colorado.edu and reference the MS clinical trial.

Seeking volunteers for study on nervous system activity, contraction history

Have you ever wondered why it becomes increasingly more challenging to not spill your coffee the longer you have to transport that exquisitely full cup of liquid gold? Are you curious how the nervous system controls muscle after repeated bouts of contractile effort? So are we!

The Neurophysiology of Movement Lab is looking for healthy adults aged 18–45 years to participate in a research study investigating how the nervous system controls muscle force, using contractions that challenge force control. 

The study involves one, 1.5-hour visit to our lab on the CU Boulder Main Campus.  

If interested, please call 303-492-4975 or email kelsey.koger@colorado.edu and reference the "Contraction History" study.

Join a paid study on mood in young adults

YEARS Study logo

Join the Young Emerging Adult Research Study (YEARS) study at CU Boulder and CU Anschutz (IRB# 23-2067) to understand emotions. Earn $25 per hour (up to approximately $400 total) for up to three study session phases (1 3/4 hours). Must be 18–25 years, be able to attend in-person sessions, and have a personal history of bipolar disorder or no mental health history. 

Apply now. Email years-study@colorado.edu or call 303-735-7547.

Join our study on sleep and circadian rhythms, delayed sleep-wake phase disorder

The Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory is looking for people with delayed sleep-wake phase disorder or people with late bedtimes or healthy people with typical bedtimes.

The purpose of this study is to improve our understanding of mechanisms of delayed sleep-wake phase disorder (DSWPD). We are testing patients with DSWPD as well as healthy people without DSWPD. The study is 6.5 weeks long with six in-person visits at CU Boulder.

You may be eligible for this study if you:

  • Are ages 16–30
  • Have a diagnosis of delayed-sleep wake phase disorder or have late bedtime after 1 a.m., an inability to fall asleep and difficulty awakening when required for school/work
  • Or are healthy with typical bedtimes and no sleep concerns

Study activities include:

  • Health screening
  • Monitor on separate occasions your sleep, mood, eating times for one or two weeks and blood sugar levels while living at home
  • Live in the sleep laboratory on two separate occasions for 48–66 hours (approximately 4.75 days in total)
  • Blood and saliva sampling and reaction time, mood and ability to think testing

Compensation is up to $1,725. Get study details and apply.

Join our research study on sleep and circadian rhythms

The purpose of this study is to examine how light exposure and meal timing influences circadian rhythms in healthy people ages 17–40. 

The study is seven weeks long with eight in-person visits at CU Boulder. Participants live in the sleep laboratory on two separate occasions for 7.7 days (15.4 days total).

Compensation is up to $4,093. Get more information and apply.

Join a 30-minute paid research opportunity

The PIEES Study (Peer-Mentorship’s Impacts on Engagement, Emotion, and Stress) is recruiting participants! The purpose of the study is to explore the effect of peer mentorship on engagement, stress and emotion in students. Simply complete a 29- to 39-minute survey to get a $15 gift card! You must be 18 years or older and a CU student to participate.