Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Feeling down? Struggling with anxiety? Worried about health concerns or relationship problems?

Affordable psychotherapy is available at the Raimy Clinic in the Muenzinger Psychology building on campus. Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder faculty, staff and students. Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship and occupational issues, and other difficulties, as well as helping you meet your goals for improving self-confidence and increasing healthy behavior. For more information, call our intake line: 303-492-5177.

Paid study on understanding the emotions of others

Interested in your moods and brain? Participate in a paid neuroimaging study to understand your own emotions and the emotions of others on the CU Boulder campus in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (IRB# 17-0358).

Earn between $15–25 per hour to participate in studies involving answering questions
about your thoughts and feelings, watching brief videos, playing computer games and
having an MRI brain scan taken. Study includes up to three separate visits (first is 4–5
hours, second is 3 hours, third is 1–2 hours). Option for additional paid follow-ups.

To qualify, you must be between the ages of 18 and 45 years old and either have:

  • A diagnosis of bipolar disorder
  • A history of depression
  • No history of mental health conditions

Please fill out a brief survey to apply. If you have questions, please contact gruberpeplab@colorado.edu or call 303-735-7547.

Learn how to negotiate salary, benefits before the interview

Start Smart Workshops are specifically designed for college students about to enter the job market. According to AAUW’s research, women one year out of college are paid only 82 percent of what their male counterparts receive. 

By using the skills taught in this workshop, you will be prepared to: 

  • Negotiate your starting salary and narrow the pay gap
  • Improve your lifelong earning potential
  • Articulate your value
  • Build confidence in your negotiation style
  • Sharpen your budgeting skills

This workshop is sponsored by the Boulder Branch of the American Association of University Women. 

If you go
Tuesday, Oct. 9, 5–7:30 p.m. | C4C S350

Changes in the Campus Controller’s Office

The Campus Controller’s Office, which is responsible for financial accounting, reporting and financial stewardship on behalf of CU Boulder, has been undertaking structural changes since April to better serve the campus community. 

They are working with departments to make it easier to know who to contact in CCO. The successful area accountant model will be expanded so it will now encompass all funds. Departments have been assigned an area accountant who will field all questions regarding funds management for any fund. Find your area accountant.

Advisory group

An advisory group of 13 representatives from campus meets monthly to offer guidance and feedback as the CCO continues implementing this restructure. Email Kaye Orten at kaye.orten@colorado.edu with comments or suggestions. 

Stay informed

Find FAQs and more information online. Also, updates about the restructure are sent monthly in the Fiscal News. 

Soros fellowship opportunity

Current seniors who are naturalized citizens or whose parents are naturalized citizens might consider applying for the Soros fellowship, worth up to $90,000 for two years of graduate school. 

If you are creative, academically successful leaders who can articulate what being an American citizen means to you and how you plan to contribute to society, consider applying. 

Deadline: Nov. 1

Cameras, audio equipment now available to check out at Norlin

Camera lens

Where should you go if you have an assignment that includes an audio or video project, but you don’t have access to high-tech equipment, such as a DSLR camera or a lapel microphone? The University Libraries!

The Multimedia Equipment Lending Library (MELL) will allow CU Boulder students, staff and faculty to borrow microphones, audio recorders, tripods, cameras, smartphone accessories and more through Norlin Commons. Check out our guide to view the full list of MELL equipment.

Equipment can be checked out for 72 hours. To borrow equipment, bring your Buff OneCard to the Norlin Commons Desk and ask for the specific equipment you want. MELL equipment can be used for research and course projects, as well as personal use.

Some of the most frequent requests the University Libraries receive are for equipment to help students in creating multimedia assignments, whether recording a podcast, editing a video project or adding audio to a PowerPoint. In answer to these requests, the libraries are piloting this audio-visual equipment check-out project for one year.

Because MELL is a pilot project, we are interested in hearing your feedback so we can improve future equipment lending options. We'd also love to see projects created with MELL equipment! To share your thoughts, contact norlincommons@colorado.edu.

Paid study: Adults needed for study on hearing and cardiovascular disease

Volunteers are needed for a study at the Hearing and Epidemiology and Research Diagnostics Laboratory investigating potential effects of cardiovascular health on the auditory system. 

We are recruiting individuals ages 18–55 who have two or more of the following:

  • Actively smoke tobacco (cigarettes) for at least one year and do not use other recreational drugs, including cannabis
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure or use antihypertensives
  • High cholesterol or use cholesterol-lowering drugs

Participants will receive a comprehensive hearing evaluation and physical examination with blood draw. Participants are compensated $15 per hour for up to five hours of testing. 

Interested? Email Jenny Masters at heardlab@colorado.edu or call 303-735-7127 to see if you qualify or for more information. 

Paid study on understanding the emotions of others

Interested in your moods and brain? Participate in a paid neuroimaging study to understand your own emotions and the emotions of others on the CU Boulder campus in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (IRB# 17-0358). 

Earn between $15 and $25 per hour to participate in studies involving answering questions about your thoughts and feelings, watching brief videos, playing computer games and having an MRI brain scan taken. Study includes up to three separate visits (first is 4–5 hours, second is 3 hours, third is 1–2 hours). Option for additional paid follow-ups. 

To qualify, you must be between the ages of 18 and 45 years old and either have:

  • A diagnosis of bipolar disorder
  • A history of depression
  • No history of mental health conditions

Fill out the brief survey to apply.

If you have questions, please contact gruberpeplab@colorado.edu or 303-735-7547.

Apply for CUSG representative-at-large positions by Oct. 1

Represent the student voice!

Representative-at-large petition packets are now available for the fall elections. As a rep-at-large, you would represent the student body as a whole, help allocate funds to student groups and introduce legislation that positively impacts your fellow students. The position is paid biweekly and comes with a variety of other benefits. 

Get involved in your community and have your voice heard. Packets are due on Oct. 1 and are available at custudentgov.org/joinus or in UMC 125. For any questions or concerns, please contact the election commissioner at cusg.elections@colorado.edu.

Goldwater scholarship information session

Students interested in a career in math, natural sciences or engineering are invited to apply for the Goldwater Scholarship, which pays up to $7,500 toward undergraduate tuition and other educational expenses. 

Students must be current sophomores or juniors and may be eligible if they have an excellent academic record and demonstrated research experience. For more information and advice on the application process, attend the information meeting.

If you go
Tuesday, Sept. 25, 4-5 p.m. 
Norlin Library, Room S-421

Truman scholarship information session

Planning to pursue a career in public service? Here’s an opportunity to help fund your graduate studies. 

The Truman foundation is seeking juniors with exceptional leadership potential committed to careers in government, the nonprofit or advocacy sectors, education or other public service. This prestigious scholarship provides leadership training, mentorship and up to $30,000 for graduate study. 

Sophomores and juniors: Come hear how to improve your chances at the upcoming info session.

If you go
Wednesday, Sept. 26, 4-5 p.m.
Norlin Library, Room S-421

Position opening: Director of Applied Shakespeare

The University of Colorado announces the position of director of Applied Shakespeare, a professional master’s certificate program that combines the study of Shakespeare plays with immersive experiences at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival.  

The interdisciplinary program is run by the Graduate School in coordination with the Department of English, the Department of Theater & Dance and the Colorado Shakespeare Festival. Get details here.

The advisory committee seeks a tenure-track faculty to serve an initial two-year contract, renewable, to take the program to sustainability. The duties will include:

  • Lead the program, including calling the advisory committee, developing a trajectory toward sustainability and handling all inquiries
  • Vision strategic planning for program growth, including relaunching the certificate program, developing an MA or MFA, in-house graduate certificate, Massive Open Online Courses, towards an interdisciplinary Center for Applied Shakespeare
  • Coordinate online course design, including distance and MOOC courses where applicable
  • Lead marketing and recruiting efforts for certificate program, including social media (Facebook, etc.), Mailchimp correspondence (with paid and organic leads), etc.
  • Design and manage Applied Shakespeare website
  • Serve as primary contact for prospective and admitted Applied Shakespeare students
  • Review applications, interview and select students for certificate program in consultation with advisory committee
  • Create an MOU between all participating departments and organizations to present to the advisory committee

The position will include $5,000 in summer salary stipend, annually. The appointment will be made through the Graduate School begin in the fall of 2018 and continue for two years.

Applications should include a CV, a brief letter of intent and a short statement of support by the applicant’s chair. Applications are due Oct. 22 and will be reviewed by the advisory committee (Bud Coleman, Wendy Franz, David Glimp, William Kuskin, Tim Orr, Erika Randall and Sue Zemka). Inquiries can be made to any members of the advisory committee. 

Please send complete applications to William Kuskin at william.kuskin@colorado.edu.