Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Fall piano lessons for children and teens

The CU Youth Piano Program has opened the registration period for piano lessons for the spring 2021 semester.

This spring, all lessons will be conducted online. We will re-evaluate the lesson modality every month based on CU and the College of Music guidelines. 

Details about the program: 

  • 14 lessons with experienced graduate teachers
  • Options of 30, 45 or 60 minutes per week
  • Lessons start after Jan. 14 and follow the CU Boulder calendar
  • All levels of experience welcome
  • Ages 6–18

Get details or pre-register now.

Free teletherapy for freshmen and low-cost therapy for other students, employees

Struggling with COVID anxiety? Feeling down, hopeless or stuck in a cycle of unproductive worry? Low-cost teletherapy is available through CU Boulder’s Raimy Psychology Clinic, for individuals residing in Colorado. Sessions are held through the videoconferencing platform Zoom.

Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other difficulties during this very challenging time! Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty, or family members of full-time staff or faculty. Therapy is free for freshman students! Openings for new clients are available now. Email or call now to start the intake process.

For more information, call our intake coordinator, Julia Salinger, at 303-492-5177; email raimy@colorado.edu; or visit our website.

3-credit courses for speakers of English as an additional language

CU Boulder's International English Center and Department of Linguistics are offering two remote 3-credit courses for speakers of English as an additional language in spring 2021: Academic Oral Communication in English and English for Academic Purposes.

LING 3200 Academic Oral Communication in English

Remote: Tuesday/Thursday 8–9:15 a.m.
This course improves students' oral communication skills for effective academic interactions. Specific attention is given to presentation skills of developing, explaining and clarifying ideas, and discussion skills including interrupting, hedging and responding to questions. Students deliver formal presentations and impromptu speeches and lead and participate in group discussions. Students improve active listening skills, non-verbal communication and English pronunciation. 

LING 3210 English for Academic Purposes

Remote: Tuesday/Thursday 5:30–6:45 p.m.
This course develops academic English skills for university-level work. Students sharpen English accuracy through academic reading, writing, speaking and listening practice. They learn to express ideas more clearly, both orally and in writing, while engaging critically in class discussions, and giving presentations, including on a researched topic related to their major. Students improve grammatical accuracy, vocabulary development and critical thinking.

Courses satisfy elective credit for undergraduate degree completion. See your advisor for information about how and when to register. 

Free teletherapy for freshmen and low-cost therapy for other students, employees

Struggling with COVID anxiety? Feeling down, hopeless or stuck in a cycle of unproductive worry? Low-cost teletherapy is available through CU Boulder’s Raimy Psychology Clinic, for individuals residing in Colorado. Sessions are held through the videoconferencing platform Zoom.

Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other difficulties during this very challenging time! Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty, or family members of full-time staff or faculty. Therapy is free for freshman students! Openings for new clients are available now. Email or call now to start the intake process.

For more information, call our intake coordinator, Julia Salinger, at 303-492-5177; email raimy@colorado.edu; or visit our website.

Calling all playwrights: Submit to the New Play Festival

Any student, alumni, faculty or staff is encouraged to submit a play (or two or three) to this year’s New Play Festival—hosted by CU Boulder Department of Theatre & Dance and helmed by graduate students Matara Hitchcock, Ashlyn Barnett, Heather Kelly, Hanna Golan, Nolan Carey and Ben Stasny.

There are four categories:

  • Full Length
  • 1 Acts
  • 10 Minute Plays
  • Performance Scenarios

All selected works receive staged readings and are offered a feedback session during the festival. The winner becomes incorporated into the Department of Theatre & Dance's next season as a full production! 

The submission deadline is Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021.

We are also looking for actors, directors, play readers and more! Be a pal and give us a like on Facebook CU Boulder 5th Annual New Play Festival to stay up to date, and be sure to check out our website for more information.

Volunteer 15 minutes, receive $5 Amazon gift card for syllabus archive user experience test

ASSETT (Arts & Science Support of Education Through Technology) is in the the process of creating a self-help service for CU students that will allow access to digital copies of syllabi from previous semesters. The service is still in development, and we would like to get student feedback on a prototype to improve the new service. 

All volunteers will be compensated for their time with a $5 Amazon gift card. User experience testing takes 15 minutes and is conducted remotely via Zoom. All you need is an internet connected device. 

If you would like to volunteer to help us improve this service, please fill out the survey with your information and availability. If you have questions or concerns, please email the project manager Jacie Moriyama at jacie.moriyama@colorado.edu. 

Free teletherapy for freshmen and low-cost therapy for other students, employees

Struggling with COVID anxiety? Feeling down, hopeless or stuck in a cycle of unproductive worry? Low-cost teletherapy is available through CU Boulder’s Raimy Psychology Clinic, for individuals residing in Colorado. Sessions are held through the videoconferencing platform Zoom.

Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other difficulties during this very challenging time! Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty, or family members of full-time staff or faculty. Therapy is free for freshman students! Openings for new clients are available now. Email or call now to start the intake process.

For more information, call our intake coordinator, Julia Salinger, at 303-492-5177; email raimy@colorado.edu; or visit our website.

Piano lessons offered this spring; prior experience required

Take piano lessons with an undergraduate piano intern this semester! These lessons are for students, staff or faculty who have had at least three years of previous piano instruction (no exceptions this semester).

The instructors are undergraduate piano majors in their senior year. No university credit. Professor Alejandro Cremaschi supervises the interns.

Because of COVID-19 limitations, all lessons will happen online. You must have a piano or keyboard.

New DEPA reporting system for conflicts of interest disclosures

The Office of Conflicts of Interest & Commitment (COIC) is transitioning to a new InfoEd reporting system, which includes a revamp of the disclosure form (DEPA Form). The transition to the InfoEd reporting system and the new DEPA Form is underway and will be in effect for 2021.

Take the COVID-19 Academic Experience Survey

In an effort to identify barriers to student learning and academic success during the pandemic, the Boulder Faculty Assembly's Student Affairs Committee held a series of focus groups last week with undergraduate and graduate students.
The SAC will be drafting a list of pandemic-related recommendations on best pedagogical practices for faculty, and the SAC would like to give students who were unable to attend a focus group the chance to share their perspectives. Students are strongly encouraged to make their voices heard and to offer their suggestions by completing a brief anonymous survey. The survey closes at midnight on Friday, Nov. 28.

Don't forget the Writing Center is available to you

Do you sometimes suffer from writer’s block? Do you know how to cite your sources? No matter your academic field or writing level, the Writing Center can help you:

  • Discover effective writing techniques.
  • Eliminate writer’s block and procrastination.
  • Strengthen revision and self-editing skills.
  • Learn proper citation to avoid unintentional plagiarism.

Use the Writing Center at any point in your writing process, from figuring out how to start through your final draft. You can also opt for a Zoom session with a writing consultant to receive verbal or written feedback on your work. 

Tuition classification: Spring 2021 residency petitions due Dec. 18

Students planning to prove Colorado residency and pay in-state tuition for the spring 2021 term must complete and submit a residency petition. The Office of the Registrar began accepting spring residency petitions on Oct. 1, and the final deadline to submit is 5 p.m. on Dec 18.

The Adult Residency Petition (non-emancipation) is available online. Graduate students who qualify for in-state tuition rates under the Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) should not make changes to their domicile and should not petition for in-state tuition.

Send individual questions to tuitclass@colorado.edu.

Struggling with COVID anxiety? Feeling down, hopeless or stuck in a cycle of unproductive worry? Concerned about relationship problems?

Low-cost teletherapy is available through CU Boulder’s Raimy Psychology Clinic, for individuals residing in Colorado. Sessions are held through the videoconferencing platform Zoom.

Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other difficulties during this very challenging time! Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty, or family members of full-time staff or faculty. Therapy is free for freshman students! Openings for new clients are available now. Email or call now to start the intake process.

For more information, call our intake coordinator, Julia Salinger, at 303-492-5177; email raimy@colorado.edu; or visit our website.