Research study for children ages 2 to 7

The Children’s Auditory Perception Laboratory is currently recruiting children between 2 and 7 years old for a research study to help us learn more about how children hear.

During the testing, your child will sit in a sound-treated room and listen to sounds presented over a speaker or through headphones. Your child will be asked to indicate when they hear sounds by playing games, such as putting a block in a bucket. The sounds used are not loud.

Two visits to the laboratory are required. Each visit lasts about one hour. You will receive $10 per hour, and, if you drive to the lab, parking costs will be covered.

If you are interested please email or call 303-735-6252.

The principal investigator for this research study is Angela Yarnell Bonino, PhD, Department Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. All testing will be completed at the Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) building on the CU Boulder Main Campus.