Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


On-campus part-time student job

Looking for a summer job on campus? The Institute of Behavioral Science is looking for an undergrad student assistant! 

Work 15–25 hours over the summer with the opportunity to work 8–15 hours during the school year.

Main duties include:

  • Using EndNote or similar programs to help update and expand the institute’s bibliographic database (training will be provided)
  • Helping our researchers and community program coordinators with day-to-day activities such as preparing for trainings, data entry, etc.
  • Distributing mail and helping with campus deliveries
  • Maintaining our workrooms (organizing, taking stock of supplies, etc.) and light kitchen cleaning

Please send a résumé, cover letter detailing your interest and availability of when you can start and hours available during the week to eileen.brown@colorado.edu. Learn more about the institute online, and see the job posting under News.

Open, funded opportunities for undergraduate research, creative projects

undergraduate researchers

UROP is excited to announce open, funded opportunities for undergraduate research, scholarly and creative projects led by some of CU Boulder’s most innovative faculty mentors.

With more than 30 team projects in a wide range of disciplines, students have many opportunities to connect this summer and next academic year.

Explore projects and follow up on opportunities by visiting the UROP website.

Adults ages 35–55 needed for paid study on hearing, cardiovascular disease

Volunteers are needed for a study at the Hearing and Epidemiology and Research Diagnostics Laboratory investigating potential effects of cardiovascular health on the auditory system. 

We are recruiting healthy adults ages 35–55. We are specifically individuals who do not have any of the following: tobacco smoking, Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol or use of cholesterol-lowering medication, high blood pressure or use of blood-pressure-lowering medication.

Participants will receive a comprehensive hearing evaluation and physical examination with blood draw. Participants are compensated $15 per hour for up to five hours of testing. 

Interested? Email Jenny Masters at heardlab@colorado.edu or call 303-735-7127 to see if you qualify or for more information. 

Free Improv + Science Workshop for CU students, high schoolers

collage of students participating in workshop

Are you interested in learning about improv? Do you like environmental science?

Join the Improv + Science Workshop at the CU Museum of Natural History! The workshop takes place from 9 a.m to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 11. 

About the workshop

The workshop will bring together local high school students and CU Boulder undergraduate/graduate students studying environmental science to learn about improvisational theater and how the principles of improv can foster communication and collaboration in science. Students will learn and perform improvisational theater games and scenes in the context of environmental science.

Improv requires the communication skills (e.g., listening, responding, storytelling) that are beneficial to engaging with others in science, particularly in collaborating to develop research ideas. We believe this is an innovative way to teach young people and have them practice these skills as they learn about environmental science topics. And…it’s fun!

Register now

Sign up by Monday, May 6, to claim your spot! 

High school student sign-up | CU Boulder student sign-up

For more information or questions, contact Megan Littrell at megan.littrell@colorado.edu.

For parents: Cognitive Development Center offers fun research projects for kids

The Cognitive Development Center in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience is looking for children ages birth to 12 years old who are interested in playing games that will help teach us about self-control, language and cognitive strategies. 

A visit, scheduled at your convenience, lasts about 60 minutes. Babysitting is available for siblings. Parents are compensated for travel and kids receive a fun prize.

To sign up, please do one of the following:

  • Visit our website.
  • Email cogdevctr@colorado.edu with your child’s name, gender, date of birth, and parent contact information (address, phone number, email address).
  • Call us at 303-492-6389.

For more information, feel free to check out our Facebook page and website

Service leadership experience for students: Be an Alternative Breaks site leader

The Volunteer Resource Center is recruiting students to serve as site leaders for the CU Alternative Beaks program. This leadership opportunity is a practical application of leadership principles and provides students with a variety of skills and important knowledge to be successful leaders. We are seeking students interested in having an impact on social and environmental issues that impact communities in the United States through service. It is free to site leaders to participate and we provide training on planning and implementing service projects, leading peers, budgeting, group facilitation, education and reflection, risk management and much more. Site leaders will plan and implement a service experience for eight to 10 CU Boulder students for spring 2020. The site leader role is a seven-month commitment from October 2019 through April 2020. Site leaders can expect to spend 2-4 hours per week planning and organizing trip logistics.

Share by April 28: Your feedback on Graduate School dean finalists

Please send your feedback on the two finalists for the Graduate School dean to gsdeansearch@colorado.edu by Sunday, April 28. Ann Schmiesing, senior vice provost for academic resource management, to whom the dean position will report, will review all feedback beginning the week of April 29 and is expected to name the new graduate dean the week of May 6–10, with a start date of July 1, 2019.

Information on candidates Bud Coleman and E. Scott Adler is posted on the graduate dean search committee webpage.

Transportation Master Plan survey email issue resolved

People walk on the sidewalk near a Buff Bus

A technical issue related to email distribution of the Transportation Master Plan survey invitations on Monday led to the emails failing to send to a small portion of students, faculty and staff.

New invitation links are currently being resent to all who did not receive the survey on Monday, as well as reminders for those who received the invitation but have not yet taken the survey.

If you do not receive an invitation to take the survey today, please email mplan@colorado.edu directly so the issue can be resolved.

The TMP survey remains open through Thursday, May 2.

Discounted student tickets available for CU Boulder Aerospace and STEM summit

Chancellor DiStefano invites you to explore the future of life in outer space with CU Boulder faculty and alumni experts.

Please make plans to join us Tuesday, April 23, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel for the fourth annual Aerospace & STEM Summit.

Our experts in the fields of aerospace, geosciences and engineering will dive into questions like, "Will future generations be living and working on the moon or on Mars?" and "What will it take to do that safely?"

Plus, connect with our industry partners like Lockheed Martin, Ball Aerospace, United Launch Alliance, Harris Corporation and more.

Tickets to the Aerospace & STEM Summit are just $10 and include event entry, heavy appetizers, a drink ticket and dessert. Students get a 50 percent discount with code GoBuffs, don't miss it!

Register here.

Student-participants wanted for reading study

The Emotive Computing Lab at CU Boulder is looking for participants for a study of eye movements during reading. 

You are eligible to participant in this research study if you:

  • Are at least 18 years of age
  • Are a CU Boulder student
  • Speak English
  • Do not have significant and uncorrected vision impairments

The study contains two parts: 

  1. A visit to the lab, which will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time (lasting one hour and 15 minutes) for a $20 Amazon gift card.
  2. A week later, we will email you a follow-up questionnaire to complete online remotely (lasting 30 minutes) for a $10 Amazon gift card.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Julie Gregg at eyetrackingandreading@gmail.com for more information.

Looking for healthy men to participate in a research study

illustration of sleeping man

We are looking for healthy men to participate in a research study on the effects of sleep restriction on bone density.

Study duration:

  • One-week outpatient and 8-night inpatient stay, with an optional three-week additional observation phase

You may qualify if you:

  • Are a healthy man ages 20–65 years old
  • Habitually sleep 7–9 hours per night 
  • Have not done shift work in the past year 
  • Do not currently smoke 

Benefits for study volunteers:

  • Measurement of bone density and baseline labs
  • Meals provided for two weeks
  • Compensation will be provided  

If you are interested in participating in the “SIIB” study (Sleep disruption-Induced Impairments in Bone Formation), email Emma Tussey at sleepybonehead@ucdenver.edu for study details and ask about the SIIB study. 

(COMIRB # 18-0015, PI Christine Swanson, MD, MCR)

Adults ages 35-55 needed for paid study on hearing, cardiovascular disease

Volunteers are needed for a study at the Hearing and Epidemiology and Research Diagnostics Laboratory investigating potential effects of cardiovascular health on the auditory system. 

We are recruiting adults ages 35–55 years with two or more of the following: Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol or use of cholesterol-lowering medication, high blood pressure or use of blood-pressure-lowering medication, or current tobacco smoker. 

Participants will receive a comprehensive hearing evaluation and physical examination with blood draw. Participants are compensated $15 per hour for up to five hours of testing. 

Interested? Email Amy Sanders at heardlab@colorado.edu or call 303-735-7127 to see if you qualify or for more information.