Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Paid: Young adults needed for wearable study on sleep, rhythms

Hello world

Interested in your sleep and circadian rhythms? Participate in a paid study on how your environment affects your 24-hour rhythm and sleep, here on campus in the CU Department of Integrative Physiology, and receive your personal sleep and rhythms report!

Earn up to $150 to participate in our study that will allow you to track your sleep, light and feeding/fasting cycles using app and sensor technologies for two weeks. The study includes three separate visits (the first two visits about 1 hour, and the last visit up to 10.5 hours). 

Please fill out a brief survey to see if you qualify.

If you have questions, please contact caselab@colorado.edu.

Student Arts Program accepting submissions

Hello world
Showcase your art in the heart of campus! The Student Arts Program collects original art created by the CU Boulder student community and displays it throughout the UMC and the Rec Center. We are looking for original pieces in the following media: painting, drawing, sculpture, textile, and photography/film/technology. Submit your piece today! Awards will be given for top submissions.

Become an Alternative Breaks site leader!

Hello world
Go all in with Alternative Breaks! The CU Alternative Breaks (AB) program sends teams of college students to engage in community-based service projects during each college break. This program provides students with the opportunity to partake in meaningful service, reflect upon their experiences, and create long-lasting connections with others, all with the goal of creating active citizens. The CU Alternative Breaks program is actively preparing for 2020 spring break trips and the application to serve as a site leader is now open. To learn more about Alternative Breaks and to apply to serve as a site leader, please visit https://www.colorado.edu/volunteer/ab/site-leader. Applications are due Sunday, September 8, by 11:59 p.m.

Are you aged 18-35 and healthy? Join our research study on sleep, performance and gut health

Hello world

The purpose of this study is to evaluate how sleep loss affects your ability to think and how it changes the helpful bacteria living in your gut. We are also testing how a prebiotic diet alters how you and the bacteria living in your gut respond to sleep loss and being awake at night. This research will help us to create treatments and strategies for people working long hours under stressful conditions at night.

You may be eligible for this study if you:

  • Are a healthy male or female
  • Aged 18-35

Study visits include:

  • Consent appointment at the Sleep Laboratory
  • Medical screening appointment at Boulder’s CTRC
  • An actiwatch appointment at the Sleep Laboratory
  • 2 application appointments of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) sensors
  • 2 out-patient food pickups in Aurora, CO
  • 2 laboratory visits spanning 3.7 days each, with 17 days in-between visits at the University of Colorado-Boulder Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory

Main procedures involved:

  • Consumption of prebiotic and placebo supplement
  • Sleep loss • Blood draws • Computer testing
  • Biological specimen sampling

Compensation is up to $2,451. For study details, questions, or concerns, email sleep.study@colorado.edu and ask about the Navy study.

Workshop: Recognizing and Interrupting Racism

Thursday, September 12th, 12-1:30pm, C4C S350 Co-facilitated by Center for Inclusion and Social Change staff and the peer education team, this interactive 90-minute training is designed for staff, faculty, and students on the CU Boulder campus. During the training, participants will engage in small and large group discussions to help identify examples of racism in their lives or in an institution they participate in. They will also learn strategies for recognizing and interrupting racism. Faculty and staff, register through Skillsoft; students may attend with no rsvp.

Textbook rentals, tuition and fee bill charge and more

Check out what is new for you at the CU Book Store! We have tons of textbooks for rent and more used books than ever. Plus, now you can charge your textbooks, course materials, school supplies and technology accessories purchased at the CU Book Store to your student tuition and fee bill. Visit www.cubookstore.com/bill for more information. Open extended hours during back to school. Check out cubookstore.com for details.

Teens needed for study on cognition, emotions and resilience

Do you want to participate in a study about cognition, emotions and resilience? Are you a teen ages 15-19? At the Research on Affective Disorders and Development (RADD) Laboratory, we are interested in understanding how certain cognitive abilities, such as being able to pay attention or learn actions that help you achieve goals, may help teenagers to cope with stress and stay healthy. This is a two-year study. Over the course of the study, you will have two study visits at our laboratory in Boulder, each lasting about five hours. During these visits you will be interviewed about your life experiences; you will complete some computer games that involve paying attention and learning; you will have a neuroimaging scan while you either rest quietly or play computer games; and you will answer a set of surveys on a computer. Also as part of the study, you will complete a set of online surveys and a brief telephone interview once every six months (five times total during the two-year study participation). At the end of the study, you will have a final telephone interview, lasting about two hours. You can earn up to $750 for your time and effort completing the study. To learn more, you or your parent/legal guardian (if you are age 17 or younger) can contact our lab directly at 303-735-8306, or email us at raddlab@colorado.edu. You can also visit our website and take the quick and easy online eligibility screen to see if you/your child is eligible to participate in this study.

Paid research study for adults who fear spiders

The CU Boulder Psychology Department is looking for adults aged 18–40 to participate in a study about attitudes toward spiders, which requires looking at various spider stimuli.

This is a paid research study that consists of one approximately 4-hour session. You will earn $60 for the completion of this study.

Eligibility criteria:

  • 18–40 years of age
  • Physically healthy
  • Experience significant fear of spiders
  • Qualify based on a short online survey

Email alex.kirk@colorado.edu if you are interested in participating.

Scholarship and other opportunities for lovers of the American West

If you love the mountains, rivers, deserts, canyons, history, or any aspects of the world-famous region we call "The American West," we have a certificate program for you! Plus it comes with a potential bonus. Students enrolled in our program are eligible for a $2,000 Beardsley Family Scholarship this semester. The Beardsley is a merit-based scholarship, so financial need will not be a consideration in evaluating applications. Scholarship applications are due September 18. The Center of the American West certificate program requires 18 credit hours of coursework, some of which may also satisfy the requirements of your College and major. Getting acquainted with Center of the American West, even if you do not enroll in the certificate program, will put you in touch with a gold mine of resources and opportunities that will enrich your time at CU and could be instrumental in your career path or further educational goals after you graduate from CU. To find out more about our scholarship, our certificate program, and other Center of the American West programs available to all CU Boulder students (including internships and an annual writing contest) go to our website and click on "Academics." Feel free to reach out to us for more info or to schedule a time to visit—or just drop in for a chat at Macky 229. Our door is always open and our candy bowl is always filled!

Shakespeare in Production: Henry V (10-week class)

Hello world
In this 10-week class, students will rehearse an abridged version of "Henry V" and perform it for friends and family on the last day of class! For advanced performers and newcomers to Shakespeare, this class is a fun and engaging way to build language and performance skills, work with other teenagers as part of a team, and connect the ideas and conflicts in Shakespeare's world to our own. Open to students of all experience levels and abilities.

Be involved, be heard … Join the UMC Board!

Hello world
Join the UMC Board and be part of the decisions that help the UMC fulfill its mission. The UMC Board is the governing board for CU's student union and currently has openings for student members. You must be able to make the board meetings on Tuesdays from 5:30 to 7 p.m. It is a great leadership opportunity for new and returning CU students. Learn more and apply today! Deadline: September 18.

For parents: Cognitive Development Center offers fun research projects for kids

The Cognitive Development Center in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience is looking for children age birth to 13 years old who are interested in playing games that will help teach us about self-control, language, and cognitive strategies. A visit, scheduled at your convenience, lasts about 60 minutes. Babysitting is available for siblings. Parents are compensated for travel, and kids receive a fun prize.

To sign up, please:

  • Visit the Cognitive Development website: https://www.colorado.edu/cognitivedevelopment/help-us-explore-cognitive-development, or
  • Email cogdevctr@colorado.edu with your child’s name, gender, date of birth, and parent contact information (address/phone number/email address), or
  • Call us at (303) 492-6389

For more information, feel free to check out our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/CognitiveDevelopmentCenter/) and our website. (www.colorado.edu/cognitivedevelopment/).

New name and email for EA Global Experiences

CU Education Abroad (EA) is pleased to announce that the Global Experience registration has become the International Travel Registration. We look forward to giving travelers access to the newly streamlined, user-friendly online registration and revamped webpage that we hope provide clarity on the process and to whom it applies.

All international travel involving students that is CU Boulder-sponsored, CU Boulder-affiliated, related to a CU Boulder activity/program, or accompanied by CU faculty/staff, must be registered with CU Boulder Education Abroad, as outlined in the CU Boulder Policy on Student International Travel and Programs: https://www.colorado.edu/oie/cu-boulder-policy-student-international-travel-and-programs

Please send all inquiries and travel notifications to Education Abroad.

New email address: registertravel@colorado.edu

Registration requirements, benefits, travel restrictions, resources, and FAQs: https://abroad.colorado.edu/?go=registertravel

Paid study on understanding the emotions of others

Are you interested in your moods and brain? Participate in a paid neuroimaging study on the CU Boulder campus in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (IRB# 17-0358) to understand your own emotions and the emotions of others.

Earn between $20-$25 per hour to participate in studies, which involve answering questions about your thoughts and feelings, watching brief videos, playing computer games and having an MRI brain scan taken. The study includes up to three separate visits (2-3 hours each), with an option for additional paid follow-ups.

To qualify, you must be between the ages of 18 and 55 years old and either have:

  1. A diagnosis of bipolar disorder,
  2. A history of depression, or
  3. No history of mental health conditions.

Please fill out the following brief survey to apply—https://cuboulder.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3Pf9VOvzceCRTdH.

If you have questions, please contact us at gruberpeplab@colorado.edu or 303-735-7547.

UMC food service reopening

Starbucks in the UMC will open on Monday, Aug. 19. The Alferd Packer Grill opens Aug. 20., and the UMC Market will open on Aug. 26. Opening dates for Jamba Juice, Panda Express and Subway will be announced soon.