Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Revised fall 2020 schedule adjustment and open enrollment dates

A revised July and August class registration schedule is now reflected in the Fall 2020 academic calendar.

  • Current degree-seeking undergrads can adjust their schedules starting Aug. 3 (formerly Aug. 10)
  • Open enrollment has been moved up to Aug. 10 (formerly Aug. 19)

Remember, there will continue to be adjustments to the Fall 2020 class schedule until mid-to-late July, to meet the health and safety goals that will enable our return to campus.

Struggling with COVID anxiety? Worried about health or relationship problems? Feeling down, hopeless?

Affordable teletherapy is available through CU Boulder’s Raimy Psychology Clinic, for individuals residing in Colorado. Sessions are held through the videoconferencing platform Zoom.

Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other difficulties during this very challenging time! Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty.

For more information, call our intake line, Julia Salinger at 303-492-5177; email raimy@colorado.edu; or visit our website.

Health insurance options for graduating students or those changing plans

Coverage for the current 2019–20 CU Boulder Gold Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) ends on July 31. While this plan will not provide continuous insurance coverage to graduating students or those switching to private insurance plans, the loss of student health insurance coverage is considered a Qualifying Life Event. Therefore, students who have recently lost insurance coverage are eligible to enroll in the Connect for Colorado health insurance marketplace for up to 60 days from the loss of coverage.

Piano lessons for absolute beginners this fall

Take piano lessons with an undergraduate piano intern this semester! These lessons are for students, staff or faculty who are absolute beginners at the piano instruction (no exceptions).

The instructors are undergraduate piano majors in their junior or senior year. No university credit. Professor Alejandro Cremaschi supervises the interns.

Because of COVID-19 limitations, all lessons will happen online. You must have a piano or keyboard.

Learn more.

Struggling with COVID anxiety? Worried about health or relationship problems? Feeling down, hopeless?

Affordable teletherapy is available through CU Boulder’s Raimy Psychology Clinic, for individuals residing in Colorado. Sessions are held through the videoconferencing platform Zoom.

Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other difficulties during this very challenging time! Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty.

For more information, call our intake line, Julia Salinger at 303-492-5177; email raimy@colorado.edu; or visit our website.

Call for graduate student mentors

Check your email for an invitation from the Graduate School to complete the 5-minute application to be a graduate student mentor.

You will be paired with one of our 500 incoming graduate students interested in the Graduate School’s Peer Mentoring program for the 2020–21 academic year. Applications are due on Wednesday, June 24, at noon (MDT). Contact sarah.tynen@colorado.edu with questions.

RTD to resume collecting fares on July 1, optional student passes available through Buff OneCard office

An example of an RTD College Pass card.

RTD has announced it will resume fare collection on July 1, 2020. Riders will board at the front of buses, will be asked to pay with a ticket, pass or cash and are required to wear a face covering. College Pass and EcoPass holders will be asked to tap the validator upon boarding the bus, and prior to boarding light rail.  

Since students enrolled in summer courses were not charged the usual student bus pass fees this summer, they will be required to pay to ride RTD buses until Aug. 1, when fall 2020 bus passes become active. To cover this gap, the Buff OneCard Office is offering Optional Bus Passes to students for a prorated price of $45. Buying a pass directly from RTD with the same benefits costs $200 per month. 

To activate your pass and ride RTD transit without paying fare box fees, you must purchase a pass by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your Buff OneCard account and deposit $45 into your Campus Cash account.
  2. Once the deposit is complete, email boc@colorado.edu with the number on the bottom of your bus pass.
  3. Your Campus Cash account will be charged the $45 fee, and your pass will be extended for the rest of the summer through Aug. 25.
  4. If this process is completed by June 24, you should not experience any break in service. You may experience up to a 72-hour delay if it is completed after that date.

If no action is taken, passes will automatically become active again for students who are enrolled for the fall 2020 semester on Aug. 1.

Optional Bus Pass purchase questions can be sent to boc@colorado.edu. General pass questions can be sent to buspass@colorado.edu

Faculty and staff RTD bus passes have remained active during the suspension of fees and will be active when fees are reinstated on July 1.

RTD social distancing policy

All RTD riders are asked to wear a face covering and maintain at least 6 feet of space between riders whenever possible and to board through the front doors of the bus. Learn more about RTD policy and service updates.

Struggling with COVID anxiety? Worried about health or relationship problems? Feeling down, hopeless?

Affordable teletherapy is available through CU Boulder’s Raimy Psychology Clinic, for individuals residing in Colorado. Sessions are held through the videoconferencing platform Zoom.

Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other difficulties during this very challenging time! Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty.

For more information, call our intake line, Julia Salinger at 303-492-5177; email raimy@colorado.edu; or visit our website.

Eye tracking study: Earn $50 for 2.5 hours

Hello world

We are seeking participants for a study of eye movements and brain activity during learning.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible to participant in this research study if you are: 

  • CU Boulder student currently in the Boulder area
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Are fluent in English
  • Have not previously taken part in the Online Learning study with our lab 
  • Have no history of seizures
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision
  • Are proficient with computers

What does my participation entail?

The study requires one visit of two hours to the lab on East Campus (1777 Exposition Dr., Boulder, CO 80309—see COVID-19 safety procedures below), plus one 30-minute follow-up questionnaire to be completed online.

The first visit will involve having your eye movements, physiological responses (e.g. heart rate), video of your face/upper body, and brain activity noninvasively recorded while you complete a computer-based reading task and answer several questionnaires. It will take approximately two hours and you will be paid $20 per hour, for a total of $40. About a week later, you will complete a 30-minute online survey; upon completion you will receive an additional $10. 

What are the COVID-related safety procedures?

We will take utmost care to ensure your safety for the duration of the visit, with stringent procedures approved by CU administration. 

  • We provide masks, handwashing stations and temperature checks on arrival
  • All occupants of the building are required to wear a mask at all times
  • All equipment is sterilized between uses with medical-grade disinfectant
  • You will be alone in the testing room for most of the study (a researcher will run the session from an adjacent room, instructing you via video conference)
  • Only three people will be in the facility at a time (21.5% occupancy)

How will I get paid?

Payment will be via an Amazon gift card. 

What are the next steps?

If you are interested in participating, please contact us at eyemindlink@gmail.com.

Teens needed for study on cognition, emotions, resilience


The goal of our study is to learn about cognitive abilities, the brain networks that are involved in those cognitive abilities, and emotional wellbeing over the course of adolescence. We are interested in understanding how certain cognitive abilities, like being able to pay attention or learn actions that help you achieve goals, may help teenagers to cope with stress and stay healthy. 

This is a two-year study. Over the course of the study, you will have a total of two study visits at our laboratory in Boulder, each lasting about five hours. During these visits you will be interviewed about your life experiences; you will complete some computer games that involve paying attention and learning; you will have a neuroimaging scan while you either rest quietly or play computer games; and you will answer a set of surveys on a computer. 

Also as part of the study, you will complete a set of online surveys and a brief telephone interview once every six months (five times total during the two-year study participation). 

At the end of the study, you will have a final telephone interview, lasting about two hours.

You can earn up to $750 for your time and effort completing all parts of the study. 

Interested students should email raddlab@colorado.edu or fill out the online study eligibility screen

Struggling with COVID anxiety? Worried about health or relationship problems? Feeling down, hopeless?

Affordable teletherapy is available through CU Boulder’s Raimy Psychology Clinic, for individuals residing in Colorado. Sessions are held through the videoconferencing platform Zoom. Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other difficulties during this very challenging time! Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty. For more information, call our intake line, Julia Salinger at 303-492-5177; email raimy@colorado.edu; or visit our website.

Join the state’s election process as an election judge

The Secretary of State’s office has developed a webpage where Coloradans can sign up to show their interest in becoming election judges.

Serving as an election judge is a temporary, paid position. Pay differs county to county but is required by state law. This year, there will be a $3 per hour increase in election judge pay, as well as paid sick leave.