Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


For parents: Free virtual after-school physics program

CU Boulder, Florida State University and University of Pennsylvania invite all middle and high school students (grades 7–12) to attend a free, weeklong after-school program via Zoom. As part of the program, students will play an educational video game called Physics Playground. Students who complete the five-day program will receive a certificate of completion and the chance to win various prizes throughout the week. 

Upcoming camps start on Sept. 21 and Sept. 28, and more dates will be added on demand.

If you have any questions, email Ginny Smith at gls04c@my.fsu.edu. Get more information on Physics Playground and the research behind it, or sign up now.

Struggling with COVID anxiety? Feeling down, hopeless or stuck in a cycle of unproductive worry? Concerned about relationship problems?

Low-cost teletherapy is available through CU Boulder’s Raimy Psychology Clinic, for individuals residing in Colorado. Sessions are held through the videoconferencing platform Zoom.

Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other difficulties during this very challenging time! Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty. Openings for new clients are available now! Email or call now to start the intake process.

For more information, call our intake coordinator, Julia Salinger, at 303-492-5177; email raimy@colorado.edu; or visit our website.

Participants needed: Paid study on anxiety, inflammation, stress

If you experience anxiety, we need you! 

The CUChange lab in the Institute for Cognitive Science and Department of Psychology and Neuroscience is looking for participants for a paid study on anxiety (OASIS). 

We are looking for participants for a research study on the use of cannabis in people who experience anxiety (IRB #16-0767). You can make up to $335 for only three appointments! Must be 21 years or older (open to the public).

Contact us or fill in the online, confidential screening form, and we will get back to you about eligibility ASAP. 

The Writing Center is open for remote sessions

The CU Boulder Writing Center offers writers from all academic disciplines and skill levels the opportunity to work one-on-one with professionally trained writing consultants. We are operating remotely for fall 2020 and writers can opt for a synchronous session via Zoom or an asynchronous session where you receive written feedback about your document. 

We help writers at all stages of the writing process from brainstorming through revision. Writing Center sessions strive to address writers' stated needs while attending to relevant disciplinary, rhetorical, grammatical and stylistic concerns. Consultants provide feedback and advice that promote writers' abilities to communicate successfully and think critically in response to complex, evolving expectations of readers in academia, the workplace and society.

  • Save time by learning more effective writing techniques.
  • Eliminate writer’s block and procrastination.
  • Improve your argumentative impact, organization and clarity.
  • Strengthen your revision and self-editing skills.
  • Learn proper citation to avoid unintentional plagiarism.

Goldwater information sessions

Students interested in a career in math, natural sciences or engineering are invited to apply for the Goldwater Scholarship, which pays up to $7,500 toward undergraduate tuition and other educational expenses. Students must be current sophomores or juniors and may be eligible if they have an excellent academic record and demonstrated research experience. 

For more information and advice on the application process, attend either information meeting:

  • Tuesday, Sept. 15, at 3:55 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 4:10 p.m.

Use the same Zoom link for both sessions.

Struggling with COVID anxiety? Feeling down, hopeless or stuck in a cycle of unproductive worry? Concerned about relationship problems?

Low-cost teletherapy is available through CU Boulder’s Raimy Psychology Clinic, for individuals residing in Colorado. Sessions are held through the videoconferencing platform Zoom.

Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other difficulties during this very challenging time! Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty. Openings for new clients will be available between mid-September and mid-October. Call now to start the intake process and get on the wait list!

For more information, call our intake coordinator, Julia Salinger, at 303-492-5177; email raimy@colorado.edu; or visit our website.

Printing available at the Ink Spot in the UMC

Ink Spot in the UMC is open to serve your printing needs. The Ink Spot offers a variety of print services including copies, binding, large format printing, foam core and more. 

Please bring print-ready PDFs to the Ink Spot. If you are having trouble creating a print-ready PDF, please email eprint@colorado.edu to schedule some time with their staff.

The Ink Spot looks forward to serving your printing needs. Questions? Contact the Ink Spot at 303-492-7878. 

Orders may be submitted at the Ink Spot or online through colorado.edu/imagingservices or eprint@colorado.edu. 

Struggling with COVID anxiety? Feeling down, hopeless or stuck in a cycle of unproductive worry? Concerned about relationship problems?

Low-cost teletherapy is available through CU Boulder’s Raimy Psychology Clinic, for individuals residing in Colorado. Sessions are held through the videoconferencing platform Zoom. Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other difficulties during this very challenging time! Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty. Openings for new clients will be available between mid-September and mid-October. Call now to start the intake process and get on the wait list! For more information, call our intake line, Julia Salinger, at 303-492-5177; email raimy@colorado.edu; or visit our website.

Join the Education Abroad virtual expo Sept. 9-10

The world still awaits! Learn about the adventure of a lifetime at the virtual Education Abroad Expo. You'll discover study abroad opportunities, global internships and research, and much more on hundreds of programs in almost 70 different countries—for all majors and all budgets!

Stop by our website from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 9, and Thursday, Sept. 10, to participate. Get info on the academic and financial components of a term abroad, your next steps, and even start your application during the expo.

The world is your classroom. Register now.

Graduate and Professional Student Government has openings on housing committee; apply by Sept. 4

Applications for the Graduate and Professional Student Government housing committee are due by 5 p.m. on Sept. 4. Committee members can expect to spend ~5 hours a month on monitoring housing issues in Boulder and identifying ways for GPSG to advocate on behalf of graduate and professional students. A stipend to compensate your time is provided.⁠ The GPSG executive team will reach out with additional questions or decisions after this deadline.⁠ Learn more about the committee and apply.

Cyclists needed for biomechanics study

The Locomotion Lab of the Integrative Physiology Department at CU Boulder is studying the effect of bicycle lean on maximal power output in cycling. This experiment will involve a series of 5-second cycling sprints on a stationary bike. 

To be eligible for this study, you must:

  • Be between 18–49 years old
  • Be in good health (unexposed/free from coronavirus)
  • Cycle (outdoors or indoors) at least 4 hours per week
  • Have your own clip-in pedals and shoes

The study consists of one, 2-hour session at CU Boulder. This experiment is completely non-invasive.

You will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card as compensation for taking part in the study.

If you are interested in participating, please contact culocomotionlab@gmail.com.

Students needed for online mock interview study

We are a team of researchers at University of Colorado and Purdue University studying automated video interviews. Automated video interviews are increasingly being adopted by organizations and use computers to automatically screen job applicants. We seek to collect data to determine whether such technology can reliably, accurately and fairly assess job applicants.

We are recruiting undergraduates to participate in a mock video interview (approved Purdue University IRB protocol # IRB-2019-56; University of Colorado IRB protocol # 19-0562). The study consists of common selection tests (i.e., personality and cognitive ability tests) and an asynchronous mock interview. 

The study takes about 45 minutes to complete, on average. Full participation requires that you have a webcam (recording both video and audio) and laptop or desktop computer. By participating, you will gain experience on selection tests and automated interviews. For completing all components of the study, you will be compensated with a $10 Amazon gift card.

If you wish to participate, please follow the study link or copy and paste the address into your browser (we suggest you use Chrome or Firefox): https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eE4OvqflOB7Z9MV

If you have any questions or concerns, feel welcome to contact Louis Hickman, PhD candidate, at lchickma@purdue.edu.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Louis Hickman
PhD Candidate
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Purdue University

Dr. Louis Tay
Associate Professor
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Purdue University  

Sidney D'Mello
Associate Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science
University of Colorado Boulder

Eye tracking study: Earn $50 for 2.5 hours

Hello world

We are seeking participants for a study of eye movements and brain activity during learning.

Am I eligible? You are eligible to participant in this research study if you: 

  • Are able to visit our lab at CU Boulder
  • Are at least 18 years of age
  • Are fluent in English
  • Have not previously taken part in the online learning study with our lab (check if unsure)
  • Are in good health
  • Have no history of seizures
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision
  • Are proficient with computers

What does my participation entail? The study requires one visit (2-3 hours) to the lab on East Campus (1777 Exposition Drive, Boulder, CO 80309), plus one 30-minute follow-up questionnaire to be completed online.

The first visit will involve having your eye movements, physiological responses (e.g. heart rate), video of your face/upper body, and brain activity non-invasively recorded while you complete a computer-based reading task and answer several questionnaires. It will take approximately 2-3 hours and you will be paid $20 per hour. About a week later, you will complete a 30-minute online survey; upon completion you will receive an additional $10. 

What are the COVID-related safety procedures? We will take utmost care to ensure your safety for the duration of the visit, with stringent procedures approved by CU administration. 

  • We provide masks, handwashing stations and temperature checks on arrival
  • All occupants of the building are required to wear a mask at all times
  • All equipment is sterilized between uses with medical-grade disinfectant
  • You will be alone in the testing room for most of the study (a researcher will run the session from an adjacent room, instructing you via video conference)
  • Only six people will be in the facility at a time (<50% occupancy)

How will I get paid? Payment will be via an Amazon gift card. 

What are the next steps? If you are interested in participating, please contact us at eyemindlink@gmail.com.