Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Join our system-wide gamification reading group

If you’re curious about using games and simulations in your classes, and are interested in engaging with colleagues from the CU system, the ASSETT Innovation Incubator Student Success team invites faculty and graduate students from the CU Boulder, Colorado Springs and Denver campuses to participate in a system-wide gamification reading group.

University Libraries hiring students for fall 2021

Student assistant working in the library

Are you looking for a job that allows you to help fellow students while gaining valuable work experience in a knowledge-rich environment? Now’s your chance!

The University Libraries are looking for multiple library student assistants to come work with us this fall. We’re hiring for positions in security, preservation, circulation, music, government records, administration and more.

Don’t miss the Education Abroad Fair on Sept. 9

The world awaits! Learn about the adventure of a lifetime at the in-person Education Abroad Fair. You'll discover study abroad opportunities, global internships and research, and much more on hundreds of programs in almost 70 different countries. There are programs for all majors and all budgets!

The big event will happen Thursday, Sept. 9, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the UMC South Terrace Tent. Be there or be square! 

You’ll get a chance to chat with Ed Abroad staff, study abroad providers like Semester at Sea and CU faculty who take students abroad on CU Global Seminars, as well as learn about internship experiences, including CU in D.C., and much more.

Get details on the academic and financial components of a term abroad, your next steps, and even start your application during the fair. 

Visit CU Boulder Today to learn about Education Abroad advising options, application deadlines and the current U.S. passport processing delays.

Participate in an effort and movement learning study

The Neuromechanics Lab is looking for volunteers for a study on learning and effort in a reaching task. We are interested in how the effort involved in a movement impacts how you learn in a new environment. The task involves using a robotic handle to guide a cursor to a series of targets.

You must:

  • Be English-speaking
  • Be 18–35 years old
  • Have normal or corrected vision
  • Have no movement control problems
  • Have had no recent orthopedic surgeries or broken bones

The study will involve 1.5 hours of testing in our campus laboratory (1B21 ECSL, 1111 Engineering Drive, Boulder, CO 80309). Subjects will be compensated with a $15 Amazon gift card.

Contact Rachel Marbaker with questions at rachel.marbaker@colorado.edu or 719-373-1748.

Applications for GPSG fall travel grants close at 5 p.m. Sept. 10

The Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) fall travel grants close at 5 p.m. Sept. 10. Group grants are accepted on a rolling basis.

Graduate students may apply for:

  • Up to $300 for individual travel, which can be used within the U.S., Mexico, Canada and U.S. territories.
  • Up to $750 for group grants, which can be used for events held in Boulder.

To submit an application and review the rules and procedures, please visit our website. For any questions, contact GPSG Director of Finance Lange Simmons at finance.gpsg@colorado.edu.

Participate in the Mindful Campus Program

We are seeking current CU undergraduates to participate in a research study investigating the Mindful Campus Program, an 8-week course designed to promote mindfulness, compassion and community engagement. 

You can earn up to $125–$130 by participating in this study.

Participants will be invited to attend eight 90-minute Zoom sessions, complete surveys at three time points, and participate in focus groups to give feedback on the Mindful Campus Program. You must be 18 years old or older to participate. The IRB protocol number for this study is 21-0001.

By participating in this research, you will not only have the opportunity to learn and practice in a community setting, but also you may contribute to the creation of programs and policies to support undergraduate wellness and CU Boulder. Please reach out if you’re interested in learning about sections of the Mindful Campus course, specifically for BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+ students. 

Please send an email to mindfulcampus@colorado.edu if you’re interested in learning more or complete the interest form.

Provost seeks nominations for new engineering dean search advisory committee

CU Boulder Provost Russell Moore has announced he is soliciting nominations for students, faculty, staff and external community members to serve on the new search advisory committee for the dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science. 

The committee will be chaired by Scott Adler, dean of the Graduate School and vice provost for graduate affairs. The previous search last year to fill the position did not result in a hire.

The CEAS dean serves as the chief academic and administrative officer of the college and works with Advancement, CEAS constituents and donors to articulate and achieve the college’s and the university’s strategic mission and goals.

“I’d like to thank Keith Molenaar for his continued leadership as acting dean of CEAS until a new dean is appointed,” said Moore. “Keith has informed me that he will not be a candidate for the permanent position.”

Members of the campus community are invited to submit nominations, including self-nominations, via the search advisory committee member nomination form by Sept. 13. Moore intends to seat the advisory committee by the end of September and name a new dean during the spring 2022 semester.

Learning on the go and at home

person typing on laptop

Did you know that Continuing Education offers a variety of class formats to help you earn credit on your schedule? 

With flexible in-person and online classes that fit your busy lifestyle, Continuing Education makes it easy to advance your education when, where, and how you want. Credits earned in Continuing Education classes count toward your GPA and your transcript doesn’t distinguish between Continuing Education and main campus courses.

Learn how you can benefit from Continuing Education programs this year.