Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


It’s compliance week

Students: You'll receive a few important reminder emails this week.

Each fall, the campus sends communications to share important information and meet federal notification requirements. Recently, students received eMemos on topics such as FERPA, discrimination and harassment, and voting. Over the coming week, you'll continue to receive annual reminders on topics concerning drug policy and conviction impacts, financial aid and the campus's safety and security report.

Job driving student to middle school in morning

I'm looking for a kind, responsible and safe person to drive my seventh-grade daughter to Louisville Middle School from Flatiron Meadows in Erie on most Monday, Thursday and Friday mornings. She has to be at school by 8:30 a.m. but could arrive a bit earlier if needed (8:20 a.m.). I'll pay $12 per trip (it's about a 15-minute drive). Please let me know if you're interested. Thanks!

Tips for making friends and finding your fit on campus

Mental health is...connection

While it may feel challenging, finding meaningful connections is important for our mental health. Socializing with our peers, mentors, friends, family and community can improve a number of areas of mental health. In fact, those who are closely connected to their friends and family tend to have lower rates of depression and suicide (including suicidal thoughts), higher self-esteem, more empathy and more trust in others. Additionally, feeling connected gives us a sense of belonging, support and purpose throughout our lives. 

Get tips to help you make meaningful connections now, throughout college and into the future. Read more.

Are you interested in earth systems and environmental science careers?


Do you identify as a woman, and are you interested in the earth systems and environmental sciences? The earth systems and environmental sciences include topics such as the earth’s atmosphere and oceans, geology, energy, air quality, climate, water and natural resource management, and natural disaster forecasting. Are you interested in participating in a successful national scale mentorship program?

If so, then we would like to invite you to begin participation in this program with a one-day virtual professional development workshop. The workshop will be held on Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021.  

The workshop is part of a study to identify ways to support everyone’s interest in earth systems and environmental science careers through the National Science Foundation funded PROGRESS (PROmoting Geoscience Research Education and SuccesS) professional development and mentoring program.

If you are interested in participating in this single-day workshop and being paired with a mentor, please complete a brief online application (< 5 minutes to complete).
As part of the study, we will ask you to complete follow-up surveys about your experiences and interests at a later time (one before and one after the workshop). For questions, please email us at progressgeoscience@gmail.com.

Please note: Your participation is completely voluntary, and you can withdraw your participation at any time. In addition, the information you provide is treated as confidential; no identifying information will be connected with your answers. Please be also aware that your course instructors and advisors are not involved in this workshop study, and will not know whether you participate or not. Therefore, your decision to participate in the study will have no bearing on your course grades or experiences.

UMC hiring security guards, office assistant, more

Work in the heart of campus!

The UMC is the heart of campus, hosting 10,000-plus visitors a day and 16,000 events each year. As one of the most active spots on campus, the UMC gives CU students exceptional leadership and job experience. We offer a competitive salary, flexible hours, professional and personal development opportunities and a true team spirit!

The UMC is currently hiring for a number of positions, including:

  • Cashiers and a graduate assistant at The Connection
  • Events Planning & Catering intern
  • Business office assistant
  • Security guards
  • Set-up crew
  • Audio/visual tech

To learn more about available positions and to apply, visit the UMC Student Jobs webpage.

Join the UMC Board to be involved, be heard

Join the UMC Board! Apply Now!
Want to be part of the decisions that shape the UMC and that help us fulfill our mission? Apply for the UMC Board! The UMC Board is the governing body for your student union and currently has openings for student members. It is a great leadership opportunity for new and returning CU students. Learn more and apply today. Note: You must be able to attend the board meetings on Tuesdays from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

Sweet swag! Get CU swag and learn about zero waste on campus

sustainable CU-branded swag

As we increase our on-campus presence, and once again strive to reach our campus zero waste goal, a habit worth reviving is that of properly sorting our recyclables, compost and waste. Facilities Management is pleased to offer a new outreach program that you and your colleagues will find engaging, fun and highly informative.

For groups of 4–12, we’ll start with a brief presentation, followed by some mock recycling (where you are guaranteed to learn something you didn’t know before). Then we will take you on a tour of the on-campus recycling facility, do some Q&As and hand out some sweet sustainable CU-branded swag.

What better way to spend an hour? Round up your campus colleagues, reach out to recycling@colorado.edu, and we will get you on the schedule.

Stop by the dean of students office hours Sept. 16 in UMC 308

The Office of the Dean of Students will be holding office hours at the University Memorial Center (UMC 308). These office hours serve as a way to ask questions, connect with our staff and learn about resources; no appointment needed!

Stop by between 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

  • Sept. 16
  • Oct. 21
  • Nov. 18
  • Dec. 16

Reach out for campus support resources

During these challenging times, many in the CU Boulder community may be looking to campus resources for assistance. Please know there are many in-person and virtual support and advocacy resources available to you.

Looking for things to do? Check out upcoming student events

Each semester, the Student Affairs offers hundreds of events, workshops and opportunities to get involved, meet fellow Buffs and have some fun! Events range from DIY nights and fitness classes to career fairs and watch parties, so there’s something for everyone.

Check back each week to see our current featured events and new offerings. We hope you’ll join us soon!