Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Computer science students needed for research study on C++

We are recruiting participants for a research study who are fluent English speakers, are over the age of 18, and who have taken at least an intro-level programming class (or equivalent experience) with C++.

We are investigating how programmers of varying experience levels approach debugging C++ code. Our eventual goal is to create a collaborative robot that can support newer programmers as they learn debugging strategies. In the study, you will be completing a debugging task alongside our partner robot.

The study will last 30 minutes, and the pay is $15. You cannot earn course credit through this study.

Schedule an appointment online. The studies take place at the CU Engineering Center, Room ECST 322. To get directions to our lab, or for more information, please email kayleigh.bishop@colorado.edu. Thanks!

CU NightRide is hiring!

CU NightRide

CU NightRide is hiring driver/dispatchers to take calls, coordinate rides and drive within the city of Boulder. We’re looking for students who are confident and safe behind the wheel, friendly, courteous, non-judgmental, caring and skilled at multitasking.

Student Assistant I

  • $15 per hour, 10–20 hours/week
  • Flexible schedule
  • Growth opportunities
  • Listen to your own music

CU NightRide is a student-operated program dedicated to meeting the safety needs of CU students, faculty and staff by providing nighttime transportation to support a safe academic and socially responsible environment, both on campus and in the community.

Give your ideas on how to improve Hellems

Mockup for new Hellems entryway

About half of first-year students take a course in the Hellems Arts and Sciences building, and by the time they graduate, about 85% of all undergraduates take at least one course there. On this campus, Hellems takes a leading role in academics, but lately it might seem withered in the spotlight.

As CU Boulder gears up for a major renovation of Hellems, officials are asking students, faculty and staff to share their ideas, photos and suggestions about how to make the new-and-improved Hellems an inclusive and welcoming space—a space focused on an invigorating student experience and a refreshed work and research environment for the arts and humanities.

Norlin Library to close Sept. 17–18 for crane work

Norlin Library will be closed on the weekend of Sept. 17 and Sept. 18 to remove old cooling equipment on the roof of the building using a crane. The work will begin at 6 a.m. on Sept. 17 and is expected to finish by the afternoon on Sept. 18. There will also be fencing on the sidewalk surrounding the building.

Help clean up litter along Boulder Creek Sept. 10

Environmental Health & Safety and the Environmental Center at CU Boulder are partnering to clean Boulder Creek. On Saturday, Sept. 10, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., students, staff and faculty will join community members in cleaning up litter along Boulder Creek with an opening healing circle held by local Indigenous community members.

Volunteers will span Boulder Creek in an effort to build resiliency in caring for the earth and each other at this community creek cleanup. The day will start with a healing circle led by Andrea Nawage and Beverly Castaneda to heal our relationship with the land and water at Scott Carpenter Park. Following the healing circle, volunteers will walk east or west along the creek to collect trash found along the area. After the cleanup has ended, the community will reconvene at Scott Carpenter Park where lunch will be provided.

Volunteers are encouraged to sign up using this RSVP form. Space is limited to 50 reservations. 

Changes to Boulder noise ordinance

On Sept. 1, the Boulder City Council voted to amend ordinance BRC 5-9-6, which prohibits unreasonable noise between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. Noise restrictions during daytime hours, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., have been added to the ordinance. Learn more about ordinance changes and how this affects students and Boulder residents.

Colorado resident students: Get your $750 state tax rebate

person doing taxes

There's still time to take advantage of the $750 state tax rebate. According to the Colorado Governor’s Office, Colorado resident-students who file state taxes by Oct. 17 are eligible for the recent TABOR refund. You do not have to have income to report, and you can be claimed as a dependent on your parents’ tax return. Learn more about the Colorado Tax Rebate.

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be a Colorado resident
  • Be at least 18 years or older as of Dec. 31, 2021
  • File state income tax return by Oct. 17, 2022

Colorado residents who file by Oct. 17, 2022, will be mailed a refund check by Jan. 31, 2023.

Not sure where to start? Check-out these free resources for filing taxes.

Intramural sports registration is Sept. 7–14

Intramural sports at CU Boulder provides an opportunity for students, faculty and staff to compete against each other in a variety of sports and activities. It's a chance to get connected on campus and meet other students, and a fun way to stay active.

Intramural sports are open to everyone. Whether you are new to a sport or experienced, whether or not you join with a team of friends or register as a free agent, there's a place for you. By purchasing an Intramural Sports Pass, you can play in any leagues you'd like throughout the semester, including tournaments. Session I registration is from Wednesday, Sept. 7, to Wednesday, Sept. 14.

Aug. 9 town hall recording now available

Couldn't attend the Aug. 9 town hall? A recording with closed captioning is now available. Led by Provost Russell Moore and Chief Operating Officer Patrick O’Rourke, the virtual event was a chance for campus leaders to provide updates heading into the fall semester, including the topics of academic year priorities, work modality standards, vaccine requirements, academic instruction guidance and more. There was also a Q&A segment and leaders from Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Health and Wellness Services and Human Resources were on hand to answer questions.

Full closure of 30th and Colorado intersection slated for Sept. 10–23

From Saturday, Sept 10, to Friday, Sept. 23, the intersection of 30th Street and Colorado will be closed in all directions to pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles as the city’s transformative underpass project progresses. Community members are encouraged to avoid this area during this closure period.

The planned closure is part of ongoing work on the 30th Street and Colorado Avenue Underpass Project. The roadwork is planned to minimize the impact on students, faculty, staff and visitors.

View the project detour map for various pedestrian, bicycle and alternate vehicular routes while the work is being performed. Crews will be completing scheduled work that cannot be done with live traffic.

The project is a critical part of the city’s Core Arterial Network (CAN) effort and also aligns with CU Boulder and city planning efforts such as CU Boulder Master Plan (2021) and CU Transportation Master Plan (2020). These strategic efforts identified the need for improvements to safety, separation of travel, and reduction in conflict points and severe crashes at the intersection.

In addition to improving campus and community connectivity, the underpass will provide drainage and structural improvements. The project is scheduled for completion in early 2023.

Buff Bus impacts

Members of our CU Boulder community who are commuting from East Campus can still use the Stampede Bus, though construction delays on the route are likely and the route will be detoured during non-peak hours. The regular Route S - Stampede will continue to operate from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. (approximately 15 minutes between buses). After 5 p.m., the Stampede will be following detoured route S.

Residents from Williams Village can continue to use Buff Bus detour route WL. The detour route will run on the regular schedule: Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–3 p.m. (approx. 12 mins between buses). After 3 p.m., detour Route W will provide service.

For more details about bus schedule impacts and route detour map, visit our Buff Bus webpage.

Questions about the city’s 30th and Colorado Underpass project can be sent to popen@bouldercolorado.gov.

Find your adventure with Outdoor Pursuits

Outdoor Pursuits is a gateway for students to experience the great outdoors. This is accomplished through the development of an inclusive environment and community-promoting skill-building for a variety of outdoor recreational activities, environmental awareness and appreciation of nature.

Sign up for wellness coaching

Peer Wellness Coaching is a free service available to CU Boulder students to help students set and achieve their wellness goals. Coaches are students who are trained to help students looking to optimize their personal health and wellness or make meaningful changes in their lives. Peer wellness coaches listen and work one-on-one with students to set wellness goals and connect to the resources to achieve their goals.

Volunteer to be a note-taker for Disability Services

Being a peer note-taker gives you an opportunity to gain volunteer service hours in addition to receiving a gift card to the CU Book Store.

To register, please complete the registration form. You will need to sign in with your CU Google account (@colorado.edu) to complete the form. If needed, you will hear back from Disability Services after you submit with next steps and an invitation to the internal platform Accommodate Portal, where you will post notes.

After successfully providing notes throughout the semester, you will receive a CU Book Store gift card as a token of appreciation for your service. Learn more about guidelines and expectations.