Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Looking for a job after graduation? Teach For America deadline March 23

Join Teach For America to become part of a majority-BIPOC network of leaders shaping our country's political, economic and social future. 

Want to explore if this is right for you? Grab coffee with your fellow Buff, representative Gaby Johnson to learn more about the application and check out some of the inspiring ways Teach For America alumni are disrupting inequity across education, business, policy, law, medicine and more. 

Submit your two-hour application to the 2023 corps by our final deadline Thursday, March 23. Graduating seniors and graduate students of all majors accepted. Full salary and benefits plus a $5K-$10K stipend and up to $12K Americorps grant.

Do you live off campus? Pick up your trash to avoid a citation

Picking up your trash is even more important now that the Boulder City Council recently passed an ordinance that adds a civil violation to the city’s trash violation process.

Starting Saturday, March 18, the ordinance will make it easier for police officers to issue you a trash citation. Under the previous process, residents would receive a warning to clean up their trash by a certain deadline. If the violation was not fixed in time, an officer would have served the resident a criminal summons, which needs to be received in person and signed by the resident.

The new civil process still includes a warning to clean up by a certain deadline. However, instead of an officer needing to serve you a criminal summons in person, they can post the civil citation on your door or email it to your landlord. This change saves time for officers and makes it easier to deliver a citation.

The new process also established new fines:

  • $100 for a first offense
  • $250 for a second offense
  • $500 for a third offense

Students can get free trash bags from Off-Campus Housing & Neighborhood Relations by stopping by their office in UMC 313.

CU Boulder alerts system test set for March 21

A person checks a laptop and a mobile phone.

As part of the continuous assessment of our emergency notification protocols and procedures, campus officials will test the CU Boulder alerts system at approximately 12:20 p.m. on Tuesday, March 21.

This test was originally scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 28. However, due to a high number of alerts sent to the CU Boulder community in the preceding week, the test was rescheduled.

The biannual testing, required by a federal law known as the Clery Act, involves checking the university’s systems for sending text messages, emails, social media posts, computer desktop alerts and website announcements. This testing helps ensure we’re staying up to date with best practices and maintaining readiness to respond in case of emergencies.

Get more information on the types of emergency notifications campus provides. Also, review what to know about how campus emergency notifications work.

Participants needed for study on nutrition, insulin, cannabis

Looking for adults (ages 21–40) to participate in a paid research study. The CUChange lab is conducting a study on acute cannabis use. The goal is to better understand the effects of cannabis on inflammation and blood sugar regulation.

Participation in this study involves two in-person appointments over the course of one week. These appointments include blood collection through an intravenous catheter (IV), two oral glucose tests and a series of confidential surveys about health, diet and exercise.

Participants can earn up to $200 for completing the study.


  • 21–40 years old
  • Have used cannabis at least once
  • Have not used cannabis in the last 3 months
  • Are willing to use cannabis at one of the appointments

If you are interested, please complete the eligibility survey. For more information, please contact sonic.custudy@gmail.com.

Chronic back pain? Participants needed for research study

Person holding their back in pain; text reads 'Back pain? Research participants wanted'

The Pain Lab at CU Boulder, affiliated with the Institute of Cognitive Science, is seeking participants ages 21–70 for a research study with non-invasive wearable sensors.

You may be eligible if you have experienced back pain for the last three-plus months. Participants will be compensated up to $360.

If you're interested, fill out the eligibility screening form. We will contact you regarding your eligibility.

Recruiting participants for focus groups on violence-prevention messaging

CU’s Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence is recruiting participants for focus groups to view and provide feedback via Zoom on educational messages for violence prevention. The messages will be displayed on PowerPoint slides during a 60-minute meeting.

Each participant will receive a $25 Amazon gift card.

The study seeks to test messages on violence prevention and "upstander" reporting with CU audiences to help improve the quality of a public awareness campaign on campus and community safety.

To sign up to participate, email violence prevention researcher Sarah Goodrum at sarah.goodrum@colorado.edu. Recruitment will run through April 2023.

Oracle Java SE subscription change and potential audit risk

A person coding

Effective Jan. 23, Oracle changed the license metric for Java SE subscriptions from per-user to per-employee and changed the product name from Java SE Subscription to Java SE Universal Subscription.

Existing subscribers are encouraged to read more to understand the implications of this change. Contact OIT with questions or to request assistance with license renewal. 

CU Data Center move slated for October

The University of Colorado will relocate its enterprise servers to a new, modern facility on the Anschutz Medical Campus in October 2023. This critical data center relocation will be managed by University Information Service (UIS) in collaboration with their campus partners.

NSF AI Institute for Student-AI Teaming seeking study participants

We are recruiting participants for a research study who are fluent English speakers, are over the age of 18, and who are students, staff or faculty at CU Boulder. 

These studies take place at the Center for Innovation and Technology, Room 184G. In this type of study we investigate collaborative problem solving in science, technology, engineering and mathematics domains. In the study you will be working with other participants on a series of group problem-solving tasks.

During the study we’ll be using cameras and microphones to record the interactions you and your group have with one another and with the tasks at hand. We’ll also use eye tracking to measure your gaze patterns during the experiment. Collecting video and audio data of you and your group’s interactions is mandatory for this study. If you do not want to be recorded with video and microphone, you may decide not to participate in this study at any time.  

These studies last 1.5 hours each, and the pay is $25 per hour ($37.50 total). You cannot earn course credit through this study. Please note: International participants are subject to an upfront 30% tax withholding on their payment.

Sign up online. To get directions to our lab, or for more information, please email isat.lab@colorado.edu.

Download Guardian safety app’s most recent version for full functionality

CU Boulder students, faculty and staff using the Guardian mobile safety app on iPhone should be aware of a critical update for iOS users and download the latest version. To ensure full functionality, all Apple users should download Guardian 4.2.1.

Haven’t downloaded the Guardian app yet? All campus community members are strongly encouraged to download the app, which features tools like a safety timer so friends or loved ones (called “guardians”) can monitor you if you’re walking alone and call for help if you don’t reach your destination at the expected time, 

Need more reasons to sign up? The app also provides an additional method to receive CU Boulder alerts, has a list of phone numbers for crisis support systems on campus as well as campus safety websites, and can provide you with quick access to call 911 or the CU Boulder police non-emergency phone number.

You can download the latest version of the Guardian app for free at app stores or Google Play. Simply search for Rave Guardian, then follow the instructions to complete the setup. Be sure to use your colorado.edu email address.