Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Volunteer with the Basic Needs Center this summer

Students volunteering

The Basic Needs Center is recruiting volunteers to support the Buff Pantry and upcoming mobile food pantries this summer! Volunteer opportunities are open to students, faculty and staff. Individual volunteers and groups are welcome.

Get legal help all summer long

School’s out for summer but Student Legal Services isn’t taking a break from helping you resolve legal issues. SLS has highly-qualified and experienced lawyers who know how to support students through legal situations at a fraction of the cost of a private attorney.

Services are available to all CU Boulder students who pay student activity fees. If you find yourself in a tough situation over the summer, contact SLS at 303-492-6813 or visit their office at UMC 311 to schedule an appointment.

Assessment team invites public comment as CUPD seeks national accreditation

A team of assessors from the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators will arrive on campus on May 21 to examine all aspects of the University of Colorado Boulder Police Department’s policies and procedures, management, operations and support services. The review is part of CUPD’s efforts to become the first nationally accredited police department in Boulder County. As part of the assessment process, public comments will be taken and reviewed.

CU Boulder students, faculty and staff, and members of the wider Boulder community are invited to offer comments on the agency’s ability to comply with IACLEA standards by calling 303-492-2971 on May 22 from 5 to 7p.m. Comments will be taken live by the assessment team. Anyone wishing to submit written comments may email them to jmurphy@iaclea.org by May 25.

Telephone and written comments should address the agency’s ability to comply with the IACLEA accreditation standards outlined in the standards manual on the IACLEA website. 

“We are excited to host the IACLEA assessment team on the CU Boulder campus to demonstrate compliance with stringent professional standards, while also showcasing CUPD’s unique policies, programs and training,” said Assistant Vice Chancellor for Public Safety and Chief of Police Doreen Jokerst.

The assessment team is made up of experienced law enforcement professionals from other states. Verification by the assessment team that CUPD meets IACLEA’s state-of-the-art standards is part of a voluntary process to gain accreditation—a highly prized recognition of public safety professional excellence. Of the approximately 18,000 federal, state, county, city and university law enforcement agencies in the United States, less than 1% of police agencies hold some form of accreditation. 

To become accredited, CUPD must comply with 215 applicable standards, from crime prevention and community involvement to critical incident management, patrol, operations and more. IACLEA’s standards, including six new and three modified standards released by its accreditation commission in 2021, include a new duty to intervene standard and a modified standard on medical aid after use of force.

The association’s standards align with the Standards for Certification on Safe Policing for Safe Communities, the executive order issued by former President Trump following the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer in May 2020.

During their three-day, on-site visit later this month, assessors will review written materials, interview individuals and inspect facilities where compliance can be witnessed. 

“We are feeling excited and prepared for the assessment team’s visit,” said Accreditation Manager Jennifer Barry, who has led CUPD through the accreditation preparations for nearly two years. “It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase our crime prevention efforts and community involvement, which are areas where CUPD truly shines.”

Once the assessors complete their review of the agency, they will report back to IACLEA, which will then decide if the agency is to be awarded accredited status. Generally, this can take approximately six weeks.

Accreditation is valid for four years, during which time CUPD must submit annual reports attesting to continued compliance with those standards under which it was initially accredited. To remain accredited, CUPD will undergo regular reviews to ensure compliance with accreditation standards. 

“This is an ongoing commitment to excellence and I’m grateful for the dedication of every member of the department, every step of the way,” said Jokerst.

Material science program launches undergraduate minor

Chemical engineering instructors working with a student in the lab

The Materials Science and Engineering Program at CU Boulder is announcing an undergraduate minor for students interested in the materials science field, a growing interdisciplinary field at the interface of chemistry, engineering, and physics.

The 18-credit minor is designed for students in natural sciences and engineering majors and will complement many undergraduate degrees in which materials already play an important role.

Deadline extended for Venture Partners research-to-market program

person writing on a white board

The Research-to-Market (R2M) Customer Discovery Program is a four-week program that teaches science and engineering inventors and teams the process of customer discovery and how to find a market for their technology by getting out of the lab. 

Derived from the National Science Foundation's I-Corps program, R2M leverages the nationally recognized Lean LaunchPad and Business Model Canvas methodologies specifically designed for university researchers commercializing their inventions––a great fit for graduate students, postdocs, faculty and staff researchers and inventors.

Extended application deadline: May 12

Get support managing end-of-year conflict

Conflict happens, and it's important to remember that it's normal. Contact the Conflict Resolution program to get support as you face any challenge with others during the stress of finals and moving out. Free services include guidance and skill-building to navigate conflicts, facilitated conversations with others and strategies to prevent future conflicts.

University Libraries to pause Prospector borrowing services

The University Libraries will pause the CU Boulder community’s ability to borrow materials through the Prospector service on May 19. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to plan ahead and place needed holds in Prospector by May 18. The libraries will also pause lending materials to other libraries through Prospector starting May 12.

The service is expected to resume in spring 2024.

Low-cost therapy available

Struggling with anxiety or depression? Feeling down, hopeless or stuck in a cycle of unproductive worry? Low-cost therapy is available through CU Boulder’s Raimy Psychology Clinic for individuals residing in Colorado. Sessions are held in person or through the videoconferencing platform Zoom.

Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other difficulties! Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty, or family members of full-time staff or faculty. Openings for new clients are available now. Email or call now to start the intake process.

For more information, call our intake coordinator Anna Gilmour at 303-492-5177, email raimy@colorado.edu or visit our website.

Survey on sleep patterns, sleep-related practices in childhood

QR code for survey on sleep patterns and sleep-related practices in childhood

We are looking for parents of children aged 1.0 to 13.9 years to complete a short survey on children's sleep patterns and sleep-related practices. The survey asks about the child’s demographics, developmental history, sleep patterns, medication consumption and electronic media use. It takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. 

Take the survey. You can also access the survey by scanning the QR code.

Student orgs: Table at the Be Involved Fair Aug. 30

Recognized student organizations, recognized social Greek organizations and governing bodies are invited to sign up for a table at the Be Involved Fair, a signature Fall Welcome event. Meet thousands of students who are looking for a way to be involved in the coming academic year.

Apply for a table by Aug. 13. The fair will take place from 2 to 6 p.m. Aug. 30 on Farrand Field.

Moving out? Make sure to properly dispose of items or face a fine

If you are moving out of your off-campus residence for the summer, make sure to properly dispose of any items you are getting rid of. Large items will not be picked up with regular trash, and abandoning those items can result in up to $1,000 in fines.

Off-Campus Housing & Neighborhood Relations has resources on how to recycle or donate items such as electronics, mattresses, clothing, small appliances and other hard to dispose of materials.

Apply for a Latinx in Colorado internship opportunity

Students placing art on the wall

The Latin American Studies Center is excited to announce our Latinx in Colorado paid internships program for students. Students are invited to apply for these internships for summer and/or fall 2023 to work on Latinx academic and community projects.

Deadline to apply is May 1. Find detailed information on the internships as well as application instructions.