Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Join a paid study on technology and teamwork

The SHINE Lab is seeking participants for a paid study investigating how technology affects teams performing tasks. The experiment will take approximately 1.5 hours. The study uses non-invasive sensors to measure brain and physiological activity while participants complete a task in teams of two.

Participants will be compensated $30 with an additional bonus of up to $40 based on task performance (up to $70 total).

If you are interested in participating, please email shinelabstudy@gmail.com for more information, or schedule a slot.

Moving? How to properly dispose of things you no longer want

Black and blue trash bins

If you’re moving out of or into an off-campus residence this week, be aware of Boulder trash ordinances. Make sure to properly dispose of any items you are getting rid of. Large items will not be picked up with regular trash, and abandoning those items can result in up to $1,000 in fines.

Here's what you should and should not do when throwing out your things.


  • Place unwanted items fully inside a designated dumpster.
  • Wait for the dumpster to be emptied if it is currently full.
  • Wait up to 60 minutes for a dumpster to be replaced if it’s been temporarily taken for emptying.


  • Leave unwanted items on the ground or to the side of the dumpster.
  • Dispose of construction-related or other non-household items.
  • Leave items in non-designated areas, such as yards or the sidewalk.

Many items you may be getting rid of can be recycled. ⁠Visit Off-Campus Housing & Neighborhood Relations for resources to recycle, donate or sell your items.

Join paid EEG study on language comprehension

Paid psychology research with QR code

The Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Lab (KimLab) is recruiting participants for a research study on language comprehension. This is a non-invasive EEG study that lasts about 1.5 to 2 hours where you will read words and sentences on a computer screen and answer yes/no questions. You will be paid $40-$60 in cash at the end of the session for your time ($20/hour).

For our EEG study, we will put saline gel and EEG equipment on your head, face and arm. Participants are recommended to wash their hair after the study. 

You may be eligible to participate if you are:

  • A native English speaker (English was your primary language before you turned 5 years old)
  • Between the ages 18–40

Center for Innovation & Creativity, Room 133
1777 Exposition Drive, Boulder, CO 80309

Nominations due Sept. 1 for honorary degrees, university medals, distinguished service awards

The Board of Regents, along with faculty members from each campus, award extraordinary individuals with honorary degrees, university medals and distinguished service awards each year. 

An honorary degree is the highest award the University of Colorado can bestow. It is the policy of the regents to award honorary degrees in recognition of outstanding achievement in one or more of the following areas: intellectual contributions, university service, public service and/or philanthropy.

University medals are awarded in recognition of those persons whose achievements and contributions are particularly associated with the university.

Distinguished service awards are awarded in recognition of achievements and contributions particularly associated with the state and/or nation.

The deadline for nominations is Friday, Sept. 1. Learn more about the nomination process and to submit a nomination.

Nomination rules

  • A person may not nominate themselves.
  • A current university employee may not be nominated.
  • A public official currently serving in office may not be nominated.
  • A public official may be nominated two years after completion of their term of office.
  • A regent may submit a nomination but must recuse themselves from commenting and voting on the nomination.

Also Our Campus: Participate in research on belonging, identity, sexual harm

Feeling like we belong impacts our sense of safety and our ability to heal. The Renée Crown Wellness Institute invites minoritized students to participate in conversations around belonging, identity and sexual harm on campus. 

You may be eligible to participate if you:

  • Are a CU Boulder student
  • Are 18 years or older
  • Belong to an underrepresented race/ethnicity on campus or identify as LGBTQQ2SIA+

This is a paid research study (IRB# 23-0029), and participation involves a brief survey and engagement in a student-led focus group. Please note, we are currently not enrolling cisgender men in this study. 

Learn more and see if you're eligible. 

2 more electric buses join the Buff Bus fleet

In another win for CU Boulder’s sustainability initiatives, two new electric Buff Buses hit the streets last week. The campus has now replaced four aging diesel buses––the first two, made by New Flyer, joined the fleet in November 2022.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment awarded CU Boulder a Clean Fleet Vehicle & Technology Grant in July 2020 to offset the cost of the buses. The first two buses cost $1.7 million combined, and the grant provided a 45% reimbursement from the EPA. These two new buses have the same cost share and were made possible from a second grant awarded in July 2021.

“We are excited to electrify more of our fleet,” said transit manager Chris Biblis. “Our first two electric buses have performed well on regular routes: They’ve reduced the amount of gas we use and are proof that increasing the number of electric vehicles on campus is a great way to contribute to our sustainability goals.”

"Fleet electrification is a key strategy in the work we are doing to update the campus Climate Action Plan," noted Chief Sustainability Officer Heidi VanGenderen. "To that end, another grant proposal for two more buses was also recently submitted."

The new buses have larger batteries, allowing the buses to go farther on a single charge. They are replacing two 17-year-old diesel buses, each of which has over 500,000 miles, and one 19-year-old diesel bus that has over 750,000 miles.

In the spring 2023 semester, the transportation team held a bus-naming contest that resulted in the first two electric buses taking on the names Sko Bus and Ralph-E. Another campuswide bus naming contest will take place in the upcoming fall semester.

Seeking personal aide for CU Boulder student

Bear Creek Apartments.

Apply to become a personal aide for a CU Boulder student with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. 

The student will be living in Bear Creek and is studying journalism. He’s also a part of the Fiji fraternity. He uses a wheelchair 100% of the time and has a team of caregivers who assist with all of the things he needs for a successful experience.

We are looking to expand our care team for the upcoming semester, as well as spring 2024, but this can be a year-round position if desired.

Personal Aide
Assist client with daily tasks, including:

  • Bathroom use
  • Showering
  • Dressing
  • Attending meals
  • Retrieving things

A more detailed list of tasks can be provided to those interested. Please note, Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a degenerative disease so the needs of the individual are subject to change over time.


  • Average daytime shift is 2–3 hours, and we are able to work with your class schedule as well.
    • Morning shifts: Monday, Saturday, Sunday
    • Afternoon shifts: Saturday, Sunday
    • Evening shifts: Friday, Saturday
    • Overnights: Friday, Saturday

Parking permits for Bear Creek can be provided upon request. An average overnight shift is 6–7 hours. You can sleep during these.

The CU Boulder student-client has an apartment with a kitchen, separate rooms and beds, including a large private bathroom.


Between $17.29 to $18.81 hourly, depending on the shift. Overnight shifts are always $18.81 per hour.

No experience necessary! We will provide you with training. If you are interested in this position, email personalaidforjake@gmail.com or Caitlyn Byrnes as soon as possible.

Contribute to virtual reality research and get paid

Hello world

The SHINE Lab is recruiting participants for a virtual reality study who are:

  • Students, staff or faculty at CU Boulder.
  • Fluent in English.
  • Over the age of 18.

In our study at the Center for Innovation and Creativity, Room 171E, you'll delve into virtual reality tasks while we safely monitor your physiological reactions.

Our non-invasive, comfortable and user-friendly devices will track your eye movements and your brain activity. The purpose of the research is to investigate more intuitive and inherent interaction techniques for virtual reality.

The studies last two hours and you'll receive a $30 compensation for your time. You cannot earn course credit through this study.

If interested, schedule a time slot. For more details about the study, please reach out to ragu8188@colorado.edu.

Catch the Bustang to Estes Park, Rocky Mountain National Park this summer

Bustang bus in front of a visitors center.

This summer the Colorado Department of Transportation is continuing Bustang, its direct bus service to Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park from Denver, Westminster, Broomfield, Boulder and Lyons.

Trips depart on Saturdays and Sundays through Oct. 1, as well as on select holiday Mondays, including July 3 and Sept. 4.

Catch the bus at Denver Union Station, the US 36 and Sheridan Station, Broomfield Station, Table Mesa Station or in Lyons.

Tickets are typically $15 round-trip and students receive a 25% discount. 

Ride RTD for free in July and August

RTD bus

During July and August, Regional Transportation District (RTD) will offer "zero fares" across its system as part of the Zero Fare for Better Air initiative. This collaborative, statewide initiative is designed to reduce ground-level ozone by increasing the use of public transit.

Current RTD customers will also benefit as they will not have to use or purchase fare products from July 1–Aug. 31, during Colorado’s high ozone season.  

Stressed? Join a paid study to see if your gut plays a role

Hello world

The purpose of this study is to evaluate how probiotic supplementation impacts your stress levels. This research may help us better understand factors that support adaptive stress responding.

You may be eligible for this study if you are:

  • Age 18 to 45.
  • Willing to take a probiotic supplement for about two months.
  • Not immunosuppressed.

Participation includes:

  • One 30-minute in-person visit, where you will receive the probiotic/placebo and complete questionnaires.
  • About 2 months of supplementation.
  • Completion of periodic brief questionnaires sent via text.

970-921-9321 IRB Protocol #: 22-0234