Discussion of resource concessions, social movements in Mexico
"New Territorialities: Resource Concessions and Social Movements in Oaxaca, Mexico"
The trend toward legal recognition of indigenous peoples’ right to territory has dramatically changed the political map of Latin America over the past two decades. Those legal gains have emerged in tandem with a new round of state concessions to private interests, covering everything from subsurface minerals to radio frequencies.
The increase in private concessions has further been accompanied by the militarization of indigenous territories and the criminalization of protest, making the defense of territory all the more urgent for indigenous communities and forcing them to develop an expanded understanding of what territory is and how to defend it.
Come hear staff from SURCO, an educational organization based in Oaxaca, Mexico, discuss their work on territory in the face of mining, hyrdropower development, privation of radio communication and green energy concessions. The event will be in English and Spanish.
Tuesday, Oct. 10, 12–1:30 p.m.
Guggenheim, room 201e