Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Final call for submissions: UMC Student Arts Program

Showcase your art in the heart of campus!

Showcase your art in the heart of campus!

The UMC Student Arts Program collects original art created by the CU Boulder student community and displays it throughout the building. With this year's theme of "Empower the Future," we are looking for original pieces – painting, photography, multimedia, etc. – that explore what empowerment means to you and how you demonstrate empowerment within your art.

Awards for top submissions! Submit online by Dec. 15.

Adults needed for a hearing study

The Children’s Auditory Perception Laboratory is currently recruiting adults between 18 and 30 years old for a research study to help us learn more about how children hear.

During the testing, you will sit in a sound-treated room and will listen to sounds presented over a speaker or through headphones. You will be asked to indicate when you hear sounds by selecting a picture on a computer monitor, raising your hand or repeating speech. The sounds we use are not loud. 

One visit to the laboratory is required. The visit will be 1 to 1.5 hours long. You will receive $10 per hour.

If you are interested, please email childhear@colorado.edu or call 303-735-6252.

The principal investigator for this research study is Angela Yarnell Bonino, PhD, Department Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. All testing will be completed in the Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) building on Main Campus.

CU on Friday: Home for the Holidays Dec. 8

CU on Friday: Home for the Holidays Dec. 8

CU on Friday is all about bringing the CU Boulder community together! Students, faculty and staff are invited to join the UMC and The Connection for this new, free monthly tradition.

The December 2017 event is sponsored by CU Infrastructure & Safety, and our theme is Home for the Holidays!

  • Gingerbread-house decorating contest
  • Free chili and cornbread
  • $5 all-you-can-play bowling and billiards

RSVP to our Facebook event. Open to all Buff One Card holders.

Feeling depressed, down, sad or blue?

Affordable psychotherapy is available at the Raimy Clinic in the Muenzinger Psychology Building on Main Campus. Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty. Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help to individuals coping with depression, sadness, isolation, feeling down and other difficulties, as well as help you meet your goals for improving your mood and increasing healthy behaviors. For more information, call our intake line: Lindsay Labrecque, 303-492-5177.

PACE funding for undergraduates: Present, perform or exhibit your work

PACE logo

CU Boulder undergraduate students:

  • Are you engaged in research, scholarly or creative work?
  • Do you want to connect with professionals in your field of study?
  • Are you considering graduate or professional school?
  • Do you want to learn about the latest in your field?

The Professional and Academic Conference Endowment (PACE) provides funding for students to present, perform or exhibit their work at professional and academic conferences and exhibitions.

Please send any questions about PACE to urop@colorado.edu. You can learn more and apply on the PACE website.

Fun research projects for kids

Junior Scientists

The Cognitive Development Center in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience is looking for children age birth to 12 years old who are interested in playing games that will help teach us about self-control, language and cognitive strategies. 

A visit, scheduled at your convenience, lasts about 60 minutes. Babysitting is available for siblings. Parents are compensated for travel, and kids receive a fun prize.

To sign up, please do one of the following:

Visit our website.
• Email cogdevctr@colorado.edu with your child’s name, gender, date of birth and parent contact information (address, phone number, email address).
• Call us at 303-492-6389.

For more information, feel free to check out our Facebook page and website

Join us on World AIDS Day: Peace Corps info session

Info Session: Health

Join the CU Boulder Peace Corps group over lunch to learn about volunteer experiences, ask questions about service and gain tips to guide you through the application process. Returned Peace Corps volunteers will share their stories in the health field through a Q&A panel. Lunch will be served.

Public health specialists are needed to address issues of global maternal and child health, nutrition and hygiene, infectious and vaccine-preventable diseases, and more. Help improve a community's basic healthcare and promote healthy behaviors, while gaining global skills for your career.

Friday, Dec. 1, 1–2 p.m.
Koelbel Building, room 340

Dec. 6 lecture to analyze Western Mexico shaft tomb figures

Tomb figure from Western Mexico

"A Question of Life or Death: Renewing the Inquiry into the Shaft Tomb Figures of Western Mexico" Professor Chris Beekman, CU Denver

The ceramic effigies found in shaft tombs of West Mexico have been used as evidence of shamanistic obsession with the underworld, but Beekman will be discussing how recent excavations and analysis of museum collections have called this interpretation into question. 

This free, public lecture is presented in partnership with the Archaeological Institute of America. Seating is limited. 

Wednesday, Dec. 6, 7 p.m.
CU Museum of Natural History, Paleontology Hall

Karaoke Night at The Connection Nov. 30

Karaoke Night at Club 156, 8 p.m. Thursdays

Do you sing in the car? Here's your chance to take your best rendition of "Purple Rain" or "Love Shack" to the people! 

Get the full rock-star experience with Club 156's sound and light systems. Food and beverages are right next door in The Connection.

Upcoming dates:
Nov. 30
Dec. 14

Check out all of The Connection’s weekly events | The Connection Bowling, Billiards & Games, UMC first floor