For parents: Paid research on children's number sense
Parents of children ages 3 to 5 years old are invited to bring their children to participate in our summer-long Number Sense Study.
The aim of the study is to examine children’s understanding of numbers. The study will take place at the Language, Development, and Cognition Lab (Fleming Building, room 290-91).
Each child will participate in a simple and fun task that involves answering questions about spatial diagrams and numbers. The task is typically fun and engaging for your child. The entire study will be completed in a total time of 45–60 minutes or less.
Your child will receive lots of stickers and a participant fee of $10–15 (depending on duration of the session) plus parking fees.
If you and your child are interested in learning more, please leave us your name and phone number (or email address). You can reach us at:
- Voice message: 303-492-1597 (no texts please, this is a landline)
- Email: