Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Paid study on mood and social cognition

Mood and Social Cognition Study

Interested in your moods and brain? Participate in a paid study on mood and social cognition here on campus in the CU Department of Psychology and Neuroscience.

Study includes some or all of the following parts:

  • Option No. 1 – Behavioral Lab Visit: Interview about thoughts & feelings, physiological monitoring (heart rate), computer tasks, questionnaires (4-5 hours; $15/hour).
  • Option No. 2 – Pressure Pain Task Visit: One computer task involving tolerable pressure pain, physiological monitoring (heart rate), computer tasks, questionnaires (1-2 hours; $15/hour).
  • Option No. 3 – fMRI Visit: View videos and pictures, and think about emotions while in a brain imaging scanner, computer tasks, questionnaires (3 hours; $25/hour).
  • Additional opportunities to participate in paid research may be available.

To apply, please fill out the brief survey to see if you qualify.

Have a question? Please email gruberpeplab@colorado.edu with the subject line “Mood and Social Cognition Study” or give us a call at 303-735-7547.

Adults needed for a study on tobacco smoking, auditory function

Volunteers are needed for a study at the Hearing and Epidemiology and Research Diagnostics Laboratory investigating potential effects of tobacco smoking on the auditory system. We are recruiting individuals ages 18-45 who have been actively smoking tobacco (cigarettes) for at least one year and do not use other recreational drugs, including cannabis. Participants are compensated $15 per hour for up to five hours of testing. Interested? Email Kailey Durkin at heardlab@colorado.edu or call 303-735-7127 to see if you qualify or for more information.

Feeling down? Struggling with anxiety? Worried about health concerns or relationship problems?

Affordable psychotherapy is available at the Raimy Clinic in the Muenzinger Psychology Building on the University of Colorado Boulder campus. Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder faculty, staff and students. Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship and occupational issues, and other difficulties, as well as helping you meet your goals for improving self-confidence and increasing healthy behavior. For more information, call our intake line: 303-492-5177

Participate in a paid study on mood and emotion

Hello world

Interested in your moods and thoughts? Participate in a paid study on emotion and mood here on campus in the CU Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. 

Earn up to $200 to participate in studies involving answering questions about your feelings and thoughts, watching brief films, playing computer games and keeping a log of your emotions and activities. The study includes two separate visits and pays $10 per hour in cash each (first visit is 2-3 hours; second is 4 hours). There is an option for paid follow-up phone interviews in addition.

Please fill out the very brief survey to see if you qualify.

If you have questions please contact us at gruberpeplab@colorado.edu or visit our website: http://www.gruberpeplab.com.

For parents: Paid research study for children on hearing

The Children’s Auditory Perception Laboratory is currently recruiting children between 2-12 years old for a research study to help us learn more about how children hear. During the course of this study, your child will sit in a sound-proof booth with an examiner and will listen to sounds presented over a loudspeaker or over earphones. To find out what your child can hear, we will teach him/her to make a response to a certain sound signal. These responses will be play activities like putting a toy in a bucket or adding a block to a tower. We may use a mechanical toy whenever he/she responds to the sound. The signals will be presented in quiet and in various background sounds. The sounds we use are not loud. You will be able to sit inside the booth with your child or watch your child through an observation window. As part of this study, your child will also receive a middle ear screening at no cost to you. If at any time we discover any important hearing-related findings, we will report those findings to you and provide you with contact information for a complete hearing evaluation. Two visits to the laboratory are required. Each visit lasts about one hour. You will receive $10 per hour and we will pay your parking, if you drive to the lab. If you are interested please email childhear@colorado.edu or call 303-735-6252. The principal investigator for this research study is Angela Yarnell Bonino of the Department Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. All testing will be completed in the Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences building on the campus of the University of Colorado Boulder.

Feeling down? Struggling with anxiety? Worried about health concerns or relationship problems?

Affordable psychotherapy is available at the Raimy Clinic in the Muenzinger Psychology Building on the University of Colorado Boulder campus. Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder faculty, staff and students. Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship and occupational issues, and other difficulties, as well as helping you meet your goals for improving self-confidence and increasing healthy behavior.

Paid study on mood and social cognition

Hello world
Interested in your moods and brain? Participate in a paid study on mood and social cognition here on campus in the CU Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. Study includes some or all of the following parts: • Option No. 1 – Behavioral Lab Visit: Interview about thoughts & feelings, physiological monitoring (heart rate), computer tasks, questionnaires (4-5 hrs; $15/hour) • Option No. 2 – Pressure Pain Task Visit: One computer task involving tolerable pressure pain, physiological monitoring (heart rate), computer tasks, questionnaires (1-2 hrs; $15/hour) • Option No. 3 – fMRI Visit: View videos and pictures, and think about emotions while in a brain imaging scanner, computer tasks, questionnaires (3 hrs; $25/hour) Additional opportunities to participate in paid research may be available. To apply, please fill out the following brief survey to see if you qualify: https://cuboulder.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3Pf9VOvzceCRTdH Have a question? Please email gruberpeplab@colorado.edu with the subject line “Mood and Social Cognition Study” or give us a call at 303-735-7547.

Participate in a paid study on mood and emotion

Hello world
Interested in your moods and thoughts? Participate in a paid study on emotion and mood here on campus in the CU Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. Earn up to $200 to participate in studies involving answering questions about your feelings and thoughts, watching brief films, playing computer games and keeping a log of your emotions and activities. The study includes two separate visits and pays $10 per hour in cash each (first visit is 2-3 hours; second is 4 hours). There is an option for paid follow-up phone interviews in addition. Please fill out the very brief survey to see if you qualify: https://cuboulder.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3Pf9VOvzceCRTdH If you have questions please contact us at gruberpeplab@colorado.edu or visit our website: http://www.gruberpeplab.com.

Research participants wanted: $40 upon completion

The CU Chinese Program is looking for participants for a research project. The experiment is 3 hours and you will receive $40 upon completion. You will learn some Chinese in the experiment. Prior knowledge of Chinese is not required. You will set up two appointments on two consecutive days (such as June 10 at 10 a.m. and June 11 at 2 p.m.). Dates to participate range from June 1-22, including weekends. Location is Woodbury 306. You will come to the lab for approximately 1.5 hours on each day. Prerequisites: 1. Neither you nor your parents speak any Chinese (including dialects), Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese or Korean. 2. American English is your native language. If you are able to help with this research, please email the following information to Zhiying.Qian@colorado.edu. Your Name: Phone number: Available Day 1 (Date and time): Available Day 2 (Date and time): A research associate will contact you to finalize a time.

Complete a survey about recreating outdoors

An adventurer wearing a backpack

With a recent significant increase in visitors to our public lands, land managers are often finding it more difficult to provide the resources, staff and funding to ensure the integrity of our lands for the future. The millennial generation has become of specific interest because not only are they the largest generation to date, this group is shown to have a greater interest in unique, outdoor experiences.

As graduate students in the Masters of the Environment program, our team has partnered with the National Parks Conservation Association to discover ways we can assist land managers and agencies across southwestern public lands on how to message to this demographic and determine a point of intervention.

The survey we have launched is designed to grasp a better understanding of the demographic's ethics, who/what they are most influenced by and how they use social media to inform their decisions.

With these results, we plan to develop a pilot campaign during the summer and create a handbook for land managers by the end of the year. This handbook will provide a creative and innovative tool to influence positive behavior change and effectively message to this demographic.

Give your insight: Take the survey

Adults needed for paid study on tobacco smoking, auditory function

Volunteers are needed for a study at the Hearing and Epidemiology and Research Diagnostics Laboratory investigating potential effects of tobacco smoking on the auditory system. We are recruiting individuals ages 18-45 who have been actively smoking tobacco (cigarettes) for at least one year and do not use other recreational drugs, including cannabis. Participants are compensated $15 per hour for up to five hours of testing. Interested? Email Kailey Durkin at heardlab@colorado.edu or call 303-735-7127 to see if you qualify or for more information.

Textbook rentals and more at the CU Book Store

Check out what is new for you at the CU Book Store! Tons of textbooks for rent, more used books than ever, and now you can charge your textbook course materials, school supplies and technology accessories purchased at the CU Book Store to your student tuition and fee bill! Visit www.cubookstore.com/bill for more information. The CU Book Store is open extend hours during back-to-school. Check out cubookstore.com for details.

For parents: Paid research study for children on hearing

The Children’s Auditory Perception Laboratory is currently recruiting children between 2-7 years old for a research study to help us learn more about how children hear. During the course of this study, your child will sit in a sound-proof booth with an examiner and will listen to sounds presented over a loudspeaker or over earphones. To find out what your child can hear, we will teach him/her to make a response to a certain sound signal. These responses will be play activities like putting a toy in a bucket or adding a block to a tower. We may use a mechanical toy whenever he/she responds to the sound. The signals will be presented in quiet and in various background sounds. The sounds we use are not loud. You will be able to sit inside the booth with your child or watch your child through an observation window. As part of this study, your child will also receive a middle ear screening at no cost to you. If at any time we discover any important hearing-related findings, we will report those findings to you and provide you with contact information for a complete hearing evaluation. Two visits to the laboratory are required. Each visit lasts about one hour. You will receive $10 per hour and we will pay your parking, if you drive to the lab. If you are interested please email childhear@colorado.edu or call 303-735-6252. The principal investigator for this research study is Angela Yarnell Bonino of the Department Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. All testing will be completed in the Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences building on the campus of the University of Colorado Boulder.