Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Participate in a paid study on mood and emotion

Interested in your moods and thoughts? Participate in a paid study on emotion and mood here on campus in the CU Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. 

Earn up to $200 to participate in studies involving answering questions about your feelings and thoughts, watching brief films, playing computer games and keeping a log of your emotions and activities. The study includes two separate visits and pays $10 per hour in cash each (first visit is 2-3 hours; second is 4 hours). There is an option for paid follow-up phone interviews in addition.

Please fill out the very brief survey to see if you qualify.

If you have questions please contact us at gruberpeplab@colorado.edu or visit our website.

Paid study on mood and social cognition

Interested in your moods and brain? Participate in a paid study on mood and social cognition here on campus in the CU Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (IRB# 17-0358)!

Study includes some or all of the following parts:

  • Option No. 1 – Behavioral Lab Visit: Interview about thoughts & feelings, physiological monitoring (heart rate), computer tasks, questionnaires (4-5 hours; $15/hour)
  • Option No. 2 – Pressure Pain Task Visit: One computer task involving tolerable pressure pain, physiological monitoring (heart rate), computer tasks, questionnaires (1-2 hrs; $15/hour)
  • Option No. 3 – fMRI Visit: View videos and pictures, and think about emotions while in a brain imaging scanner, computer tasks, questionnaires (3 hours; $25/hour)
  • Additional opportunities to participate in paid research may be available.

To apply, please fill out the brief survey to see if you qualify. 

Have a question? Please email gruberpeplab@colorado.edu with the subject line “Mood and Social Cognition Study” or give us a call at 303-735-7547.

Fire alarm system testing on July 28

Facilities Management will be conducting fire alarm system testing for several campus buildings from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, July 28. 

During the testing, the building fire alarm system strobes, horns and speakers will be on. The tests will be conducted during the day and should take no longer than half an hour in each building.

Buildings to be tested include:

  • Gates Woodruff Women’s Studies Cottage
  • Economics
  • Guggenheim
  • University Theatre
  • Museum Collections
  • Museum of Natural History
  • Education
  • Hellems Arts and Sciences
  • Old Main
  • Cristol Chemistry
  • Ekeley Science
  • Ketchum Arts and Sciences
  • Koenig Alumni Center
  • Eaton Humanities
  • Macky Auditorium
  • McKenna Languages
  • Hale Science
  • Institute of Behavioral Science
  • Continuing Education
  • Armory
  • Denison Arts and Sciences
  • JILA
  • Duane Physics
  • Ramaley Biology
  • Porter Biosciences
  • Muenzinger Psychology
  • Gold Biosciences
  • Stadium Sky Box
  • Stadium
  • Benson Earth Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Carlson Gymnasium
  • Clare Small Arts and Sciences
  • Technology Learning Center
  • University Club
  • University Administrative Center
  • Regent Administrative Center
  • Environmental Design
  • Imig Music
  • Administrative and Research Center
  • Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology
  • Science Learning Laboratory
  • LASP Space Technology Research Center
  • LASP Space Science Building
  • Astrophysical Research Laboratory
  • Marine Street Science Center
  • Computing Center
  • Center for Innovation and Creativity
  • Sustainability, Energy and Environment Community
  • Sustainability, Energy and Environment Laboratory
  • RL-2
  • RL-1
  • RL-4
  • Institute for Behavioral Genetics
  • Research Park Greenhouse

Paid study: Adults needed for study on hearing, cardiovascular disease

Volunteers are needed for a study at the Hearing and Epidemiology and Research Diagnostics Laboratory investigating potential effects of cardiovascular health on the auditory system. 

We are recruiting individuals ages 18-55 who have two or more of the following:

  • Actively smoke tobacco (cigarettes) for at least one year and do not use other recreational drugs, including cannabis
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure or use antihypertensives
  • High cholesterol or use cholesterol-lowering drugs

Participants will receive a comprehensive hearing evaluation and physical examination with blood draw. Participants are compensated $15 per hour for up to five hours of testing. 

Interested? Email Jenny Masters at heardlab@colorado.edu or call 303-735-7127 to see if you qualify or for more information. 

For parents: Cognitive Development Center offers fun research projects for kids

The Cognitive Development Center in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience is looking for children age birth to 12 years old who are interested in playing games that will help teach us about self-control, language, and cognitive strategies. 

A visit, scheduled at your convenience, lasts about 60 minutes. Babysitting is available for siblings. Parents are compensated for travel, and kids receive a fun prize.

To sign up, please do one of the following:

For more information, feel free to check out our Facebook page and website

Students: Looking for nanny/babysitter

Looking for a responsible and reliable college student to help care for our infant daughter in old town Niwot (seven miles from Boulder, right off 119). Duties include: cuddling, feeding, changing diapers and playing (e.g., tummy time, reading books, exercises, walks in stroller on nice days, etc.). Mom works from home and will be available for issues/emergencies. During nap times, feel free to do homework, read, watch TV or use our WiFi. Also, we have a one-year-old golden retriever who loves people. Would prefer Monday-Thursday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., but are flexible. Also willing to split shifts between two college students. $11/hour. Please call Melissa at 978-835-6796.

Join paid study on mood and social cognition

Hello world

Interested in your moods and brain? Participate in a paid study on mood and social cognition here on campus in the CU Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (IRB# 17-0358).
Study includes some or all of the following parts:

  • Option No. 1 – Behavioral Lab Visit: Interview about thoughts & feelings, physiological monitoring (heart rate), computer tasks, questionnaires (4-5 hours; $15/hour)
  • Option No. 2 – Pressure Pain Task Visit: One computer task involving tolerable pressure pain, physiological monitoring (heart rate), computer tasks, questionnaires (1-2 hrs; $15/hour)
  • Option No. 3 – fMRI Visit: View videos and pictures, and think about emotions while in a brain imaging scanner, computer tasks, questionnaires (3 hours; $25/hour)
  • Additional opportunities to participate in paid research may be available.

To apply, please fill out the brief survey to see if you qualify. 

Have a question? Please email gruberpeplab@colorado.edu with the subject line “Mood and Social Cognition Study” or give us a call at 303-735-7547.

Center for Inclusion and Social Change: Safe Zone Training Aug. 8

Hello world

The Center for Inclusion and Social Change offers monthly LGBTQ-inclusion Safe Zone Trainings throughout the academic year. This interactive 90-minute training provides information about campus climate for the LGBTQ and allied community; surveys CU Boulder and Colorado resources, policies and protections; and addresses best practices for creating inclusive learning and work environments at the university. 

The next session will be 1:30–3 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 8, in room S341 of the Center for Community.  

To register for one of our scheduled monthly trainings, please sign up through Skillsoft in your employee portal. If you are having trouble logging in to Skillsoft, you can call Organizational and Employee Development at 303-492-8103. 

Participate in a paid study on mood and emotion

PEP Lab logo

Interested in your moods and thoughts? Participate in a paid study on emotion and mood here on campus in the CU Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. 

Earn up to $200 to participate in studies involving answering questions about your feelings and thoughts, watching brief films, playing computer games and keeping a log of your emotions and activities. The study includes two separate visits and pays $10 per hour in cash each (first visit is 2–3 hours; second is 4 hours). There is an option for paid follow-up phone interviews in addition.

Please fill out the very brief survey to see if you qualify. 

If you have questions please contact us at gruberpeplab@colorado.edu or visit our website.

Students: Play collaborative learning games, earn $50

The Emotive Computing Lab at CU Boulder is looking for participants for a study of collaboration. 

You are eligible to participate in this research study if you:

  • Are a CU Boulder student at least 18 years of age
  • Speak English
  • Do not have significant and uncorrected vision impairments
  • Have not previously played Physics Playground or a similar game (e.g., Crayon Physics Deluxe, Magic Pen) for more than an hour

The study contains two parts: 

  1. An at-home portion where you fill out some surveys and practice the game (lasting one hour)
  2. A visit to the lab, which will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time (lasting two hours)

You will receive payment after participating in both parts of the study. You will be compensated with $50 in Amazon gift cards.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Angela Stewart at angela.stewart@colorado.edu for more information.

Participate in a paid study on mood and emotion

PEP Lab logo

Interested in your moods and thoughts? Participate in a paid study on emotion and mood here on campus in the CU Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. 

Earn up to $200 to participate in studies involving answering questions about your feelings and thoughts, watching brief films, playing computer games and keeping a log of your emotions and activities. The study includes two separate visits and pays $10 per hour in cash each (first visit is 2-3 hours; second is 4 hours). There is an option for paid follow-up phone interviews in addition.

Please fill out the very brief survey to see if you qualify. 

If you have questions please contact us at gruberpeplab@colorado.edu or visit our website.

Join paid study on mood and social cognition

Interested in your moods and brain? Participate in a paid study on mood and social cognition here on campus in the CU Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (IRB# 17-0358).

Study includes some or all of the following parts:

  • Option No. 1 – Behavioral Lab Visit: Interview about thoughts and feelings, physiological monitoring (heart rate), computer tasks, questionnaires (4-5 hours; $15/hour)
  • Option No. 2 – Pressure Pain Task Visit: One computer task involving tolerable pressure pain, physiological monitoring (heart rate), computer tasks, questionnaires (1-2 hours; $15/hour)
  • Option No. 3 – fMRI Visit: View videos and pictures, and think about emotions while in a brain imaging scanner, computer tasks, questionnaires (3 hours; $25/hour)

Additional opportunities to participate in paid research may be available.

To apply, please fill out the brief survey to see if you qualify. 

Have a question? Please email gruberpeplab@colorado.edu with the subject line “Mood and Social Cognition Study” or give us a call at 303-735-7547.

Adults needed for a study on tobacco smoking, auditory function

Volunteers are needed for a study at the Hearing and Epidemiology and Research Diagnostics Laboratory investigating potential effects of tobacco smoking on the auditory system. We are recruiting individuals ages 18-45 who have been actively smoking tobacco (cigarettes) for at least one year and do not use other recreational drugs, including cannabis. Participants are compensated $15 per hour for up to five hours of testing. Interested? Email Kailey Durkin at heardlab@colorado.edu or call 303-735-7127 to see if you qualify or for more information.