Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Tutors needed for student-athletes

The Herbst Academic Center for Student-Athletes is hiring subject tutors to support student-athletes in the following areas: 

  • Advertising/creative concepts
  • Accounting
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Chemistry (general and for engineers)
  • Lower- and upper-division economics
  • Engineering
  • English
  • Environmental design
  • Environmental science
  • Ethnic Studies
  • Finance
  • Geography
  • History
  • Integrative physiology
  • Mathematics
  • Philosophy
  • Physics,
  • Upper-division political science
  • Psychology
  • Statistics
  • Sociolog
  • Writing

Pay is hourly: undergraduate level $11.10 per hour; master’s level $14 per hour; doctoral level $15.50 per hour. Email tutoring@colorado.edu for more information.

Graduate Teacher Program spring conference set for Jan. 25, 26

For 2019, the Graduate Teacher Program has decided to continue to combine the annual spring conference and the annual Collaborative Preparing Future Faculty Network Forum in order to maximize the opportunity for graduate students from all participating institutions to network, collaborate and learn from one another. 

Subject to change, Friday's keynote speaker is Elizabeth Fenn, and the Saturday speaker is Chuck Plunkett. We hope to see you there!

Write “West”—writing contest on Western-related topics

Enter the Center for the American West’s spring’s writing contest on Western American topics in any of these genres—poetry, memoir, fiction, creative or academic nonfiction—for a chance to win one of five $500 prizes. Five $500 prizes will be awarded. 

For contest rules and more information, visit the center online. Open to graduate students and undergraduates. Entries due by March 19.

Have a university-owned Mac?

Illustration of laptop with antivirus protection

Microsoft recently announced they are ending support for System Center Endpoint Protection and, as a result, OIT is transitioning to ESET Endpoint Antivirus for all university-owned Mac systems. 

If you’re not a Dedicated Desktop Support (DDS) customer, you will need to update your antivirus software from System Center Endpoint Protection to ESET Endpoint Antivirus. Get details.

Workshop for undergrad women interested in earth systems, environmental science careers

Are you an undergraduate woman interested in a career in the earth systems and environmental sciences? The earth systems and environmental sciences include topics such as the earth, its atmosphere and oceans, energy, air quality, climate, water and natural resource management, and natural disaster forecasting.

If yes, then we would like to invite you to participate in a one-day professional development workshop at Colorado State University; meals and transportation provided. The workshop is part of a study to identify ways to support women’s interest in earth systems and environmental science careers through the National Science Foundation funded PROGRESS (PROmoting Geoscience Research Education and SuccesS) program. The workshop will be held on either the Saturday or the Sunday during the weekend of Feb. 9 and 10.

If you are interested in participating in one of these single-day workshops, please complete the brief online application (will take less than 5 minutes to complete).

This project is being funded by the National Science Foundation (Grant# DUE-1431795). For questions, please contact Emily Fischer, principle investigator of the PROmoting Geoscience Research Education and SuccesS (PROGRESS) Program and assistant professor of atmospheric science at Colorado State University at 970-491-8587 or evf@rams.colostate.edu, or reach out to Program Coordinator Ilana Pollack at ipollack@rams.colostate.edu.

Men ages 18–30 needed for paid study on hearing, cardiovascular disease

Volunteers are needed for a study at the Hearing and Epidemiology and Research Diagnostics Laboratory investigating potential effects of cardiovascular health on the auditory system. 
We are recruiting men ages 18–30 who have normal hearing and do not smoke tobacco or use other drugs. 
Participants will receive a comprehensive hearing evaluation and physical examination with blood draw. Participants are compensated $15 per hour for up to five hours of testing. 

Interested? Email Kailey Durkin at heardlab@colorado.edu or call 303-735-7127 to see if you qualify or for more information.

Paid study on understanding the emotions of others

Interested in your moods and brain? Participate in a paid neuroimaging study to understand your own emotions and the emotions of others on the CU Boulder campus in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (IRB# 17-0358).

Earn between $15 and $25 per hour to participate in studies involving answering questions about your thoughts and feelings, watching brief videos, playing computer games and having an MRI brain scan taken. Study includes up to three separate visits (first is 4–5 hours, second is 3 hours, third is 1–2 hours). Option for additional paid follow-ups.

To qualify, you must be between the ages of 18 and 55 years old and either have:

  • Diagnosis of bipolar disorder
  • History of depression
  • No history of mental health conditions

Please fill out the brief survey to apply.

If you have questions, please contact us: gruberpeplab@colorado.edu or 303-735-7547.