Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


CU Transportation Services offering defensive driving training Feb. 13

The National Safety Council (NSC) defensive driving course, offered by CU Transportation Services, is recognized for its leading edge curriculum, defensive driving strategies, hazard recognition exercises and learner retention strategies.

This 4-hour in-person instructor-led course, taught on location at the CU Boulder East Campus Transportation Services center by an NSC certified instructor, provides the primary knowledge and skills for defensive driving and describes techniques for avoiding high-risk driving behaviors. Participants will learn that the right attitude can prevent collisions and understand the consequences of poor decision-making.

All faculty, staff and student employees on campus are encouraged to attend. If you attempt to register for the Feb. 13 class and it is full, you will be added to the waitlist and automatically notified if a spot becomes available. Conversely, a minimum of three registrants is required for class to be held, and if at least three people do not sign up, registrants will be notified of class cancellation and accommodated with a future class date.

Pre-registration for this course is required. Register and get information about future sessions.

If you go

Who: Students, faculty, staff
What: National Safety Council defensive driving course
When: Wed. Feb. 13, 5 to 9 p.m.
Where: Transportation Center, 3205 Marine St., Boulder

Hourly metered parking is available along Marine Street. Cost for meters is $2/hour payable by credit card or coins. Parking payment meters and zones are enforced 24/7.

Class fee is $125 payable only via campus Speedtype or check made out to “The Regents of the University of Colorado” (sorry no credit cards accepted for this session).

Participate in a research study on resilience

Do you want to participate in a study about cognition, emotions and resilience? Are you a teen ages 15–19? Or do you know a teen who may be interested? At the Research on Affective Disorders and Development (RADD) Laboratory, we are interested in understanding how certain cognitive abilities, such as being able to pay attention or learn actions that help you achieve goals, may help teenagers to cope with stress and stay healthy. This is a two-year study. Over the course of the study, you will have two study visits at our laboratory in Boulder, each lasting about five hours. During these visits you will be interviewed about your life experiences; you will complete some computer games that involve paying attention and learning; you will have a neuroimaging scan while you either rest quietly or play computer games; and you will answer a set of surveys on a computer. Also as part of the study, you will complete a set of online surveys and a brief telephone interview once every six months (five times total during the two-year study participation). At the end of the study, you will have a final telephone interview, lasting about two hours. You can earn up to $750 for your time and effort completing the study. To learn more, you or your parent/legal guardian (if you are age 17 or younger) can visit our website at www.raddlab.com, contact our lab directly at 303-735-8306 or email us at raddlab@colorado.edu.

Optional practical training applications for international grad students

For international grad students planning to do OPT (optional practical training), be sure to apply early, starting Feb. 7, since it’s taking a minimum of three and a half months to process. Grad students must have their OPT authorization card in hand before they begin working.

Get more information on OPT, or find workshops on applying for OPT. Contact ISSS at isss@colorado.edu with questions.

Women in Science and Engineering hosts Ash Beckham for Authenticity in Thirds workshop

The workshop by Ash Beckham will address how to become more authentic in the workplace, develop tools to set attainable goals by breaking tasks into thirds and how to be an ally in science. All races, genders, and religions are welcome to attend.

For more information, visit the WISE website or email katelyn.long@colorado.edu.

If you go

Wednesday, Feb. 13
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
SEEC Bartlett Center

Disclosure of External Professional Activities (DEPA) continues through March 31

Graduate students are reminded of the campus’s annual conflicts of interest reporting period, via the Disclosure of External Professional Activities (DEPA) reporting form. Emails about this important requirement were sent from the provost and vice chancellor for research to all graduate students—please check your emails.

Specific groups include but are not limited to all PRAs, research associates and research assistants (all levels), instructors (all levels), librarians, museum associates and fellows; also, non-employee graduate students if they are currently involved in the design, conduct or reporting of any research (including their own) or if they are involved in any CU employee’s affiliated company/foundation, etc. (compensated or not).

The following groups typically do not need to report: TAs, lecturers, professional exempts. However, university personnel involved in the design, conduct and reporting of research do need to submit a DEPA, regardless of job type. Email coi@colorado.edu with questions.

Science Speak-Easy: A public speaking workshop for researchers

Sharpen your PowerPoint skills, enhance your conference talk and hone your elevator pitch in this two-day workshop.

Open to graduate students, postdocs and senior undergraduate researchers who are interested in giving scientific talks to a scientific community. Apply by Feb. 6, as this workshop is limited to 40 participants to encourage a more personalized experience.

If you go

Saturday, Feb. 23, and Sunday, Feb. 24
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. both days
Biotechnology Building

Be part of exciting new research on hearing loss

The CU Hearing Research Laboratory is recruiting participants for a research study on how our ability to hear interacts with our ability to listen (focus our attention) in difficult listening situations, such as distorted or noisy speech. We are interested in whether measures of attention and memory can help us choose hearing aid settings that make speech more clear. You may be eligible if you are age 18 years or older with normal hearing or with hearing loss in both ears. Please contact us if you may be interested in participating in this study.

Healthy? Aged 18–35? Join paid study on sleep, performance, gut health

Are you aged 18–35 and healthy? Join our research study on sleep, performance and gut health

This study is about how sleep loss affects your ability to think and changes the helpful bacteria living in your gut. This research will help us to create treatments and strategies for people working long hours under stressful conditions at night (e.g., emergency workers and military personnel).

We are looking for healthy men and women, ages 18–35, to participate in two laboratory visits of approximately 3.7 days each at the CU Boulder Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory.

Compensation up to $1,680.

For study details, email sleep.study@colorado.edu and ask about the Navy study.

Meet other nature Buffs in new CU Wildlife Club

Black bear in a tree

Hey, nature Buffs: Would you like to help foster a respectful relationship with wildlife right here in Boulder? 

Stop by the new CU Wildlife Club's inaugural meeting to hear about stewardship, outreach and education opportunities. Introduce yourself and let us know what you are interested in, as well as what you'd like to see this club do! 

Light refreshments will be available for those who arrive early. RSVP through the Facebook event page, and please share with other students who may be interested in joining this club. And while you're at it, follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

If you go

Tuesday, Feb. 5, 5–6:30 p.m.
Museum of Natural History, Biolounge

Paid research study for school-aged children

The Children’s Auditory Perception Laboratory is currently recruiting children 9-16 years old for a research study to help us learn more about how children hear. During the testing, your child will sit in a sound-treated room and will listen to sounds presented over a speaker or through headphones. Your child will be asked to indicate when they hear sounds by playing games. The sounds we use are not loud. One visit to the laboratory is required. The visit lasts about 1.5 hours. You will receive $10 per hour, and we will pay for your parking if you drive to the lab. If you are interested, please email childhear@colorado.edu or call 303-735-6252. The principal investigator for this research study is Angela Yarnell Bonino, PhD, Department Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. All testing will be completed in the Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) building on the CU Boulder campus.

Sign your child up to participate in research studies

The Child Research Participant Registry connects families and researchers, so that together we can advance our understanding of human communication and methods to diagnose and treat children who have communication-related challenges. We invite families of children with or without communication challenges to join the registry.

To learn more, or to sign up your child, please visit our webpage.

The research registry is affiliated with the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at CU Boulder.

Learn how to dance salsa

Graphic of two partners salsa dancing
The CU Boulder chapter of Ritmos Latinos, an affiliated student organization, will begin classes in basic salsa Tuesday, Jan. 29, and every Tuesday night throughout the spring semester. Come join us at the Dennis Small Cultural Center (UMC, fourth floor, Room 457) from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. for beginning salsa and 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. for more intermediate salsa. Learn to dance both partner and rueda-de-casino style salsa. There is no charge, and you do not have to bring a partner. Classes are open to all members of the CU Boulder student, staff and faculty community. Feel free to bring a friend, and get ready to have some fun learning how to dance!

CU sports medicine intern open house Feb. 6

Learn about undergraduate sports medicine internship opportunities working with University of Colorado varsity athletes, beginning fall 2019. Gain practical experience in sports injury management, evaluation and rehabilitation. A great opportunity for students interested in: medicine, physical therapy, chiropractic, sports psychology, nutrition, massage therapy, occupational therapy and exercise physiology.

When: Wednesday, Feb. 6
Check-in: 5:30 p.m. 
Tours and presentation: 6–7 p.m.
Where: Champions Center

If you plan on attending, please RSVP to sportsmed@colorado.edu.

Please reserve all your questions regarding the internship program and the application process for the open house, or see our website.

Center for Inclusion and Social Change: Workshops in February

The Center for Inclusion and Social Change is committed to providing quality development opportunities to students and staff alike. Our goal is to help create a more inclusive campus climate in which all students thrive and feel a sense of belonging. These programs are a great opportunity to learn more about ourselves, as well as how we can better support each other.

Safe Zone Workshop: LGBTQ Inclusivity
Tuesday, Feb. 5 | Noon to 1:30 p.m. | C4C S435

Wait Your Turn: Interrupting Sexism
Tuesday, Feb. 12 | 3–4:30 p.m. | C4C S484 

Intersectionality Training
Monday, Feb. 18 | 3–4:30 p.m. | C4C N215

We will also be offering these workshops in March and April.

Active in a student org? $1,000 leadership scholarships available

The UMC Board knows that CU’s student leaders make a difference. We encourage you to apply for the James E. Schafer Scholarship for student leaders. Each award is for $1,000. 

If you have been involved in a CUSG-recognized student group or organization for at least one full semester and meet the other criteria, we encourage you to apply!

The deadline is 4:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 8. Applications are available online.