Participate in a webinar with Mary-Ann Winkelmes, entitled The Unwritten Rules of College: Creating Transparent Assignments that Increase Underserved College Students’ Success. CU Boulder will be among a number of institutions nationwide participating. Participants are invited to convene on campus and join the virtual session as a team.
Transparent instruction is an inclusive, equitable teaching practice that can enhance high-impact practices by making learning processes explicit and promoting student success equitably. In this session, we'll review the findings and examine some sample assignments. Then we’ll apply the research to revising some class activities and assignments. Participants will leave with a draft assignment or activity for one of their courses, and a concise set of strategies for designing transparent assignments that promote students’ learning equitably.
The CU Boulder group will be convened by ASSETT (Arts & Sciences Support of Education Through Technology). All members of the campus community are invited.