Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Eye tracking study: Earn $50 for 2.5 hours

Hello world

We are seeking participants for a study of eye movements and brain activity during learning.

Am I eligible? You are eligible to participant in this research study if you: 

  • Are able to visit our lab at CU Boulder
  • Are at least 18 years of age
  • Are fluent in English
  • Have not previously taken part in the online learning study with our lab (check if unsure)
  • Are in good health
  • Have no history of seizures
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision
  • Are proficient with computers

What does my participation entail? The study requires one visit (2-3 hours) to the lab on East Campus (1777 Exposition Drive, Boulder, CO 80309), plus one 30-minute follow-up questionnaire to be completed online.

The first visit will involve having your eye movements, physiological responses (e.g. heart rate), video of your face/upper body, and brain activity non-invasively recorded while you complete a computer-based reading task and answer several questionnaires. It will take approximately 2-3 hours and you will be paid $20 per hour. About a week later, you will complete a 30-minute online survey; upon completion you will receive an additional $10. 

What are the COVID-related safety procedures? We will take utmost care to ensure your safety for the duration of the visit, with stringent procedures approved by CU administration. 

  • We provide masks, handwashing stations and temperature checks on arrival
  • All occupants of the building are required to wear a mask at all times
  • All equipment is sterilized between uses with medical-grade disinfectant
  • You will be alone in the testing room for most of the study (a researcher will run the session from an adjacent room, instructing you via video conference)
  • Only six people will be in the facility at a time (<50% occupancy)

How will I get paid? Payment will be via an Amazon gift card. 

What are the next steps? If you are interested in participating, please contact us at eyemindlink@gmail.com.

Earn money, contribute to science, get a picture of your brain!

The Intermountain Neuorimaging Consortium (INC) is a brain imaging research facility in the Institute of Cognitive Science at CU Boulder. We use MRI scans to study how the brain works and how the brain changes across the lifespan. We currently have six to seven studies that are looking for participants from a range of ages across the Denver metro area. If you have always wanted to see what your brain looks like or would simply like to contribute to neuroscience research in Colorado, please see our website for more details on specific studies that are currently recruiting participants.

Participants needed for neurophysiology research

The Neurophysiology of Movement Laboratory, located on the CU Boulder Main Campus, is conducting a study to evaluate the influence of light electric al stimulation on walking capabilities. 

Subject requirements:

  • 40–65 years of age
  • Free from neurological impairments
  • No recent lower body injuries
  • Able to walk for 6 minutes unaided

The study will involve two visits (~1.5 hours each). We will apply mild electrical stimulation (TENS device) to your legs and assess your walking capabilities. Participants will be paid $50 at the end of the second session. 

If interested, please contact Joey Carzoli and joseph.carzoli@colorado.edu or 303-492-4975. 

The CASE Study is seeking male survey respondents

Dr. Novick’s team at the University of Colorado is looking for men to participate in a study of how biological sex and sex hormones, like testosterone or estrogen, may influence stress, mood, social relationships and perceptions during these unusual times. The survey is online and includes questions about your health, mood, relationships and history. The study takes about 30 minutes to complete and can be done at any time.

Upon completing the study, you will have the option of entering a lottery with a 1/15 chance of winning $50 via your choice of an Amazon or Target e-gift card.

You may be eligible to participate if:
• You are a man
• You are 18-40 years old
• You do not have children
• You are generally healthy

Learn more or see if you qualify, or email anna.belyavskaya@cuanschutz.edu if you have any questions.

This research study has been approved by the Colorado Multiple Institutional Review Board (COMIRB #20-1583).

Earn money, contribute to science, get a picture of your brain!

The Intermountain Neuorimaging Consortium (INC) is a brain imaging research facility in the Institute of Cognitive Science at CU Boulder. We use MRI scans to study how the brain works and how the brain changes across the lifespan. We currently have six to seven studies that are looking for participants from a range of ages across the Denver metro area. 

If you have always wanted to see what your brain looks like or would simply like to contribute to neuroscience research in Colorado, please see our website for more details on specific studies that are currently recruiting participants.

Are you working night shifts? Join paid study

We are seeking participants for a study of how shift work impacts your physical health. We will examine the amount of energy you expend and changes in blood sugar and insulin.

Am I eligible? You are eligible to participant in this research study if you: 

  • Are a healthy adult between the ages of 18 and 45
  • Working at least four night shifts per month and working full time (equal to or greater than 35 hours per week)
  • No illicit drug use
  • Not pregnant or nursing
  • No children in the home under 1 year old
  • Free of neurological or medical condition, like Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease

What does my participation entail? This two-week study requires two visits to our Clinical Translational Research Center (CTRC) on the Main Campus at Ramaley Biology Building, Boulder, CO 80309. The study will involve a physical health assessment (including blood draws), questionnaires, repeated urine sample collection, wearable sensors, a daily log and use of a mobile app.

We follow all recommended CDC, state, and university safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Will I get paid? You will be compensated $200 for your participation.

What are the next steps? Please fill out a brief survey to see if you qualify!  
Have a question? Please contact us at pathways-study@colorado.edu.

Join paid study on eye movements, brain activity

We are seeking participants for a study of eye movements and brain activity during learning.

Am I eligible? You are eligible to participant in this research study if you: 

  • Currently reside in the Boulder area
  • Are at least 18 years of age
  • Are fluent in English
  • Have not previously taken part in the Online Learning study with our lab 
  • Are in good health
  • Have no history of seizures
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision
  • Are proficient with computers

What does my participation entail? The study requires one visit of approximately two hours to the lab on East Campus (1777 Exposition Drive, Boulder, CO 80309—see COVID-19 safety procedures below), plus one 30-minute follow-up questionnaire to be completed online.

The first visit will involve having your eye movements, physiological responses (e.g., heart rate), video of your face/upper body, and brain activity non-invasively recorded while you complete a computer-based reading task and answer several questionnaires. It will take approximately two hours and you will be paid $20 per hour, for a total of $40. About a week later, you will complete a 30-minute online survey; upon completion you will receive an additional $10. 

What are the COVID-related safety procedures? We will take utmost care to ensure your safety for the duration of the visit, with stringent procedures approved by CU administration. 

  • We provide masks, hand-washing stations and temperature checks on arrival
  • All occupants of the building are required to wear a mask at all times
  • All equipment is sterilized between uses with medical-grade disinfectant
  • You will be alone in the testing room for most of the study (a researcher will run the session from an adjacent room, instructing you via video conference)
  • Only three people will be in the facility at a time (<25% occupancy)

How will I get paid? Payment will be via an Amazon gift card. 

What are the next steps? If you are interested in participating, please contact us at eyemindlink@gmail.com.

Eye tracking study: Earn $50 for 2.5 hours

Hello world

We are seeking participants for a study of eye movements and brain activity during learning.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible to participant in this research study if you are: 

  • CU Boulder student currently in the Boulder area
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Are fluent in English
  • Have not previously taken part in the Online Learning study with our lab 
  • Have no history of seizures
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision
  • Are proficient with computers

What does my participation entail?

The study requires one visit of two hours to the lab on East Campus (1777 Exposition Dr., Boulder, CO 80309—see COVID-19 safety procedures below), plus one 30-minute follow-up questionnaire to be completed online.

The first visit will involve having your eye movements, physiological responses (e.g. heart rate), video of your face/upper body, and brain activity noninvasively recorded while you complete a computer-based reading task and answer several questionnaires. It will take approximately two hours and you will be paid $20 per hour, for a total of $40. About a week later, you will complete a 30-minute online survey; upon completion you will receive an additional $10. 

What are the COVID-related safety procedures?

We will take utmost care to ensure your safety for the duration of the visit, with stringent procedures approved by CU administration. 

  • We provide masks, handwashing stations and temperature checks on arrival
  • All occupants of the building are required to wear a mask at all times
  • All equipment is sterilized between uses with medical-grade disinfectant
  • You will be alone in the testing room for most of the study (a researcher will run the session from an adjacent room, instructing you via video conference)
  • Only three people will be in the facility at a time (21.5% occupancy)

How will I get paid?

Payment will be via an Amazon gift card. 

What are the next steps?

If you are interested in participating, please contact us at eyemindlink@gmail.com.

Teens needed for study on cognition, emotions, resilience


The goal of our study is to learn about cognitive abilities, the brain networks that are involved in those cognitive abilities, and emotional wellbeing over the course of adolescence. We are interested in understanding how certain cognitive abilities, like being able to pay attention or learn actions that help you achieve goals, may help teenagers to cope with stress and stay healthy. 

This is a two-year study. Over the course of the study, you will have a total of two study visits at our laboratory in Boulder, each lasting about five hours. During these visits you will be interviewed about your life experiences; you will complete some computer games that involve paying attention and learning; you will have a neuroimaging scan while you either rest quietly or play computer games; and you will answer a set of surveys on a computer. 

Also as part of the study, you will complete a set of online surveys and a brief telephone interview once every six months (five times total during the two-year study participation). 

At the end of the study, you will have a final telephone interview, lasting about two hours.

You can earn up to $750 for your time and effort completing all parts of the study. 

Interested students should email raddlab@colorado.edu or fill out the online study eligibility screen

Participants needed: Freshmen mental health experiences during COVID-19

We want to understand your experience as a first-year freshmen at CU during the COVID-19 pandemic. Complete an online survey sharing your own experiences, thoughts and feelings.

This research is being conducted by researchers in the CU Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (IRB#18-0483). You will have the opportunity to win one of ten $100 Amazon gift cards. Additional opportunities to participate in paid research may be available.

To qualify, you must be a freshman at CU, between the ages of 18-25, and fluent in English.

Please contact gruberpeplab@colorado.edu with the subject line “EMERGE COVID-19 Study,” and we will send you a survey link to complete at your convenience.

Participants wanted for online learning study

illustration of an eye

The Emotive Computing Lab at CU Boulder are looking for participants for a study of eye movements and brain activity during learning.   

You are eligible to participant in this research study if you:

  • CU Boulder student, faculty or staff member
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Fluent in English
  • Have a computer with a stable internet connection available to complete the sessions, on which you are willing to install Zoom video conferencing software
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision

Thanks for your interest in the study! The study has two parts lasting around 1.5 hours total. Both parts of this study will take place remotely, through an online survey link for you to do at home. Payment for the whole study is $25 as Amazon gift cards.

In part one, you will read a series of texts about science. During and after reading, you will answer some questions about the text. This session should take about an hour, and you will be paid $15. For the duration of this first session, you will be sharing your browser screen with the experimenter via Zoom video conferencing software, therefore we ask that you sign up to take part at a specific time. 

For the second session, you will answer more questions about the text and provide some demographic data. We will send you the link to this survey two days after completing the first session, and you will complete it at your own convenience. This session should take 30 minutes, and you will be paid an additional $10. Payment will be via an Amazon gift card. 

If you are interested in participating, please contact us at eyemindlink@gmail.com for more information.

Healthy females needed for research

Andrew M. Novick and his team at CU are investigating ratings of digital images (pleasant, unpleasant, neutral and erotic) across the female menstrual cycle.

Study participation consists of two study sessions (done online) over the course of two months. These visits will consist of: questionnaires about your mood and some stressful life events, and rating of digital images (how pleasant/unpleasant and arousing/non-arousing you find these images).

Participation is not limited to members of CU. You may be eligible if you are:

  • Between 18-35 years old
  • Not taking hormonal birth control
  • Have regular periods
  • Not pregnant and not planning to become pregnant within the next two months

Participation in the study is voluntary. Eligible participants will receive compensation via e-gift cards for completing study activities.

If you are interested in learning more or to see if you qualify, please fill out this short eligibility survey.

Play collaborative learning games and earn $25

The Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Computing Lab at CU Boulder is looking for participants for a study of collaboration. 

You are eligible to participant in this research study if you:

  • Are a CU Boulder student at least 18 years of age
  • Speak English
  • Do not have significant and uncorrected vision impairments
  • Have not previously played Physics Playground or a similar game (e.g., Crayon Physics Deluxe, Magic Pen) for more than an hour

The study contains will take place online via Zoom and will last approximately 90 minutes. You will be compensated with a $25 Amazon gift card.

If you are interested in participating, please contact us at emotivecomputing.cps2@gmail.com for more information.

Study on freshmen mental health experiences during COVID-19

We want to understand your experience as a first-year freshmen at CU during the COVID-19 pandemic. Complete an online survey sharing your own experiences, thoughts and feelings. 

This research is being conducted by researchers in the CU Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (IRB#18-0483). You will have the opportunity to win one of 10 $100 Amazon gift cards. Additional opportunities to participate in paid research may be available.

To qualify, you must be a freshman at CU, between the ages of 18 and 25, and fluent in English.

Please contact gruberpeplab@colorado.edu with the subject line “EMERGE COVID-19 Study,” and we will send you a survey link to complete at your convenience.

CU students needed for wellness study

The Research on Affective Disorders and Development Lab is conducting research on wellness and stress coping in CU students during the novel COVID-19 outbreak. 

Our community is navigating a major public health stressor. We know your lives are being deeply impacted by school closures, changes in your social life social activities and family risks—and we know these impacts may be highly stressful. We want to understand how COVID-19 is affecting CU students and understand whether, and what types, of daily wellness strategies might buffer you from this stressor and help keep you well.

You are eligible for this research study if you are a CU Boulder student over the age of 18. The study lasts eight weeks, and all study data collection happens entirely online. 

If you participate in this study, you will complete a series of short daily microsurveys (one minute a day) as well as a longer survey that is sent to you once every two weeks (about 40 minutes to complete the biweekly surveys). 

You may be assigned to a group in which we ask you to engage in daily wellness strategies either involving positive activities, or mindfulness practices. We will give you some examples of daily wellness strategies, but you get to choose what strategies you use and how long you spend on the strategies each day. 

You will be compensated for your participation (maximum of $226 for completing all parts of the study). 

If you’re interested in learning more, contact the RADD lab at raddlab@colorado.edu.