Nominate a coworker for the UCSC Staff Excellence Awards by Sept. 6

Do you know a rock star staff member who regularly makes an outsized contribution to the University of Colorado? Recognize their efforts by nominating them for the University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC) Staff Excellence Awards.

UCSC recognizes staff members who have gone above and beyond their job duties, have surpassed expectations and embody what makes CU excellent. All CU staff members, including classified and university staff, are eligible to be nominated for this prestigious award.

Each winner will receive a $250 award presented by a member of each campus’s leadership at the Staff Excellence Award Event on Oct. 6. Each awardee, their nominators and one guest will be invited to join the awards ceremony to be held at the Hilton Denver Inverness.

Deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. Sept. 6. Winners will be notified in mid-September. For more information and questions, please email