We’re hosting our first ever virtual regional competition for the National Ocean Sciences Bowl on Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021! We are hoping to engage 40 volunteers (science background not required).
The National Ocean Sciences Bowl is an academic competition for high school students. Teams of students compete in single-team round-robins and head-to-head double eliminations by answering all manner of ocean science trivia.
Quick summary
- We’re anticipating 10–11 virtual rooms simultaneously in the morning, so we really need help with morning rounds.
- 11 teams from four states are signed up so far.
- We’ll have lots of virtual trainings available at the end of January, plus recorded trainings.
- Flexible shifts available.
Volunteer roles
- Science Judge: Recognizes teams and resets the lockout system/buzzer. This position needs a device capable of running Java.
- Time Keeper/Score Keeper: Combines the two roles of Time Keeper and Score Keeper, however we’ll use an integrated interface so you won’t need to do any mental math or maintain a physical time clock—it will all be in one place online.
- Rules Judge/Room Officiant: Take challenges to competition staff, watches student video screens for signs of cheating, maintains a hard copy scoresheet (in Excel).