Students: Play collaborative learning games, earn $50

The Emotive Computing Lab at CU Boulder is seeking participants for a study of collaboration. 

You are eligible to participant in this research study if you:

  • Are a CU Boulder student at least 18 years of age
  • Speak English
  • Do not have significant and uncorrected vision impairments
  • Have not previously played Physics Playground or a similar game (e.g., Crayon Physics Deluxe, Magic Pen) for more than an hour

The study contains two parts: 

  1. An at home portion where you fill out some surveys and practice the game (lasting one hour) for a $15 Amazon gift card
  2. A visit to the lab, which will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time (lasting two hours) for a $35 Amazon gift card

If you are interested in participating, please contact Angela Stewart at for more information.

Thank you for your time, 
The Emotive Computing Lab