Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Online asthma survey study opportunity

We are seeking participation in the study “Impact of Pediatric to Adult Health Care Transition on Asthma Outcomes” (COMIRB Protocol #20-1172) through the University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado.

This study will help us learn more about health care transitions in patients with asthma. Pediatric to adult health care transition is the process of getting a teenage patient ready to see an adult doctor. We hope to learn more about how a person’s transition from seeing a pediatric to adult doctor may affect his/her current asthma management.

To qualify for this study you must:

  • Be between the ages of 18-30
  • Have been diagnosed with asthma by a doctor

If you are interested in participating, you will be asked to complete a 20-minute online survey.

Participation in this study is voluntary. Responses in the survey will remain anonymous and no identifying information will be collected.

If you have any additional questions prior to participating in this study, you can contact Dr. Suzanne Ngo at suzanne.ngo@childrenscolorado.org or 720-777-1369.

Apply for UROP student grant funding

student working on a project

UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) encourages CU Boulder undergraduates of all majors to connect with and engage the academic and creative life of the university—and welcomes your applications for student grants ($1,000 to $3,000). 

Apply by Friday, Feb. 12 for summer 2021 and/or academic year 2021–22 (fall and spring) funding. Get started today.

Have you left engineering? Research study of Black engineering students’ experiences seeking participants

Black engineering students who are currently or were previously enrolled in engineering are invited to participate in a research study about Black engineering students’ experiences while studying engineering. This study aims to understand the practices, interactions and factors that influence Black engineering students’ decisions to persist/stay in their engineering major and the factors that influence their decisions to leave their engineering major. The study includes two 1-2 hour interviews designed to understand how students’ perceptions of interactions with peers, staff and faculty within the college of engineering influence Black students’ decisions to stay or switch out of engineering and two follow-up review sessions (one after each interview). The study seeks to account for students’ decisions to stay in their major or switch out of engineering, by understanding how their experience of different kinds of interactions shape their decisions. This study aims to learn about ways to improve the engineering environment to support the retention of Black engineering students. Research participants who switched to a major outside of engineering will be compensated with a $20 gift card. Thank you for considering my request for your participation. Please contact Tanya Ennis by emailing tanya.ennis@colorado.edu to participate.

Student orgs: Apply for UMC office space, lockers by Feb. 5

Student org office space and lockers available in the UMC

The UMC is accepting applications from student organizations for free office space or lockers for the fall 2021 semester.

A central office is a fantastic way for your recognized student organization to become more accessible and productive, which will help you grow membership, promote your message and fulfill your mission. In addition, the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) has lockers available for student organizations to use.

Groups that currently have space must reapply! Apply online by Friday, Feb. 5.

Eye tracking study: Earn $50 for 2.5 hours

Hello world

We are seeking participants for a study of eye movements and brain activity during learning.

You are eligible to participate in this research study if you:

  • Are a student
  • Are at least 18 years of age
  • Are fluent in English
  • Have not previously taken part in a similar study with our lab (check if unsure)
  • Are in good health
  • Have no history of seizures
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision
  • Are proficient with computers

What does my participation entail? The study requires one visit (2-3 hours) to the lab on East Campus (1777 Exposition Drive, Boulder, CO 80309), plus one 30-minute follow-up questionnaire to be completed online.

The first visit will involve having your eye movements, physiological responses (e.g. heart rate), video of your face/upper body, and brain activity non-invasively recorded while you complete a computer-based reading task and answer several questionnaires. It will take approximately 2-3 hours and you will be paid $20 per hour. About a week later, you will complete a 30-minute online survey; upon completion you will receive an additional $10.

We will take utmost care to ensure your safety for the duration of the visit, with stringent procedures approved by CU administration.

  • We provide masks, handwashing stations and temperature checks on arrival.
  • All occupants of the building are required to wear a mask at all times.
  • All equipment is sterilized between uses with medical-grade disinfectant.
  • You will be alone in the testing room for most of the study (a researcher will run the session from an adjacent room, instructing you via video conference).
  • Only six people will be in the facility at a time (less than 50% occupancy).

Payment will be via an Amazon gift card. If you are interested in participating, please contact us at eyemindlink@gmail.com.

Adult piano lessons offered this spring; prior experience required

Take piano lessons with a piano intern this semester! These lessons are for students, staff or faculty who have had at least three years of previous piano instruction (no exceptions this semester).

The instructors are piano majors in their senior year. No university credit. Professor Alejandro Cremaschi supervises the interns.

Because of COVID-19 limitations, all lessons will happen online. You must have access to a piano or keyboard.

Learn more.

Adult piano lessons offered this spring; prior experience required

Take piano lessons with a piano intern this semester! These lessons are for students, staff or faculty who have had at least three years of previous piano instruction (no exceptions this semester).

The instructors are piano majors in their senior year. No university credit. Professor Alejandro Cremaschi supervises the interns.

Because of COVID-19 limitations, all lessons will happen online. You must have access to a piano or keyboard.

Get more information.

Earn money, contribute to science, get a picture of your brain!

The Intermountain Neuorimaging Consortium (INC) is a brain imaging research facility in the Institute of Cognitive Science at CU Boulder. We use MRI scans to study how the brain works and how the brain changes across the lifespan. We currently have six to seven studies that are looking for participants from a range of ages across the Denver metro area. 

If you have always wanted to see what your brain looks like or would simply like to contribute to neuroscience research in Colorado, please see our website for more details on specific studies that are currently recruiting participants.

Adult piano lessons offered this spring; prior experience required

Take piano lessons with an undergraduate piano intern this semester! These lessons are for students, staff or faculty who have had at least three years of previous piano instruction (no exceptions this semester).

The instructors are undergraduate piano majors in their senior year. No university credit. Professor Alejandro Cremaschi supervises the interns.

Because of COVID-19 limitations, all lessons will happen online. You must have access to a piano or keyboard.

Get more information.

Free teletherapy for freshmen and low-cost therapy for other students, employees

Struggling with COVID anxiety? Feeling down, hopeless or stuck in a cycle of unproductive worry? Low-cost teletherapy is available through CU Boulder’s Raimy Psychology Clinic, for individuals residing in Colorado. Sessions are held through the videoconferencing platform Zoom.

Raimy Clinic therapists can provide help coping with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other difficulties during this very challenging time! Special low rates are available for all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty, or family members of full-time staff or faculty. Therapy is free for freshman students! Openings for new clients are available now. Email or call now to start the intake process.

For more information, call our intake coordinator, Julia Salinger, at 303-492-5177; email raimy@colorado.edu; or visit our website.

Access the libraries’ digital newspaper collections

newspaper article on smartphone

Did you know the University Libraries subscribe to thousands of news outlets and more than 50 databases that keep tabs on regional, national and international current events?

CU Boulder affiliates with an IdentiKey have access to digital publications such as The New York TimesThe Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and more. Students, faculty and staff can also access The Denver Post and the Boulder Daily Camera through our databases. 

The libraries also maintain a robust collection of historic news resources and multimedia and TV news archives. Learn more at the libraries’ website.

Now accepting submissions for New Play Festival

Calling all playwrights and screenwriters!

CU Boulder’s New Play Festival showcases the creative talents of CU Boulder students, faculty, staff and alumni. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or totally new to playwriting, we encourage your participation! We are seeking playwrights, directors and play submission readers. Submissions will be accepted now through Thursday, Jan. 21.

Send completed submissions and any questions to cubouldernpf@gmail.com. Please see the submission guidelines below and visit the festival website for more information.

Best of luck!

Submission guidelines  

Feel free to submit to as many of these calls as you want, but we will be restricting playwrights to one accepted submission this year. Please submit PDF documents only. Only one full-length or one-act, one 10-minute play, and one performance scenario submission per person.   

Full-length plays: Full-length plays must be of substantial length (normally somewhere between 60–120 pages in standard manuscript form) and must not have been previously professionally produced or published. Accepted plays may be developed by the playwright in collaboration with the director and actors over 8–10 rehearsal hours.

One-act plays: One-act plays must be somewhere between 11–60 pages in standard form and not have been previously produced professionally or published. Accepted plays may be developed by the playwright in collaboration with the director and actors over 6–8 rehearsal hours. 

10-minute plays: 10-minute plays must be around 10 minutes in length (normally around 10 pages in manuscript form) and not have been previously professionally produced or published. Accepted plays may be developed by the playwright in collaboration with the director and actors over 4–6 rehearsal hours. 

3 things to know about play submissions

  • If a play was submitted for a previous NPF season, but was not chosen, it must be substantially rewritten to be eligible for resubmission.
  • Scripts need to be turned in with no identifying information about the playwright, except for a mandatory cover page containing the playwright’s name, contact information and title of the script.
  • Plays will be reviewed by at least two readers blindly and chosen by a selection committee.

Performance scenarios: Recognizing that not all theatrical events are text-based, we accept performance scenarios for site-specific work (particularly interesting to explore during these Zoom days), an immersive work, a spec-actor scheme, etc., that is organized around design, an experience, an event, rather than starting with text. The 5-10 minute presentation of the performance concept can be in any form. Proposals will be reviewed by at least two readers blindly and chosen by a selection committee.

Call for collaborators

Directors: All plays will be assigned a director for their virtual staged readings. Directors will be a part of the selection committee and be responsible for attending auditions, casting their assigned play, coordinating rehearsals, giving feedback on their assigned play and staging the recordings of the new plays. Please email your interest and an updated résumé to cubouldernpf@gmail.com.

Selection committee volunteers: Play submissions must be read by at least two readers blindly. If you are interested in volunteering to be on the play reading committee, you must read and report on at least two plays, if not more. This position is perfect for someone who wants to get involved but can't attend rehearsals. Reading volunteers can still submit a play to the festival but will be assigned readings in a separate category. Please email your interest and number of plays you would consider reading and reporting on to cubouldernpf@gmail.com as soon as possible.

Actors: Audition to be an actor in the festival! Make sure to mark your interest on the General Theatre Auditions form and hold on tight for Callbacks on Saturday, March 6. If you do not wish to participate in the general auditions but are still interested in reading for NPF, we will provide sides (short selections from the material) for you to read on March 6. No previous acting experience necessary! This is a great opportunity to test the waters. Rehearsals will be limited, and your text will be in-hand for the performance. Stay tuned for more info!

Students: Join paid study on wellness, stress-coping

The Research on Affective Disorders and Development Lab is conducting research on wellness and stress coping in CU students. We want to understand what makes CU students resilient or vulnerable to stress, and explore how campus-based programs may foster wellness. 

The study includes a few different parts: 

  • Everyone in the study will answer a set of electronic surveys and participate in two phone interviews over the course of one year.
  • Some qualifying participants will have the option to complete an in-person research visit, which includes an interview about life experiences, a set of computer games and a neuroimaging scan. 

The study takes place over the course of a year, and you will be compensated for your participation (maximum of $130 to $332 for completing all parts of the study). 

If you’re interested in learning more, contact the RADD Lab at raddlab@colorado.edu, 303-735-8306, or complete our webscreen