Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Eye tracking study: Earn $50-70

human eye

The Emotive Computing Lab at CU Boulder is looking for participants for a study of eye movements and brain activity during learning.  

You are eligible to participate in this research study if you:

  • are at least 16 years of age
  • are a student (at a high school, college or university)
  • are fluent in English
  • are in good health
  • have no history of seizures
  • have normal or corrected-to-normal vision
  • are proficient with computers
  • have not previously taken part in the Online Learning study with our lab (check if unsure)

What does my participation entail?

The study requires one visit of between 2 and 3 hours to the lab on CU Boulder’s East Campus (1777 Exposition Drive, Boulder, CO 80309; see COVID-19 safety procedures below), plus one 30-minute follow-up questionnaire to be completed online. 

The first visit will involve having your eye movements, physiological responses (e.g., heart rate), video of your face/upper body, and brain activity non-invasively recorded while you complete a computer-based reading task and answer several questionnaires. It will take approximately 2 to 3 hours, and you will be paid $20 per hour for a total of $40-60.

About a week later, you will complete a 30-minute online survey; upon completion you will receive an additional $10. Note that travel compensation is not provided.

If you are under 18, your parent or guardian will also need to provide consent.

What are the COVID-related safety procedures?

We will take utmost care to ensure your safety for the duration of the visit, with stringent procedures approved by CU administration.

  • We provide masks, handwashing stations and temperature checks on arrival.
  • All occupants of the building are required to wear a mask at all times.
  • All equipment is sterilized between uses with medical-grade disinfectant.
  • You will be alone in the testing room for most of the study (a researcher will run the session from an adjacent room, instructing you via video conference).
  • Only six people will be in the facility at a time (43% of usual occupancy).

How will I get paid?

Payment will be via an Amazon gift card.

What are the next steps?

If you are interested in participating, please sign up online. You can contact us at eyemindlink@gmail.com with any questions.

Thank you for your time,
The Emotive Computing Lab

Career Services is hiring student leadership positions

Hello world

Career Services is hiring for multiple student leadership opportunities!

Peer Career Coach

Use your strengths and talents to conduct career-related presentations and help students navigate the job/internship search process. Work with peers in one-on-one settings. You will receive regular support from your supervisor through one-on-one check-ins, and build connections with other students through group meetings. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to explore personal and career interests, develop successful job search strategies, connect with employers and diverse students and enhance leadership and public speaking skills.

Begins in April 2021 and requires a three-semester minimum commitment. Must be a student in Arts & Sciences to apply. This position pays $12.32/hour (eligible for pay increases and work study) for 8-10 hours a week.

Apply on Handshake
Job ID: 4478318

Outreach and Development Coach

Do you love public speaking? Are you interested in boosting your skills and empowering your peers to do the same? We are seeking applications from undergraduate students interested in serving in this leadership role.

Begins in August 2021 and will extend to at least May 2022, with the intent to work until graduation. This position pays $12.32/hour (eligible for work study and pay increases), working up to 8 hours per week.

Apply on Handshake
Job ID: 4482258

Outreach Support Intern

Do you love details? Are organizational and scheduling systems your jam? Is Excel and data manipulation fun for you? We are seeking applications from undergraduate students interested in providing administrative support within our office. 

Begins in August 2021 will extend to at least May 2022, with the intent to work until graduation. This position pays $12.32/hour (eligible for pay increases and work study) and will work 1-3 hours a day, Monday–Friday with a maximum of 15 hours per week. 

Apply on Handshake
Job ID: 4482293

Outreach Support Intern for Graduate and Alumni Career Services

Are you a graduate student? Do you love details? Are organizational and scheduling systems your jam? Is Excel and data manipulation fun for you? We are seeking applications from graduate students interested in providing administrative support to the Graduate and Alumni Teams within our office. 

Begins in August 2021 and will extend to at least May 2022, with the intent to work until graduation. This position does not provide tuition remission. This position pays $12.35/hour (eligible for pay increases and work study) and will work up to 10 hours per week. 

Apply on Handshake
Job ID: 4482340

Students: Join Hindsight journal staff, launch event March 19

Hindsight, formerly Journal 2020, is a student-run creative nonfiction journal at CU Boulder, publishing undergraduate personal essays, new journalism, memoirs, portraits, artwork and more.

For more information on how Journal 2020 was started, please email jay.ellis@colorado.edu.

All CU undergraduates, any class, any major, can join Hindsight staff. Take WRTG 3090 Open Topics in Writing: Advanced: Journal 2020 Digital Production, Section 001 for 3 credits (Not WRTG 2090 or 2020). Any semester freshmen to seniors can take an internship for 1, 2 or 3 credits lower- or upper-division.

Our website provides previous issues, online issues, artwork, podcasts and more, all of which celebrate the power of storytelling.

Launch event March 19

Join the virtual launch of the first-ever edition of Hindsight! Our staff is stepping into a new era of the journal, with a new name and fresh faces. Guest speaker Jericho Parms will introduce you to our best issue yet, and we would love to see you there—virtually, of course.

RSVPs are required. Once you RSVP, our staff will send updates about the schedule, provide you with a Zoom link to attend the event and relay other important information about our celebration! 

Event is from 6 to 7:15 p.m.

Contact: jay.ellis@colorado.edu, chma5556@colorado.edu


Where in the world do you want to go?

Join the Office of Top Scholarships and Fulbright staff at IIE to learn more about opportunities for U.S. citizens to pursue graduate or professional study, conduct research, or teach English worldwide. Students typically apply for a Fulbright in their senior year or in graduate school. 

In this interactive session, you’ll learn about the different types of Fulbright awards, application components and tips. There will be a Q&A and a breakout session with more information about our campus process. This will be the main information session for the 2022–23 application cycle, so please come! 

If you go

Thursday, March 18
Noon MDT 

Register here for the Zoom link.

Battle of the Bands: Vote on Instagram through March 12

Program Council is proud to present a virtual Battle of the Bands competition! Visit @programcouncil on Instagram to watch contestants' recordings and vote by giving your favorite(s) a like. 

The deadline for bands to enter is today, March 5, but voting runs through March 12. First, second and third place will be awarded based on the amount of likes their video receives. Prizes include a writeup by CU Independent, recording studio time, air time with Radio 1190, livestream shows with Club 156, gift cards and more.

Grad students: Apply for the GPSG leadership team

The Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) has opened applications for their 2021–22 academic year leadership team. GPSG has openings for 32 paid positions, which means there is likely a position that matches your interests!

All graduate and professional students (including MBA and law) are eligible to apply. No prior experience with student government is needed.

Find more details about the positions and apply.

Win $500 for your Western writing or ‘2020 through my lens’ video entry

Eleven $500 prizes will be awarded to CU Boulder students in the 22nd annual Thompson Awards for Western American Writing—one of those winners could be you!

Enter writing focused on the American West in fiction, poetry, memoir, creative nonfiction and academic nonfiction categories. Or, this year, enter the special video contest, 2020 Through My Lens, on any topic that caught your interest in  the year 2020. 

Entry deadline is March 15. Open to CU Boulder undergraduate and graduate students. 

With no entry fee, there is nothing to lose. So go ahead: Write West, or show us 2020 through your lens.

Deming Center Venture Fund recruiting graduate engineering, law students

The graduate-student-run Deming Center Venture Fund (DCVF) is looking for first-year graduate engineering and law students interested in helping to fund early-stage startups in Boulder and surrounding communities.

The DCVF is an opportunity for graduate students to speak with local entrepreneurs, attend pitch events in the Boulder and Denver area, perform due diligence on companies and make investment decisions that impact the local startup community.

Virtual info session March 18

Learn more at the upcoming recruitment event at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 18, via Zoom. Please RSVP to attend.

Apply by March 28

The application will become available on Sunday, March 14, and the deadline to apply is 11:59 p.m. Sunday, March 28. Learn more about the DCVF and application details.

Are you a Buff legacy? Get your Legacy Cord in time for commencement

Did you live Sewall Hall just like your grandmother, or take a class from the same chemistry professor as your father? 

The buildings may look a bit different these days, but your Buff pride has remained constant throughout generations. Why not take a moment at graduation to honor the family members who paved the way for your university experiences?  

Recognize and celebrate your family’s CU tradition by wearing your free black and gold legacy cord during your virtual commencement celebrations this spring. Register for your Legacy Cord today.

The Buffalo Legacy program is run by the CU Boulder Alumni Association and honors current students and their parents, grandparents or stepparents who attended CU Boulder.

Join the Colorado Peace Corps Career & Service Panel on March 4

Join a virtual panel discussion featuring returned Peace Corps volunteers from Colorado to hear about the inspirational, rewarding and challenging moments of service. Learn about what life is like living abroad, what volunteers do and the career and education opportunities available to volunteers after service.

Representatives from Colorado universities that offer financial assistance to returned Peace Corps volunteers through the Paul D. Coverdell Fellows program will also briefly present on the benefits and opportunities of their specific programs.

The event will take place on a virtual platform from 6:30 to 8 p.m. MST on Thursday, March 4. Please register to ensure you receive access to join.

Where do you go if you need printing done or copies made?

CU Ink Spot Copy Center: 

  • Offers high-quality, full-service printing and bulk mailing
  • Postcards, posters, business cards, envelopes, brochures and more
  • Uses recycled and recyclable paper products whenever possible
  • Provides campus with sustainable services, staffed with print professionals
  • Accepts SpeedTypes and procurement cards in addition to cash, check and personal credit cards
  • Send files ahead of time for faster service

How has COVID-19 changed you? Take this survey

The CU Boulder Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences is currently seeking people who are at least 18 years old with or without hearing loss to participate in a research study. The purpose of this study is to examine if COVID-19 has caused social emotional changes in adults with and without hearing loss. We hope the information that we gather from this study will allow us to better support people in these challenging times.

Participation in this study involves: 

  • An online survey on a computer or smartphone that is approximately 5-10 minutes long.
  • We do not collect or require you to give personal identifying information and your responses will remain anonymous. 
  • By participating in this survey, there are no foreseeable risks, discomfort or benefit to the survey respondent. 

To participate in this study, please take this survey.

You can help our recruitment efforts by distributing this survey to friends and family who are over 18 years of age. 

For more information about this study, please contact the research coordinator, Kayla Cormier, by email at kayla.cormier@colorado.edu. 

Study Title: Hearing Loss and the Social Emotional Impact of COVID-19
IRB #: 21-0037

Paid research opportunity for 11- to 13-year-old children: The Language and Memory Study

Dear parents, We are writing to invite your child to participate in an online language production study conducted via Zoom at a time that is convenient for you and your child. The study is open to 11- to 13-year-old children who are acquiring English as a first language. Your child will engage in simple games in which they will be shown cartoon pictures on a screen and asked questions about them. The total time for the study is 20-30 minutes or less, depending on number of breaks. We will send you an Amazon gift card worth $15 within 1-2 weeks of study completion (and a gift card worth $5 if you complete part of the study). Interested? Contact us at ldclab.boulder@colorado.edu.