Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Healthy men, women needed for study on effects of night shift

Researchers in the CU Anschutz School of Medicine are looking for healthy men and women to study the effects of night shift work on bone metabolism.

You may qualify if you:

  • Are 20–40 years old
  • Not pregnant
  • Habitually sleep 7–9 hours per night
  • Haven’t done night shift work in the past year
  • Do not currently smoke

Involvement includes: 

  • Measurements of bone mineral density
  • Completion of sleep questionnaires/assessments
  • Sleep with a simulated night shift schedule
  • General physical exam
  • Activity monitoring with a wrist monitor
  • Blood/urine collection
  • Arterial line placement
  • Two inpatient stays (four nights each)

Participation in the study will last up to six weeks (including two four-night inpatient stays). Participants will receive up to $1,500 and a FitBit for their time.

If interested, email spotlight@ucdenver.edu and ask about the SPOTLIGHT study. Take the qualifying survey here.

PI: Christine Swanson, MD, MCR
COMIRB# 20-3013

Medical Services designated LGBTQ+ HealthCare Equality Top Performer

CU Medical Services has received an evaluation of 95 out of 100 and the designation of “LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality Top Performer” in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 15th anniversary edition of the Healthcare Equality Index (HEI), the nation’s foremost benchmarking survey of health care facilities on policies and practices dedicated to the equitable treatment and inclusion of their LGBTQ+ patients, visitors and employees.

A record 906 healthcare facilities actively participated in the 2022 HEI survey, and 251 of those earned an “LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality Top Performer” designation.

Call for nominations for the Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award

The ASSETT Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award is presented to an Arts & Sciences faculty member (of any rank) who has been nominated by their peers and/or students. To nominate an individual, complete the online form no later than 11:59 p.m. on May 16. Peers and students are encouraged to submit nominations; nominations of early-career faculty members are especially welcome.

Silicon Flatirons Startup Summer application period open

Startup Summer 2022 applications are open!

Silicon Flatirons Startup Summer provides an energetic, high caliber boost to emerging company internships. This annual program, now in its 11th iteration, surfaces students who are ready to enter the world of startups, innovation and emerging companies. Undergraduate and recent grads don’t want to miss this exclusive opportunity to meet and learn from Colorado’s top entrepreneurs.

Are you employing interns this summer? Startup Summer is an excellent way to maximize your interns' summer experience and give back to the next-generation entrepreneurial community. 

Microsoft multi-factor authentication coming to students April 8, with 14 days to register

Woman working on a computer.

To enhance the security of CU Boulder accounts, the Office of Information Technology is enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) to protect Microsoft Office 365 applications. Starting April 8, all CU Boulder students will be enrolled in MFA and given 14 days to register. Details about how to register and get help will be emailed to students and are also included below.

One of the most common ways cybercriminals attack our campus is through collaboration services like Office 365. MFA helps protect you by adding an additional layer of security, making it harder for attackers to log in as if they were you. Your information is safer with MFA because thieves would need to steal both your password and your phone. MFA has been shown to block 99.9% of compromised-credential attacks, which in turn will help to safeguard the university’s data, finances and reputation.

If you have questions about multi-factor authentication, please check out the Multi-Factor Authentication FAQs or contact the IT Service Center at oithelp@colorado.edu or 303-735-4357.