Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


What’s that noise? Folsom Field sound system to undergo testing Aug. 15–26

The roar of the crowd that is a Folsom Field staple will receive a boost this season with the addition of a state-of-the-art sound system that will be tested for the first time Aug. 15–26.  

Students and faculty returning to campus for the fall semester, as well as community members in the proximity of the stadium, are likely to hear a variety of noises during that testing period, including music, that at times will be loud.  These tests are necessary to ensure the system is completely functional in time for the first football game of the season. Testing will begin at 8 a.m. and will generally be concluded by 5 p.m. daily.    

“These much-needed and long overdue sound system improvements will greatly enhance the visitor experience not just for football games but any event at Folsom Field,” said Jason DePaepe, CU Boulder deputy athletic director. “From an entertainment standpoint, as well as providing important PA messaging, this new sound system will make attending an event at Folsom Field even more exciting.”   

Fans will be able to hear the new fully functional sound system for themselves when the CU Buffs begin their 2022 football season at Folsom Field on Sept. 2 against TCU.

Check out available history courses for fall 2022

If you need a course to fill out your fall schedule, the following history courses are available, some of which have only recently been added.

History of War and Society: The Soviet Union and World War II (HIST2220-001)
MWF 3:35–4:25 p.m.
John Hatch, Class# 20943

History of War and Society: World War II in Asia & the Pacific (HIST2220-002)
MWF 9:05–9:55 a.m.
William Wei, Class# 22876

China in World History: China & The US (HIST2629-001)
MWF 12:20–1:10 p.m.
Timothy B. Weston, Class# 34353

New! England from the Viking Age to the Tudors (HIST4103-001)
MW 3:35–4:50 p.m.
David Paradis, Class# 42129

New! The History of Modern Mexico Since 1821 (HIST4128-001)
MWF 10:10–11 a.m.
Tony Wood, Class# 41189

New! Topics in Jewish History: Antisemitism (HIST4348-001)
TTH 9:30–10:45 a.m.
Thomas Pegelow Kaplan, Class# 41186

Buddha to Gandhi: A History of Indian Nonviolence (HIST4558-001)
TTH 8–9:15 a.m.
Sanjay Gautam, Class# 34381

Women in East Asian History (HIST/WGST 4619-001)
TTH 9:30–10:45 a.m.
Sungyun Lim, Class# 40692

The Medieval Crusades: Holy War and Its History, 1095-1400 (HIST4711-001)
MWF 9:05–9:55 a.m.
Todd Upton, Class# 21053  

History of Russia through the 17th Century (HIST4713-001)
MWF 11:15 a.m.–12:05 p.m.
John Hatch, Class# 34383    

New! Topics in Global History: Latin America in World History (HIST4800-001)
MWF 12:20–1:10 p.m.
Tony Wood, Class# 41185

Topics in Euro Hist: Trials and Triumphs on the Emerald Isle: The Irish People and Their Histories (HIST4803-001)
MWF 3:35–4:25 p.m.
Andrew Detch, Class# 34384

Visit the History Department website for a detailed description of each course. These courses meet a variety of general education, core, major and elective needs. Check the course search to see if any of these great courses might work for you!

Take the 'Goodie Bag' food survey

CU Boulder students are building a platform that will allow restaurants to sell their surplus food at a significant discount to customers in the form of a "Goodie Bag." To help launch the platform, take a survey to help determine which restaurants will be included.

Go all in with Alternative Breaks, apply to be a site leader

Go all in! Alternative Breaks sends teams of college students to engage in meaningful service during their breaks from school. This week-long journey over spring break provides students with the opportunity to explore the United States while making a difference through service, reflecting upon their experience and creating long-lasting connections with others.

Gain valuable leadership experience as site leader. Each trip is led by two co-site leaders who are responsible for planning all aspects of the trip, which includes:

  • Solidifying a service site and housing
  • Recruiting participants
  • Facilitating pre-trip meetings
  • Leading the group during the trip
  • Managing a trip budget
  • Creating safe spaces for learning and reflection
  • Implementing the philosophies of the Volunteer Resource Center and Alternative Breaks program

The deadline to apply is Sept. 19.

All employees must certify their leave balances by Sept. 7

Each year, per Board of Regents policy, the University of Colorado requires all employees to verify the accuracy of their sick and vacation leave in the employee portal. This year’s leave certification will run Aug. 8–Sept. 7.

All faculty, staff, student-employees, temporary staff and contracted lecturers will need to certify their leave.

Student leaders needed: Call for International Festival volunteers, nominations

The International Festival (iFest) committee is looking for dedicated student leaders who are passionate about celebrating the cultural diversity we have here at CU Boulder!

International Festival is the largest student organized event on campus and is free and open to the public. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the committee is in need of new student leaders willing to serve as co-chairs to organize the festival. Co-chairs will gain valuable experience in leadership, budget management, cross-cultural communication and event planning—all great additions to a résumé!

If you advise a student who you think may be interested in leading the charge, please reach out to victoria.hoeninghausen@colorado.edu. International and domestic students of all academic levels are welcome to reach out. Learn more about this leadership role.

Get your student sports pass before they are sold out

CU Student Sports Passes for the 2022–23 sports year are now on sale. Passes will cost $150 and give you access to football games, the ability to claim tickets for men's basketball games, and admission to all other sports by showing your Buff OneCard. Get yours before they sell out!

CU NightRide is hiring

Students tabling for CU NightRide

Help members of our campus community get home safely as a part of the CU NightRide team! CU NightRide is a student-operated program dedicated to meeting the safety needs of CU students, faculty and staff by providing night-time transportation to support a safe academic and socially responsible environment, both on campus and in the community.

CU NightRide is hiring driver/dispatchers. Learn more and apply to work for CU NightRide by visiting the UMC website.

Moving? 6 resources for properly disposing of stuff you no longer want

Courtesy Sigmund/Unsplash

If you’re moving out of or into an off-campus residence this week, be aware of Boulder trash ordinances. Make sure to properly dispose of any items you are getting rid of. Large items will not be picked up with regular trash, and abandoning those items can result in up to $1,000 in fines.

You can receive a ticket for the following violations:

  • Leaving a trash bag next to the trash can or dumpster.
  • Dumping your trash in another person's dumpster.
  • Loose trash in your yard or alley.

Make sure that you properly dispose of any items that you no longer want when you are moving out, especially large items like furniture and electronics. You can schedule a large item pickup if needed. 

Remember that it is illegal to put electronics in the landfill in Colorado. Waste haulers will not collect your trash if there are electronics in your bins. Many items that you may be getting rid of can be recycled. 

Consider the following resources to either recycle, donate or sell your items: 

Check out the Environmental Center website for more resources on how to recycle your used belongings. Visit Off-Campus Housing & Neighborhood Relations for more tips on moving in or out of a residence. 

Recruiting participants for paid cognitive neuroscience study

The Banich Lab is looking for healthy, right-handed, native English speakers to participate in research studies at CU Boulder looking at how information is removed from current thought.

Open to ages 18–40. The study will take place in Meunzinger over two visits, three hours total. Participants will be compensated $70 for the full completion of the study. Please email clearvalstudyset1@gmail.com if you are interested.

Participants needed for language study

The Cognitive Neuroscience of Language lab at CU Boulder is recruiting native English speakers to participate in a research study examining brain activity during reading and cognitive tasks.

The study consists of one in-person session at our lab in CU Boulder’s CINC building (1777 Exposition Drive). The study will involve having your brain activity non-invasively recorded while you complete computer-based reading and cognitive tasks. It will take approximately two to three hours, and you will be paid $20 per hour for a total of $40–$60.

If you are interested in participating, please sign up on the SONA paid research participation website (Experiment ID 506). If you don’t already have one, you will need to create a login to enter the site. Creating this account is free and gives you access to more paid research opportunities in the future. For more information, please email vala8916@colorado.edu.

Register for Panhellenic and CU Interfraternity Council recruitment

Greek house

Fraternity & Sorority Life at CU Boulder is made up of 29 chapters officially recognized by the university. Each chapter experience offers lifelong friendships, leadership opportunities, academic support, campus involvement and opportunities to give back to the campus and Boulder communities.