Buff Bulletin Board

The Buff Bulletin Board, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of Campus Communications.


Adults with normal hearing needed for hearing aid research

The Hearing Research Laboratory is recruiting participants for a research study on how different listening conditions affect our ability to perceive noisy speech that has been processed in a way that mimics state-of-the-art hearing aids. We are interested in determining how hearing aid settings can be optimized for speech understanding when we are listening with two ears in realistic environments. 

You may be eligible if you are aged 18 years or older with normal hearing.

What will you have to do? If you qualify, you will be presented speech and will repeat back the words/sentences that you hear. You will visit the Hearing Research Lab about three times.

How much time will it take? The study will include three visits over approximately two to three weeks, for a total of about four hours in the laboratory. We will schedule the visits at a time convenient for you. You will be paid $15 per hour for your time. You will also receive a free hearing test to determine if you qualify for the study.  

The study will be held in the Hearing Research Laboratory in the Department of Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences at 2501 Kittredge Loop Rd.

Contact hearlab@colorado.edu with any questions.

Call for proposals: UROP and the CU Boulder History Project

UROP logo

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) is excited about the CU Boulder History Project (CHP) and the potential of engaging students in the telling of our institution’s story. We invite students to submit student grant proposals and encourage faculty to submit team grant proposals related to the history of our campus.


Since 2021, the CHP has worked to provide a more complete and accurate telling of the institution’s history by drawing out new and diverse stories that deepen our understanding of our community’s strengths and flaws. The unearthing of this history in public and institutional archives is an interdisciplinary collaboration with students, alums, faculty and staff. 

Call for proposals

UROP encourages faculty to apply for team grants (up to $3,000) to support the participation of undergraduates in projects that advance the goals of the CHP. We seek proposals that address critical aspects of the work and engage students in meaningful ways. Proposals that create opportunities for underrepresented students will receive priority in the award process.


Tenured/tenure-track, research faculty and contract instructors at CU Boulder are eligible to apply for team grants. Graduate students or postdocs may serve in a supervisory role, but the faculty mentor must provide some direct mentoring. Participating students must be degree-seeking undergraduates at CU Boulder.


Apply by Feb. 17 for funding in summer 2023 and/or academic year 2023–24.

CU Soundwalks: Participate in student research project in February

We are recruiting participants for a research study. You may be eligible if you are 18 years or older and are a member of the CU Boulder community (faculty, staff, student or alumni). 

Along with a small group, you will walk to several locations on campus; and at each location, you will fill out a survey about your perception of sounds you hear in each location. You will be provided with a survey and pen/pencil.

The sound walk will take about one hour. For your participation, you may choose to be entered into a drawing for $25 gift cards.  

The study will be held outside on the CU Boulder campus. You will meet the rest of the group at the buffalo statue outside of Folsom Field, and from there the group will move to the other selected locations.

Currently, we are recruiting for sound walk sessions the week of Feb. 5 and the week of Feb. 12 (weather permitting). 

Learn more and sign up to participate.

Metastatic cancer patients invited to participate in study examining supportive care

Valued Living logo

Living with metastatic cancer? Avoiding planning for the future? Feeling down, distressed, or worried? Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers and CU Boulder are offering an online study for adults with metastatic cancer who are feeling anxious, down or distressed. 

The Valued Living Study compares a five-week online skills group to usual supportive care. Participants can earn up to $150. You may be eligible if you:

  • Have stage IV solid tumor cancer 
  • Feel anxious, down or distressed

We welcome individuals of any race, ethnicity, age, sex, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic status or national origin.

Please reach out to learn more! Email valuedliving@colorado.edu; call or text 720-515-9461.

Competition to send 2 STEM students to Washington conference; apply by Feb. 6

The CIRES Center for Social and Environmental Futures (C-SEF) and the CU Department of Environmental Studies (ENVS) are hosting a competition to send two CU Boulder students to Washington, D.C., to attend the AAAS Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering workshop March 26–29, 2023.

Learn more about the conference and application details. The deadline to apply is 11:59 p.m. Feb. 6.

Swipe it forward: Donate a meal swipe to a fellow Buff in need

We are collecting meal swipe donations to fight food insecurity on campus. Jan. 31–Feb. 2, anyone with a meal plan can donate up to two meal swipes. Just tell the cashier that you would like to donate.

The following locations are accepting donations:

  • C4C Dining Center
  • Village Center Dining
  • Alferd Packer Grill
  • The Alley
  • Sewall Dining Center
  • SEEC Cafe
  • CU on the Run
  • Libby on the Run

Only two meal swipes can be donated per person. Don’t have a meal plan but still want to help? Donate here.

Paid STEM apprenticeships available

The Army Educational Outreach Program Undergraduate Apprenticeship program invites you to elevate your STEM knowledge and experience and take part in the research that is shaping the future of the nation. If you are interested in pursuing a career in STEM or want to take the next step in your STEM education, an AEOP Undergraduate Apprenticeship may be right for you.

As an apprentice, you will gain firsthand exposure to the cutting-edge research that is happening in top university labs and U.S. Army research laboratories and centers across the country. Working under the mentorship of a professional scientist or engineer, you will learn about the variety of paths in your STEM field of interest and develop the tools you need to get there. Let AEOP help you achieve your STEM education and career goals.

On-campus information sessions:

  • Jan. 31, 7 p.m.
  • Feb. 9, 7 p.m.
  • Feb. 20, 7 p.m.

Email aeopapprenticeships@rit.edu for further details on the campus info sessions, or with any other questions.

Student Arts Program submission deadline extended to Jan. 29

Student Arts Program graphic

Showcase your art in the heart of campus! The Student Arts Program collects original art created by the CU Boulder student community and displays it throughout the UMC.

The program accepts art as photography/film/technology, painting, drawing, sculpture or textile. Visit our website for a detailed list of acceptable media.

Awards will be given for top submissions. Artwork is reviewed by a panel of judges that decides which artwork is accepted into the program and where that artwork will be displayed. The UMC covers the cost of framing, hanging and securing the artwork.

The submission deadline has been extended to Jan. 29.

Apply for UROP funding by Feb. 17

UROP graphic

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) invites applications for student and faculty grants in all fields of study/majors.  Students and faculty planning projects in summer 2023 and/or academic year 2023-24 must apply by Friday, Feb. 17.

Student grants

Assistantships provide funding to students to partner with a faculty mentor to help on an existing project, while individual grants allow students to take ownership of part or all of a project with an original proposal.

Resources for students

Faculty grants

Team grants provide funding for research and creative projects involving two or more CU Boulder undergraduates

Resources for faculty

Boulder County shifts to low community level for COVID-19 transmission

Boulder County has shifted from medium to low community level for COVID-19 transmission, per guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). To be considered low, the county must report fewer than 200 COVID-19 cases per 100,00 people in the past seven days, less than 10 new COVID-19 hospital admissions per 100,000 people in the past seven days and less than 10% of staffed inpatient beds occupied by COVID-19 patients.  

The shift to low indicates that, although COVID-19 is still being transmitted in Boulder County, the risk of COVID infection has decreased. Prevention measures––such as getting vaccinated, getting tested and staying home when sick––are the best ways to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy.  

Grants available for conference travel

As part of a recent NSF grant awarded to CU Research Computing to support the “ACCESS” project, the new CSSN Community Engagement Program offers free conference travel support for all students, faculty and staff. This is a wonderful program for free travel funding to any conference of your choosing.

We are very interested in a wide variety of disciplines contributing to our effort, so if you have any questions at all about how you might fit in or would like guidance on your submissions, please feel free to contact Alana Romanella at alana.romanella@colorado.edu for assistance.

Help name the campus's new electric Buff Buses

Help CU brainstorm name ideas for our two new electric Buff Buses! The top name ideas will be selected by the transportation committee, and then the community will be asked to vote to determine the two winning names.

The deadline to submit name ideas is Feb. 1. Voting will run Feb. 8–10, and the winners will be announced the week of Feb. 13. Get details and submit.